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小 學 咪 催 谷 [複製鏈接]


發表於 05-9-17 23:44 |只看該作者

小 學 咪 催 谷

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 05-9-17 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

"左 丁 山 請 評 馬 F 多 帶 兒 子 往 圖 書 館 、 博 物 館 、 書 局 , 屋 企 擺 多 中 英 文 書 , 營 造 讀 書 氣 氛 , 必 要 性 陪 埋 佢 一 齊 讀 , 一 齊 睇 英 文 卡 通 、 睇 英 語 國 家 地 理 頻 道 , 以 身 作 則 。 呢 個 方 法 需 時 甚 久 , 但 係 讀 書 邊 會 有 捷 徑 。
左丁山 "



Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-18 08:18 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

Matt'smum 寫道:
小 學 咪 催 谷

古 語 有 云 : 小 時 了 了 , 大 未 必 佳 。 一  著 名 小 學 對 學 生 施 以 極 大 壓 力 , 學 生  到 八 十 七 分 都 要 召 見 家 長 訓 話 : 「 你 位 千 金 追 唔 上 進 度 喎 , 大 部 份 同 班 同 學 都 有 九 十 五 分 , 你 要 同 貴 子 弟 補 習 至 得 。 」 補 鬼 補 馬 咩 , 小 學 考 第 一 , 呃 自 己 歡 喜 而 已 。 有 天 份 先 至 會 由 幼 稚 園 到 大 學 畢 業 都 考 第 一 , 而 呢 類 學 生 往 往 係 唔 使 父 母 催 谷 、 補 習  。 絕 大 部 份 其 他 學 生 都 唔 會 由 頭 帶 到 尾 , 往 往 讀 完 中 學 , 精 力 已 盡 , 厭 惡 讀 書 求 學 , 只 會 成 為 考 試 機 器 。

呢段最精警。我見過不少小學被催 谷得成績很好的小朋友,家長沾沾自喜。但到中學時卻  "精 力 已 盡 , 厭 惡 讀 書 求 學 " ,家長只懂責怪孩子沒有自發性,而沒有自我反省。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-18 08:36 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

故事的發展是,年近半百的爸爸媽媽,自己都「精 力 已 盡」,已不再堅持,只好認命,只有恨鐵不成鋼,最後大人同細路雙雙放棄。我有一親戚小時名列前茅,現時在麥當奴全職賣漢堡飽。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-18 11:19 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

An Excellent Description. I always think this is very true. I don't agree our media in HK always emphasis on those 10A students. They are good, of course, but it seems that their future career doesn't be any better than those 5A or 6A or even 0A students. It is funny to learn from a survey that in UK, half of the "successful" CEO are not successful in academics. It seems that the most important thing, I do agree with Mr Jor, is to nurture a kid's reading skills and analytical skills. Creativitiy is also important. Horse is like human. Trying to push one's kids to outperform maybe is just a way to show off their kids to others.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-18 16:40 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-18 18:04 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

Sindy 寫道:

睇左都唔明呀!請 人 補 習lo...      

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-18 20:48 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷



誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-18 22:20 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

hm...少少意見﹐ 補習有時又不一定是谷的﹐也有家長請補習只是為了讓孩子多和人溝通和吸收課外知識﹐可以是好愉快的學習。同樣地﹐有些主張愉快學習的地方到頭來學生的確是非常愉快﹐但就什麼都學不了。在教書或實施教改時﹐最重要是切忌極端化。

教育是好奇怪的﹐ 沒有一個方法是完美的﹐就算是單對單教﹐都要不停地轉換方法﹐但當方法不是最完美時﹐當學生的其實可以學著適應一點﹐這對將來發展都好有幫助。


壓力太大﹐就算真的成功了﹐也不會覺得快樂﹐同樣地﹐一個被外界誤導為是天才的孩子﹐看見自己的發展平平﹐那種悔恨﹐那種不甘﹐就會慢慢變得沒鬥志。這兩條路的終點都是一樣﹐ 一個被父母擺布了的悲哀人生。。。。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-19 17:47 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

Vernique2005 寫道:



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-19 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

Sindy 寫道:


"左 丁 山 請 評 馬 F 多 帶 兒 子 往 圖 書 館 、 博 物 館 、 書 局 , 屋 企 擺 多 中 英 文 書 , 營 造 讀 書 氣 氛 , 必 要 時 陪 埋 佢 一 齊 讀 , 一 齊 睇 英 文 卡 通 、 睇 英 語 國 家 地 理 頻 道 ..."


1. {愉快學習}其實是句廢話. 那有學習不愉快?
2. 小朋友不愉快是因為跟不上課程. 與同學們程度距離越遠, 信心就越低. :-|
3. 小時叻而大個脫腳的, 有, 但畢竟少數.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-9-19 23:28 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

youma 寫道:
Sindy 寫道:


"左 丁 山 請 評 馬 F 多 帶 兒 子 往 圖 書 館 、 博 物 館 、 書 局 , 屋 企 擺 多 中 英 文 書 , 營 造 讀 書 氣 氛 , 必 要 時 陪 埋 佢 一 齊 讀 , 一 齊 睇 英 文 卡 通 、 睇 英 語 國 家 地 理 頻 道 ..."


