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教育王國 討論區 崇真小學暨幼稚園(小學部) 2009/10 Primary 1 application
樓主: mom2twins

2009/10 Primary 1 application [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-17 22:06 |只看該作者
FungMm and Vikiepaul, thank you very much for your advice and greeting.  On the other hand, judging from the principle's presentation today, I would say TT's curriculum is too intensive, in particular, the international stream.  I was a bit overwhelmed by the Main Stream curriculum presentation already.   Even worse, the international stream students are expected to use 60% of their time in the school to study ALL Main Stream materials and the rest of the 40% is used to study international curriculum material and Japanese or French.  The principle warned that unless your kid is physially very strong (to survive the extra long school hours) and very smart, your kid should not study international stream.

Although I very much appreciate the Christian element of their education, I don't think I'll send my son to study there (at least absolutely no no to international stream) even though he will be accepted.  I can imagine I'll have to either hire a personal tutor or quit my job (I'm usually home around 8 pm) to help him finish homework and revise even after his long day in the school.  What a torture!  He's just a little boy!

On the other hand, if you are confident that your children can make it, I agree that it's a very good school.  God bless you and your children.

What other schools are you thinking about also?  Although I've obtained Alliance's application form, I don't think I shall apply.  My son has already been accpted by Gigamind.  I shall just go for this one.  

原帖由 FungMm 於 08-10-17 09:17 發表
Hi vikiepaul & nscwong,

Sorry for my late reply becacuse I am absent to work yeterday so haven't visit to bk.

Good Luck to nscwong.

Vikiepaul, when will you go to register TT on Oct 21 or 22?  My h ...
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