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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 西貢英基幼稚園
樓主: LovelyMaMa

西貢英基幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-3-29 11:50 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


When will your daughter finish her Easter break??  What would you usually do with your daughter when she is at home?  Honestly, I do not do much with her, just let her play with all her toys.  We bought some baby's books for her and she likes them so much.  She really goes through every page by herself.  After we did it first few times, now she always comes to us with one of her books and wants us to read it for her.  That's how she keeps us busy cos sometimes, she needs us to do it over and over again!!

If you don't mind, would you please PM me the contact details of Sandy??  I am still not sure about it.  But if the location and schedule suit us, I might let our daughter join it.  I just still find it a bit difficult to bring her to any playgroup with my present situation!!  Thanks!!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-3-29 23:46 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


My daughter will go back to school on Thur.

When she has no school(long holiday or weekend) I normally try to keep her busy, I will take her out to do what she likes, Park, visit her little friends. I don't like taking her to go shopping coz she will touch everything. and also let her play outside the hse.

If that day she is a bit out of control,and I am a bit down, I will just let her watch Disney movies coz If I force her to play or do thing. It will made thing worst. Sometimes I will think, maybe I should not let her watch too much TV(when she is naughty) but for her case, she learns more(speaking english) from the Disney than me. Then I will think as long as its Kindy movie not adult one, its okay.

B4 she turned 2, she can play on her own and I can do the housework but after she turned 2(terrible 2) is totally difficult. It became more difficult to look after her. She improves a lot after going to the Nursey, but mainly in the self-caring wise. Her temper is not very good. I guess she is a very strong-mind kid and it made things more difficult. I just hope that the "terrible 2"will be gone soon!!    

Pls check your PM!Well... just try to give her a call, if you think its good and suit you. Give it a try, if not, just wait, maybe after your baby is born.coz I understand its very difficult to take a child out while your pregnant. Sometimes I will wonder what I will be like when I am pregnant and with my daughter.   I probably will just stay at home coz I am very lazy!!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-3-30 11:41 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


Thanks!!  I got your PM, I will give Sandy a call to see how it goes!!  Is she a local or an expat?

It sounds very scarey when kids turn two!!  Mine only gets less than a year to go.  Hopefully, she will behave for me!!  I know I will be very upset if she mishaves.  Just like now, when I feed her meals, I will feel very upset if she doesn't take it properly!!

One more thing I would like to ask is which language you usually speak to your daughter.  Right now, I usually speak to our daughter in English when my hubby is around.  When I am on my own with our daughter, I try to speak to her as much Cantonese as possible.  Sometimes, I find her able to understand both but just not sure!!  How does your daughter pick up both languages?  I was told before I should just stick to one language which means Daddy speaks English and Mummy speaks Cantonese.  As you know, it is a bit difficult to do!!  I just don't really want to confuse our daughter.  Can you share your experience??  Thanks!!

BTW, I forgot to say!!!  Your daughter looks very cute!!   :

Rank: 2

發表於 05-3-31 00:55 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


Sandy is an expat but I cannot remember where she is from.

Well, I hope your daughter won't be like my daughter or a bit less active.Coz the doctor said kid for this age is "Active" but just is "More active" or "Less active" and he said for her is "More active"    

I know what you mean by getting upset when you feed the kid, I was the same b4 when she was almost 2, I always feel so upset when I feed her coz she never sit properly or eat properly. And my husband always asks me to relax. But now for the feeding part, she is getting a lot better and she can feed herself after going to the Nursey.

Of course I like sharing experience with you as I am the same as you and ask my friends who have the same background like us.  

For us we mainly speak English at home. everything is English even watching TV. Bcoz when our daughter was still little (from new born to 18 months old) I speak Chinese to her and my husband speak English to her coz we both want her to learn 2 languages. But when she turned 18 months old, we just think she only can speak very little, such as Mama, Papa and some baby language. But our friend's son is also Mix but he can speak lots of words in English (He only speaks English as they don't teach him Chinese) So we took her to see the doctor and the doctor said its very common for a mix kid but he recommand us to just use one language as he said for our baby - she can understand both language but she doesn't know which language to use(Chinese or English) to answer it back.  

So ever since then we just use one language (English) to talk to her, coz we know we will send her to the local school to learn Chinese, so eventually she still can learn Chinese,plus the people around her will talk to her in Chinese.  After she turned 2, we took her to see the doctor again and do some kind of test, Everything for her is doing pretty good coz after we just use one language, she can understand more and she can express herself a lot more (Not so easy to get grumpy as we don't really understand her b4) She can say more single words but for her combined words still not good enough and ask us to observe first.

