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教育王國 討論區 香港真光中學幼稚園 收到真光中學幼稚園接見証
樓主: mancity

收到真光中學幼稚園接見証 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-12-11 00:12 |只看該作者

Let me assume you want to compare the secondary school section and I hope I can give you some comments.

Sacred Heart is a traditional good secondary school.  It has been CONSISTENTLY good on academic results over a very very long time.

I believe you are making the comparison based on the academic result of a particular year of True Light.  It is also a good school, but over a long period of time, Sacred Heart is more consistent only.

My understanding is St. Clare's secondary section hasn't been able to maintain high standard on academic result in recent years.  But this may not be correct so anyone can feel free to correct me.
原帖由 車莉 於 08-12-9 22:57 發表
响bk 好多媽咪都喜歡聖心>真光, 除了比較方便之外, 其實學習程度上, 照教統局資料 (中學部), 好似真光好d喎, 大家可以比d意見嗎?

聖心 : http://ssp.proj.hkedcity.net/chi/detail_char.php?sch_id=1064

真光 :
h ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-11 13:32 |只看該作者
thank you iantsang.

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-11 00:12 發表

Let me assume you want to compare the secondary school section and I hope I can give you some comments.

Sacred Heart is a traditional good secondary school.  It has been CONSISTENTLY good on aca ...

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發表於 08-12-11 13:54 |只看該作者
You are welcome, I hope it helps!

原帖由 車莉 於 08-12-11 13:32 發表
thank you iantsang.

Rank: 4


發表於 08-12-12 03:17 |只看該作者
唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時, 識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個跟一個慢慢行, 同沿路有很多老師睇住, 放心晒.  如果在工程期間, 由正門出入, 對面係地盤, 好多泥頭車駛出駛入, 仲危險.

到回到學校, 平時活動範圍多是班房and 操場(即遊戲場). 那裡只有一級, 所以唔會有其他樓梯級.  

另一方面, 學校教得小朋友的自理能力好好, 連上落樓梯上課時都會教到. 我囡雖然係細B, 但佢番左學之後(冇番過N1), 好識照顧自己, 會幫手做家務, 及好有禮貌,  '唔該', '唔洗客氣', '多謝喇, 我唔要喇' 等等, 常常會自己主動說出, 唔好講學術, 只是這方面, 我已經好安慰.

原帖由 iantsang 於 08-12-9 11:18 發表
hihi hugub,

     Wow!  You have such good memory!  Yes, my daughter was in group B indeed!

     Well, I can understand there are some stairways that need to be put in to comply with the landscape in ...

[ 本帖最後由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:19 編輯 ]

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發表於 08-12-12 10:26 |只看該作者
Thanks very much for the reply!  I admit that I am a bit concern so I just want to see if any TL parents can share some experience if those concerns are real concern.

Based on what you said, I think it should be ok.  Actually, I am not concern on the long stairs (門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯), because children can easily notice their existence.

However, on the playground (操場(即遊戲場), 那裡只有一級), that's where my concern is.  As I said before, the ground is somehow uneven.  Anyhow, as you are current parents and there are no concerns, I guess they are fine and I just worry too much!

Anyway, thank you very much!

原帖由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:17 發表
唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時,識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個跟一個慢慢行, 同沿路有很多老師睇住, 放心晒.  如果在工程期間, 由正門出入, 對面係地盤, 好多泥頭車駛出駛入, 仲危險.

到回到學校, 平時活動範圍多是班房and 操場(即遊戲場). 那裡只有一級, 所以唔會有其他樓梯級.  

另一方面, 學校教得小朋友的自理能力好好, 連上落樓梯上課時都會教到. 我囡雖然係細B, 但佢番左學之後(冇番過N1), 好識照顧自己,會幫手做家務, 及好有禮貌,  '唔該', '唔洗客氣', '多謝喇, 我唔要喇' 等等, 常常會自己主動說出, 唔好講學術, 只是這方面,我已經好安慰

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-12 23:08 |只看該作者
你個係細B, 咁係幾月出世呀, 當日考試係咪答晒老師問題呢? 唉呢段等既時候都有D心急救
原帖由 peaceaa1122 於 08-12-12 03:17 發表
唔好意思, 我見你好似對學校環境有些許憂慮, 如果你係講門口果條好闊梯級的樓梯, 你可放心 . 當初我都有擔心過, 小朋友番學and放學時, 識唔識自己行呢條樓梯.  但其實學校老師會教小朋友番學and放學時扶住扶手, 一個 ...
人 若 賺 得 全 世 界 、 賠 上 自 己 的 生 命 、 有 甚 麼 益 處 呢 . 人 還 能 拿 甚 麼 換 生 命 呢 。
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