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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Anfield Toddlers 1-2 yrs 班
樓主: BBB100

Anfield Toddlers 1-2 yrs 班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-6 16:15 |只看該作者


原帖由 Shrimpiggy 於 13-03-03 發表
Sometime I think what is the ideal school for kids! Happiness, grow with friends, small classes, sma ...
Dear shrimp piggy, would you recommend anfield whampoa vs anfield Kowloon tong? I prefer kln tong of course,but I hv a small boy born in October which means he is not eligible for pre-k and 1st steps offered by anfield kln tong... Whereas he may be able to attend nursery in whampoa. I just want a route gauranteeing his kindergarten place without sacrificing the quality of education! Grateful for your two cents!

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-6 21:47 |只看該作者

回覆:pppwong 的帖子

Hi PPPwong, my elder one was also born in October and he attends the Kln tong campus. Why we choose Kln tong is just because it is closer to our home in Yau Yat Chuen. It seems Kln tong campus are 90% Caucasian NET while Whampoa one has more Asian faces but they are all NET.
I love the cosy red roof building and the playground in Kln tong campus.
Sorry, I can't comment on Whampoa campus as I just went there once.

Rank: 2

發表於 13-3-6 21:57 |只看該作者

回覆:Shrimpiggy 的帖子

Shrimpiggy - I noted from another thread that u have another child starting with esf kindy soon. I am seriously thinking anfield.  Any reason u not sending your second child there?

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-6 22:32 |只看該作者


Haha...we haven't made the decision yet. she fall to the last year of ESF kg priority for Esf primary that put us to a difficult situation that we are sure anfield is good but ESF might be more straightforward.
Also, my elder one is going to have two more interviews that might affect our overall decision.

It is really not easy for parents nowadays.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 10:34 |只看該作者
回復 minirat 的帖子

My daughter is also in Bambino. The only reason we stay there is because of Ms Ellen. I feel that Best Concept is more structured, like toliet training, wider variety of materials for kids to work on. They made the kids happy in many ways, such as flowers, turtle, tiny plants... Now I'm struggling if I should change or not, because my daughter is an introverted girl, she is just getting stable (stop dreaming and screaming at night) after 2 months. What about you? Are you looking for somewhere else?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 11:48 |只看該作者


原帖由 Shrimpiggy 於 13-03-06 發表
Hi PPPwong, my elder one was also born in October and he attends the Kln tong campus. Why we choose  ...
Shrimpiggy, thx so much for your sharing. It's not easy to find genuine and honest sharing a in this forum! I hv just submitted my application to anfield yesterday, and my boy is already 4.5 months old... Hope I'm not too late! I regret learning of this school so late, because I thought yew Chung was good enough earlier until i gather some comments from ppl in the IS field...
Do you mind telling me what time did you start lining up your boy for anfield? Is it very hard to fight for a place? I definitely eye on the kln tong campus

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-7 12:16 |只看該作者

回覆:pppwong 的帖子

Hi pppwong,
happy to share our experience as it is very hard and helpless for us to do the research in the last 3yrs.
4.5yo should be applying K2? As said earlier, my son was born in Oct, he is nearly 4.5yo studying K2 this year. Thus your one is the same age as my elder one. If you target ESF primary eventually then you should check carefully the Y1 admission age requirement.
I don't know how's your kids English level, but my kids speak only English at home and he has completed the whole day K1 class before the interviews.
The student turnover rate is very low in Anfield but many parents move their kids from half day class in K1 to full day class in K2. Anfield has a small K3 class which for kids target LS or "small-kids"waiting for a IS primary's offer. Hope the information might help you.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-7 14:53 |只看該作者

回覆:pppwong 的帖子

For YC, my elder also attended their 2yr pre-nursery and my younger one is still in it. My feeling is that kids are very happy with YC and they do learn many self caring technics and finish separation training by age of 2 which is an advantage when applying school which requires separation and self-caring. (Cdnis Pre-rep, etc). However, the Language environment is out concern as most of the kids are not English speaking while my both kids luckily so sticky to the only NET in the class. Thus they have virtually private NETs for the whole year.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 17:09 |只看該作者

