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樓主: dd04

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Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-7 10:58 |只看該作者
Des1971, almon
哎呀,你地誤解我的意思啦,大家都用中文都溝通吳暢順。 1 個英,1個點算呢。 我絕對同意大家的例子,也同意不同native language speakers 也可以溝通, 但這個不是我的point。 我無話不同native language speakers 不可以和諧共處, 我的point 是指高層次的傾心事呀,例如小朋友想同你講情緒呀,感受呀等,如果要你用英文講,點到肉呀? 講去邊樹街,買什麽送當然OK啦。 父母與子女的溝通,我自己就要求由小keep 好似best friends 一樣什麽都講,如果不是,十幾歲時,他們就屬於他們的朋友架啦,我就吳想啦。

原文章由 des1971 於 08-3-7 08:35 發表
只要父母從少跟子女有良好溝通, 我唔想信子女會因為父母唔識英文而有隔膜!!
我朋友移民美國多年, 二三十歲去到美國先開始學英文, 3名子女都係美國出生, 父母只會跟仔女講廣東話, 但佢地關係不知幾和睦, 大仔已經13歲 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-7 15:22 |只看該作者
點解你會應為講心事一定要講英文呢!?  唔會架, 小朋友唔係唔識廣東話, 以我朋友為例, 同父母祖父母溝通都係用廣東話, 佢一定識用廣東話講心事啦!!  你睇欣宜同婆婆關係幾好  

原文章由 leetai828 於 08-3-7 10:58 發表
Des1971, almon
哎呀,你地誤解我的意思啦,大家都用中文都溝通吳暢順。 1 個英,1個點算呢。 我絕對同意大家的例子,也同意不同native language speakers 也可以溝通, 但這個不是我的point。 我無話不同native language spea ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 08-3-7 16:26 |只看該作者
放心啦 , 如果小朋友係香港人, 又喺香港長大及生活, 佢地長大咗, 一定唔會唔識講廣東話.  至於層次問題, 我地平時同自己媽咪傾心事, 都唔會用好艱深嘅言詞去表達啦 .

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-7 18:30 |只看該作者
我亦曾經有妳這個經驗, 女女兩歲3個月前與我們都是全廣東話溝通, 只有playgroup才說英語.

但自從決定讓她讀國際學校後, 我便用英語與她溝通, 起初她都很抗拒, 且經常要求我說"廣東話,唔該", 若我依然用廣東話說話,她甚至會發脾氣/哭鬧.
甚至現在, 她有時和我說話也會叫我"Chinese, please. 不過我同時亦發覺她會要求爸爸'Speak in English, please'. 因爸爸是和她說廣東話,所以很難說她喜歡Chinese or English. 她只是覺得這樣玩很得意.

我覺得作為父母, 做事要堅持, 若我們搖擺不定, 孩子也很難去適應.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-10 00:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 leetai828 於 08-3-7 10:58 發表
Des1971, almon
哎呀,你地誤解我的意思啦,大家都用中文都溝通吳暢順。 1 個英,1個點算呢。 我絕對同意大家的例子,也同意不同native language speakers 也可以溝通, 但這個不是我的point。 我無話不同native language spea ...

I did not misunderstand what you meant.
I just do not think that your "concerns" would not happen if you are to choose local schools instead.

If you have good relationship with your child, good. However, I do not see that the parent-child relationship in the local Chinese community is generally that good. Anyway, I think choosing a school is not merely choosing a language. There are other considerations. And the parent-child relationship is the responsibility of both parent and child. It is in your heart, and not in your words. For example, I know many mute/deaf children have good relationship with their parents.

Also, I do not think international schools are not able to promote the RESPECT of Chinese language and culture. Local students probably have much higher Chinese standard than most international school students. However you will see that most local schools, particularly local elite schools, do not really RESPECT the learning of Chinese language and culture. The best schools are mainly English medium schools, and children (and parents) are proud be a student of English medium school. Some local elite schools even have schools rules that students have to speak English all the time at the school campus.

I guess we have quite different experiences with western education. I still believe international school education is a better choice over local Hong Kong education, according to my own needs. You do not have to agree with me and do stick to your views of believing in local education. But if you think your relationship with your child is fool-proof by choosing a local school, then you have had presumed parenting to be a simple task.

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-3-10 23:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-10 14:31 |只看該作者
Totally agreed!

原文章由 almom 於 08-3-10 00:21 發表

I did not misunderstand what you meant.
I just do not think that your "concerns" would not happen if you are to choose local schools instead.