Now, she is 30 months old. for us we think she has no problem on speaking, maybe she is not very clear with words when she speaks, sometimes maybe only I can understand what she says as I am her mother. But the doctor said for this age, it doesn't matter if the word is not so clear as long as she can say it, only need to be concern when she is a bit older.

After she goes to the Nursery, her speaking improves a lot. b4 she starts the Nursery, she only can understand but cannot say a word of Chinese, but after 2 weeks, I can hear she starts speaking Chinese word and now when she sees Chinese people (like my parents, relatives, teachers, school friends) she will speak Chinese to them. and when she sees Westerner then she will speak English.

Plus also for our case,my husband is always not at home. I have to speak English to her, so that she can keep up her English. But my daughter picks up lots of English from the Disney program/movies and she know how to use it and use it right. That's why I always said to my friends that I know I should not let her watch too much TV(while I am busy) but honestly she does learn things from it, so its a difficult choice!!!

Now she can talk more and always talk talk talk. I will ask her "Is your mouth tired coz you keep talking and singing, no-stop for the whole morning. as Mummy's ears are very tired now!! "

Thank you for the compliment of my daughter. I always say to my friend " She got the Angel face but inside is a little monster"    Now she looks more like a girl, when she was still a baby, everyone think she is a boy?!! I also think your daughter is sooo cute, especially the small pic, I want to kiss her little red face!!  :wink:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-3-31 22:20 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!!  I was told before mix kids usually start talking late.  My daughter now can say some simple words like Daddad, Mama, 飽飽 etc and of course a lot of baby words which we don't understand at all.  I think we will give her few more months to see how she goes.  

I can also imagine how busy it will be when my daughter starts talking like yours.  Right now, the way she keeps us busy all the time by asking us to read her books.  We bought her some baby books, like my first words, my colours etc..... After doing once with her, she keeps crawling back with one hand and the other hand holding one of her books!!  And she doesn't like daddy read it for her.  So many times, I was so tired and just lying on the couch, she would show up beside me holding her book with her little hand, I have to say kind of cute but I cannot do it very often.  Sometimes, my hubby will offer to read her the books but she will just grasp it back and hand it to me!!   

Just like your case, when she was still small, people always said to us "What a beautiful boy!!!"  As soon as her hair is long enough, I just can't wait to put a brooch on her.  My hubby always laughed at me and said it was not necessary.  But it was just like a magic, we put a brooch on her when we go out.  As soon as we took the brooch away, people would say she is a boy!!  Very effective!!  It happened so often even to a point my hubby would remind me about the brooch when we go out!!   

Hey, I am just being nosey, what would you usually do when your daughter is at school?  Do you have many friends around when you live?  Do you live near the Sai Kung town??  Sorry, too many questions!!   :wink:

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-2 00:29 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


That's okay to ask me questions!! As we have the same kind of background and its good to share experience.

For me,When my daughter is in school. I will do the housework and learn some stuffs. I am learning driving, Mandarin(once a week), yoga and later on I will start a parenting course(as I really need it for my "terrible two"daughter) Sometimes I will do the baking(just the simple thing coz I am not very good but I like sweet thing!   ) and also I try to do some handiwork(I am too lazy to get it finished) So you can pretty much say I am not bored even my daughter is in school.

I have some friends live around my hse but not a lot. Some of them need to work or some of them need to take their kids to playgroup. Sometimes I just feel after I am married, my life is mainly around the family and I don't go out with my friends much now(as most of them are still single), plus most of them are not in HK.  :-|  

We live near the Sai Kung town. About 10 mins walk. But with my daughter, it will take longer~  

How about you? What do you usually do? Just look after your little Angel? Will you take her out with you?  Next time if you come to Sai Kung, pls let me know as where we live, there're lots of cows. After we moved to this hse, the first word my daughter can say is "Mummy, Cow!!"    So you can let her see the cow as well!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-3 12:40 |只看該作者

Re: 西貢英基幼稚園


It doesn't sound like you have a boring life at all.  You learn so many things.  I wish I could do the same but right now I can't do much about it.  I like cooking very much too.  I always want to have an oven at home so that I can bake things.  Believe it or not, we have a very large kitchen which allows us to have two Mahjhong tables but there is no room for an oven??!!      

I am now over 32 weeks pregnant, I really can't do too much.  I just stay home and look after my little girl.  I don't feel comfortable to go out by myself with my daughter any more because she is still not walking yet.  I will be overload if I need to carry her as well.  One good thing is my hubby has so much free time with us, so we go out very often during his day off.  Or, he will look after the babe and I can do whatever I like.  Before my tummy is getting too big, I always went out to meet friends with my daughter.  I still can't imagine, next time when I go out again, I will be carrying a baby and a toddler.  Scary!!  
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