引用:Hi+pppwong,+ happy+to+share+our+experien

原帖由 Shrimpiggy 於 13-03-07 發表
Hi pppwong,
happy to share our experience as it is very hard and helpless for us to do the research ...
No, my boy is just 4.5 months old, not 4.5 years! At this point, I hope you don't think I'm crazy, as competition for dragon year is very very keen (for instance, I can't even find a private hospital to take me in the early stage of my pregnancy..) so better safe than sorry!  I grew up from a local elite school, love the environment, but very sick of the unhealthy education system. That's why I'm so keen to train my boy for the IS path. Do your parents speak English to your boys as well? My husband and I hv no problem talking to our boy in English, but both of us need to work, and that leaves the grandparents who definitely will only speak to our baby in Chinese. This kinda worries me as I don't know how much babies can learn if he's exposed to two languages at the sane time

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-3-7 19:05 |只看該作者

回覆:Anfield Toddlers 1-2 yrs 班

I applied summer term of toddlerobics class at KLN tong campus, and they confirmed have seat for my boy, I went there to pay today.
Hope my boy likes it and just feel safe that they reserve the per k seat as being an existing student .

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 21:39 |只看該作者


原帖由 bb127 於 13-03-07 發表
I applied summer term of toddlerobics class at KLN tong campus, and they confirmed have seat for my  ...
Oh they have accepted application for summer course already?  I cant find summer course info from its website ~~~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 21:51 |只看該作者


原帖由 bb127 於 13-03-07 發表
I applied summer term of toddlerobics class at KLN tong campus, and they confirmed have seat for my  ...
Hi, for each term, do you know how many months in advance do they post information on their website? As it is first come first served, I want to ensure i m aware of the information ASAP. My son would be old enough to apply for next term

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 22:24 |只看該作者


原帖由 pppwong 於 13-03-07 發表
Hi, for each term, do you know how many months in advance do they post information on their website? ...
As far as my understanding and observation, they post the new term info at around 1.5 mths in advance e.g. Posted in Mid Feb for April term 2013~~~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-3-7 22:30 |只看該作者


原帖由 bb127 於 13-03-07 發表
I applied summer term of toddlerobics class at KLN tong campus, and they confirmed have seat for my  ...
Oh sorry, I misunderstood ~  I just read from its website that April to June course is called Summer term ~ I originally think that summer term is referring to July & Aug course ~~~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-3-7 22:31 |只看該作者

回覆:Anfield Toddlers 1-2 yrs 班

你個BB幾大啊?我都想apply toddler in anfield, 安排咗12號school visit.我個仔7個月。

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-7 22:42 |只看該作者

回覆:pppwong 的帖子

Hi pppwong, sorry that I was misreading your kids age....hehe...
My suggestion is to apply it as soon as possible and don't mind to be a small-kid. My schools like ISF the admission age range is 15 months, in case the first trial is failed you can reply as big-kid. Also, please be open-minded to do more research as the IS kindergartens quality is changing all the time due to competition and teacher turnovers.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-8 00:16 |只看該作者

回覆:Shrimpiggy 的帖子

Not my school, should be "many school".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-3-8 01:12 |只看該作者

回覆:tityting 的帖子

My son will be 1yr old in late Mar, so he can take Apr class. Will see if the class suitable for him and consider to keep going or apply ESF playgroup or other IS playgroup.
As I prefer he studies IB program, still keeping to wait Victoria Kinder.
Besides Anfield, which schools that parents are looking for ?

Rank: 4

發表於 13-3-8 08:12 |只看該作者

回覆:bb127 的帖子

I think most of us looking for ESF and RC. But like ourselves, there are many parents apply CDNIS, AISHK, GSIS, etc..

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-3-8 12:17 |只看該作者
vivian-chy 發表於 13-3-7 10:34
回復 minirat 的帖子

My daughter is also in Bambino. The only reason we stay there is because of Ms  ...

I started to observe some changes in my boy recently, like tidying up after playing with his toys.  I also applied Best Concept but I didn't switch when my boy turned 18 months old, becoz he is already attending Bambino and I am relunctant to let him re-adapt since he is quite at ease at Bambino.  Honestly I do not see big changes in my boy so far, becoz he is quite an independent boy by nature, so he can adapt well into the environment easily.  This is also one of the considerations I am having now, whether to let him continue with Montessori.  I notice he can easily pick up lots of daily skills from home, but I think Montessori classes can strengthen these skills in more details.  So very likely I will still let him continue with Bambino until he starts PN in coming Sept 2013.
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