1. {愉快學習}其實是句廢話. 那有學習不愉快?
2. 小朋友不愉快是因為跟不上課程. 與同學們程度距離越遠, 信心就越低. :-|
3. 小時叻而大個脫腳的, 有, 但畢竟少數. [/quote]


Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-20 00:43 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷






Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-20 06:56 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

I don't agree with the way of those traditional teaching method.  They require students to finish 7 to 8 pieces of homeworks every day plus dictations, so sooner or later, the student will loss interest of studying coz they don't have time on reading and doing/explore what they like.  Even attending those ECA, there's still a lot of competition which they need to compete with others by scores.

For me, I also don't agree with dictation, I noticed my daughter can do 100% correct but after few weeks later, she seems forget most of them.  The importance I believe is they learn from the book and imply or use it not only memorize it.  I think Int'l school offer more space for creativity through their learning which children really found learning is interesting and fun.

Of course, it may not fit to all children.  But once they go to the University, you will find big difference (acadamic) between those feed-duct and those free-hand style.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-20 08:32 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

Flyer 寫道:
I don't agree with the way of those traditional teaching method.  They require students to finish 7 to 8 pieces of homeworks every day plus dictations, so sooner or later, the student will loss interest of studying coz they don't have time on reading and doing/explore what they like.  Even attending those ECA, there's still a lot of competition which they need to compete with others by scores.

For me, I also don't agree with dictation, I noticed my daughter can do 100% correct but after few weeks later, she seems forget most of them.  The importance I believe is they learn from the book and imply or use it not only memorize it.  I think Int'l school offer more space for creativity through their learning which children really found learning is interesting and fun.

Of course, it may not fit to all children.  But once they go to the University, you will find big difference (acadamic) between those feed-duct and those free-hand style.
誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-20 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

I feel sorry for those parents who said that kids not happy due to unable to catch up with the other kids. Think about it, who is more disappointed, you or your kid? Who made the kid possess this kind of feeling, you? teacher? or school? If it is you, then you need to change your mindset. If it is the school, change the school!

I 've seen so many cases, not "a few" that someone has mentioned that those did so-so in primary and secondary school did excel in University. To nurture a child, homework ,schooling is only a small part of the whole package. Another important part is how to develop a child's character, to inspire his creativity, to have his own ideas (some parents go extreme to suppress it which is so sad!), to be responsible for his acts, to respect other people. These good virtues cannot be reflected from report cards but is way more important than the ranking in the report cards which most parents are crazy about. While some parents always says,"son, you don't know what I did for you, it's all for you, study hard and get high marks, then you will succeed... etc etc" . Do you ever know what your child actually wants, do you ever for once, care about your child's feeling? IF you don't, you need to find out what's wrong with yourselves, not your child.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-20 10:14 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

這就是d人唔明白點解而加d所謂大學生(之前有果位醫學博士撞到人不負責任的新聞) 或高學歷的人點解會係讀 "c 片"的因素也。




昨天我就聽一位朋友講屯門一間brand 1小學有小朋友因壓力太多患上精神病。


poor 新一代﹗





誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-20 10:30 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

To be frank, I'm from both traditional schools in HK and "new style" schools in Canada.  I like both!  In fact, I really want to defend traditional schools sometimes!

I don't find dictation a completely bad thing, as long as the parents dont' stress for 100%.  When I was young, my parents helped me with my dictation every week.  I always managed to get 100% (as what 95% of my classmates did).  Once, I only got 85%.  Instead of yelling me for this, my parents simply asked me what went wrong.  To us, dictation is just a regular check-up.  Nothing more.

Routinely, I had about 9 assignments per day at traditional schools.  However, if everyone else is doing the same thing, nobody would find it "wrong" or "strange".  In fact, you will even find ways to finish your HW more quickly so that you'll have more playing time.

I respect good traditional schools.  I love their values and their morals.  If you look up to the international standard, the best mathematicians are always from traditional schools in China, Russia or Korea.  The same thing hold true for other subjects (piano, gymastics, physics, etc). Japan is known for its "spoon-feed" style of education, yet it nurtures so many creative engineers and cartoonists! The best professors I've seen are mostly from traditional/independent schools.  Does it mean that all these people's childhood, including mine, are ruined?

Certainly, not everyone at traditional schools find their schools a nice place to go to.  Why?  Go ask their parents.

When I was in form one, a classmate of mine came up to me very depressed.  She told me that her mom physically throw away the girl's report card into the garbage can........If it weren't the mother, my classmate could still be one of the most active girls in class.  If it weren't the mother, my friend could still have confidence in learning.......

Is it really problems with traditional schools or with dogmatic parents?  Sometimes, I even think that the children of these parents still won't be happy even when they are sent to international schools.  I've seen examples where the parents feel that the international schools give their children "NOT ENOUGH HW" and basically overwhelm their children with extra math problems and writing exercises......

As I've always said, the worst education does not come from a bad school, but from the parent's misjudgement...

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-20 10:49 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷







誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-20 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: 小 學 咪 催 谷

the worst education does not come from a bad school, but from the parent's misjudgement...


陪女兒學琴, 她有些地方做得不夠好, 老師便告訴我平時練琴需注意的地方, 見她頓時顯得很不開心, 課後老師卻給她獎勵, 令她大惑不解. 我告訴她, 不是全部正確才叫叻, 俾心機即使有錯也是叻, 老師知道妳有俾心機, 所以有獎勵.
學習, 傳統也好, 創意愉快也罷, 父母心態很重要, 多鼓勵孩子用心做事, 而不是只著眼名次及分數的追逐, 孩子自然會喜愛學習, 主動學習.
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