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Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-25 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

My girl was also accepted AM class, but I think I will give up becauce she was also accepted by KV

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

My son received by Keen Mind today. But I want to share my opinion here with all ma and da. My son had interviewed in keen mind and cannan at the same day. However, I found that both the facility and space are not good in keen mind when compare with cannan. I just wonder all of us (including me) whether we are choosing a kindergarten by us or by our kit. Besides, I found that the teacher in cannan are far more nice than keen mind. Also, I haven't met the principal in keen mind, but the principal in cannan had talked to me for more than 20 mins. Of course, I have no idea about the course structure and program of both school. But I really think that my son should be more happy to learn, to study in a room with only 13 kids than 23 kids.
So, I will give up Keen Mind and choose Cannan.
This is all the opinion of my wife, my son (happy in cannan than keen mind during interview and during waiting for interview) and me. Good luck to all parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 18:25 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

If I were u, I would not apply Cannan cos Kowloon Tong Cannan is not a famous school both in terms of edu standard and popularity than Keenmind.  
We friends heard that only Cannan in HK side is good.
Therefore I did not even apply in Cannan
Of course, if ur baby is happier in Cannan, maybe u can choose.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 20:20 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Thanks for your comment. So, apart from famous, what do you mean about the edu standard. Is it english, program structure, teaching method.....Please give me more idea about keenmind, such that I can choose.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-25 20:51 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

收左信啦, k1 am 班, 但係您地有無留意到, 信有個remarks寫住08年開始, 所有k3班全部係下午上堂呀???     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 21:01 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Oh, you are right. That no good.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

你地就好啦!我仲未收到信. KM係我的首選.我個仔int個日,剛出院第二天,所以好驚.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-25 22:48 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Yes, in K3, students have to study in int'l class which is in pm.
ardnas65 寫道:
收左信啦, k1 am 班, 但係您地有無留意到, 信有個remarks寫住08年開始, 所有k3班全部係下午上堂呀???     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-25 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

收到了但唔會交錢。It is not my first choice

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Melody 6
Don't worry la,
The staff said that there is two batches of delivery
One is today, i.e. u might receive on Monday.


My daughter got the acceptance letetr today, AM class

I have applied SC and KM only
Will pay the reg. fee first,
wait and see SC, and decide later


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-25 23:52 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

收到信,收咗M!!! KV also accepts my kid, but I will choose KM because my friend who is the teacher of a famous Primary school said KM's English and overall standard is better than KV and SC.
In klg Tong, Cannan is     ! It only uses toys and playground to attract kids in the interveiw. It's academic is quite low and the learning atmosphere is not good.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-26 00:02 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?


I agree with you. In terms of environment and hygiene, it appears that Cannan Kln Tong is far better than Keen Mind. I was surprised to see that Keen Mind is still using carpet-liked floor mats for its indoor play area.   Moreover, I've noticed in Keen Mind's topic at 幼兒園 section that their kids are getting sick all the time.  


BenKeung 寫道:
My son received by Keen Mind today. But I want to share my opinion here with all ma and da. My son had interviewed in keen mind and cannan at the same day. However, I found that both the facility and space are not good in keen mind when compare with cannan. I just wonder all of us (including me) whether we are choosing a kindergarten by us or by our kit. Besides, I found that the teacher in cannan are far more nice than keen mind. Also, I haven't met the principal in keen mind, but the principal in cannan had talked to me for more than 20 mins. Of course, I have no idea about the course structure and program of both school. But I really think that my son should be more happy to learn, to study in a room with only 13 kids than 23 kids.
So, I will give up Keen Mind and choose Cannan.
This is all the opinion of my wife, my son (happy in cannan than keen mind during interview and during waiting for interview) and me. Good luck to all parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-26 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Hi smalljokerbb,
Thanks for your info. May be you are right, it is exactly happen that day. However, what do you think about the classroom, I worry it is too small for 23 kids, besides, the corridor is narrow....danger??
If I am not wrong, there will be around 100 kids sharing a floor......just worry any danger??
But I think you are right in academic point of view because there is no chat about cannan among the topic here.
Ah, do you know about the quality of York.
By the way, thanks your info.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-26 00:18 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