If you have good relationship with your child, good. Ho ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-3-11 15:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 dd04 於 08-3-5 15:02 發表
小兒就讀於ESF幼稚園K1課程, 但由9月開學至今, 他無論在學校或家裹也以講廣東話為主, 但09年1月要考ESF 小學了, 真的十分擔心, 若然失敗, 真的不知點算好, 先生說要Fluent English 才行, 若轉讀傳統幼稚園K ...

Hi d04, if i were you, i will keep studying in ESF for the
time being, but as the other BK mami said, will ask for the teacher's opinion first. I think your case will not be the
only one, maybe the teachers will have some experience
to share with you lei?
At least finish k1, and go ask his teacher's opinion again,
you have to give him some time to adapt, as he seldom
listen to english before, now is  just half year.
And i have read from other topic here, there are some
bk mami let their children finish 1 - 2 years international
kindergarten and change back to local K3 then to local
primary, seem their children adapt well too. Ofcourse
you have to keep up the chinese level yourself.
Maybe you should ask and understand why your child
don't like the school first...... due to he don't adapt with
the way of teaching or culture? have friends or not?
Happy or not? If some reasons like that, you really have
to think about it.
I think it is far too quick to expect any happy feedbacks,
as he need to spend some effort to understand what
people are saying.
so it is not surprising for him saying that he don't
like the school.
How about let him watch some  english cartoons videos
(the educational one) at home, children must like
them, and by time, he might feel more easy listening.
If he can adapt well, just don't like you to
speak english with him at home,  don't force him then,
he have so much time at school to listen to english.
Most important element of learning language is
'environment', and you have provide him this already.
I have a friend who live in Canada, he never allow his
daughters(born in Canada) to speak english at home,
right from their baby time. Because they want to create a cantonese speaking environment, and his daughers
speaks very fluent english and cantonese now.
But ofcourse, study in hk, you have to consider so many
things, like whether he can continue P1 there or not,
so much more worries........
The above just my personal opinion, and experience, may not be correct.  
And also, bare in mind that every child is different.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-12 20:22 |只看該作者




EST TY Kinder 係一間好好的學校不要輕易放棄,老師會有好多支援,跟他她們研究吓。 參加多些playgroup,(個人意見請個英語好啲的菲庸照顧小朋友會有些幫助,當然每日父母多些和小朋友溝通是最重要的,好多老人家只會"種"小朋友,大咗好難教,我有一對TWINS,當年辛苦些也要自己照顧.

不用怕,如果小朋友英語能力末達標 ESF會係3個月後再schedule一次interview.他們說interview無competition 有150個位就叫150人來interview.唔會叫200人來爭150個位,啲Teacher 好nice.

發表於 08-3-13 18:19 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-15 13:37 |只看該作者
我好認同almom, 移左民o既小朋友都係焗住要講英文~
唔識講到識, 小朋友識認力好強嫁, 唔好睇少佢, 俾多啲機會佢講~

等我左講下自己個小朋友, 仔仔而家k2讀緊九龍塘傳統幼稚園, 由仔仔2歲開始我就盡量教佢多啲名詞, 但就無乜教句子(因為我自己啲英文都唔好,唔想教壞仔仔), 慢慢發現仔仔好鍾意英文. 而且仔仔唔多鍾意間學校, 成日話"我明日放假唔駛返學呀!~"
於是我就俾佢試下英基o既英文班, 果然佢o既態度好唔同, 知道有得上英文班, 出門前兩個鍾已經自己換好晒衫咩埋背包, 話"媽咪我行得啦~", 仲一路等一路話"媽咪夠鍾未呀?~" 好心急咁樣~
中文我可以自己教, 但英文就真係唔得.
於是又俾仔仔試下考某國際學校, 點知得左, 下學年就轉讀國際學校啦~ 仔仔而家成日問"我地幾時再去O個間國際學校玩呀?"(去面試時我只係同佢講話去O個間學校玩下, 同老師傾下計)

原文章由 almom 於 08-3-6 18:36 發表

我覺得家庭關係,主要都 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-17 15:33 |只看該作者

所以都有D擔心,之後佢睇卡通話要CANTONESE,我好絕的同佢講,你只有兩個CHOICE,第一是英文,第二是普通話.OR,唔睇.久而久之.12個月後,我發覺佢睇英文多D. 現在P.3了.佢講鐘意英文多過中文.


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