Hi Faye-Faye,
Thanks your comment. I just want to know more and then I know how to choose. Actually, if the space, classroom of keenmind is not so small, I think I will definitely choose keenmind. But I really worry my son to study in this small area for 3 yrs. Will he feel comfortable---willing to learn---will have good result????
By the way, do you know about York, what is your comment on York. This is my last choice.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-26 00:19 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

I don't think the hygiene of  KM is poor when compared with other KG. When my son first studied in N1, he always got sick. I asked my doctor why. My doctor said it is quite normal for Students in nursery class to get sick because they are too well-protected at home. Parents try to provide a bacteria free and clean environment to their kids. No matter which KG your kids go to, they may easily get sick in the first few months. No need to   !


I agree with you.  In terms of environment and hygiene, it appears that Cannan Kln Tong is far better than Keen Mind.  I was surprised to see that Keen Mind is still using carpet-liked floor mats for its indoor play area.         Moreover, I've noticed in Keen Mind's topic at 幼兒園 section that their kids are getting sick all the time.   

BenKeung 寫道:
My son received by Keen Mind today. But I want to share my opinion here with all ma and da. My son had interviewed in keen mind and cannan at the same day. However, I found that both the facility and space are not good in keen mind when compare with cannan. I just wonder all of us (including me) whether we are choosing a kindergarten by us or by our kit. Besides, I found that the teacher in cannan are far more nice than keen mind. Also, I haven't met the principal in keen mind, but the principal in cannan had talked to me for more than 20 mins. Of course, I have no idea about the course structure and program of both school. But I really think that my son should be more happy to learn, to study in a room with only 13 kids than 23 kids.
So, I will give up Keen Mind and choose Cannan.
This is all the opinion of my wife, my son (happy in cannan than keen mind during interview and during waiting for interview) and me. Good luck to all parents.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-26 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

hi BenKeung,

As I know, compared with other famous kln tong kindies, KM is already good in the class scale. In Kv & SC, there are 3x students in most classes and over 20 classes each level (k1-k3), so you can count how many kids in those schools at the same time. However, in Keen Mind, there are only 23 students in one class, that is acceptable. And the teacher/student ratio is only 1:10-12. That is good.
On the other hand, I don't know why only 13 kids per class in Cannan... I guess maybe Cannan didn't accept enough students in last year.

Sorry, I didn't apply York. But many BK mami said York's campus is too old, too commerical and always had bad news. However, I believe York's English standard is Ok.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-26 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

If you try to enter the forums about  KM K1-K3, you will know the answers to your questions! Some KG are bigger in size but they may be just like big factories!

BenKeung 寫道:
Hi Faye-Faye,
Thanks your comment. I just want to know more and then I know how to choose. Actually, if the space, classroom of keenmind is not so small, I think I will definitely choose keenmind. But I really worry my son to study in this small area for 3 yrs. Will he feel comfortable---willing to learn---will have good result????
By the way, do you know about York, what is your comment on York. This is my last choice.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-26 01:00 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

小女今天亦收到信 -- 是上午班.  我好開心 , 因為小女是12月出生的細女, 而可以收到KM的am班.

唔知道, SC Vs KV Vs KM 邊間好呢?
KM的學費是多少? 有無其他雜費? 大機會入名小學嗎?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-26 01:04 |只看該作者

Re: Anyone received confirm letter from Keen Mind ?

我bb都收到KM的信, 收他入AM. 但我不知應否讓他在這裡讀, 因為我擔心KM未必真的好像我們以為的可以提供良好的中英語文環境.
事情發生在interview那天當我們參觀校舍時, 在壁報板上發現貼了每個月生日的小朋友姓名, 這本來是好事, 但當我看到八月份時......"Augest",   為何"August"的spelling變了, 這是否另一個spelling呢, 回家查字典, 但找不到答案.
可有人願意赐教呢? Thank you.  
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