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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF vs. KCIS
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ESF vs. KCIS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-13 00:20 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son is now accepted by both ESF Abacus and KCIS K1 2009.  Which one is better?  Any comments?
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-13 02:24 |只看該作者
原帖由 HaileyChn 於 09-3-13 00:20 發表
My son is now accepted by both ESF Abacus and KCIS K1 2009.  Which one is better?  Any comments?

ask yourselves first, what do you want?

1. Where do you want your kid to study in for primary school?

2. Do you want him to learn very native English? Or you want a balance of both Chinese & English?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-13 20:32 |只看該作者


原帖由 popolung 於 09-3-13 02:24 發表

ask yourselves first, what do you want?

1. Where do you want your kid to study in for primary school?

2. Do you want him to learn very native English? Or you want a balance of both Chinese & Engli ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-13 21:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 evatsoihk 於 09-3-13 20:32 發表



KCIS is a balance environment but english immersion in ESF is better than KCIS.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-13 23:52 |只看該作者
I want her to have native english plus good Chinese, so it's a difficult decision. Will go for a tour in Abacus tomorrow and then need to decide in few days.
原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 09-3-13 21:15 發表

KCIS is a balance environment but english immersion in ESF is better than KCIS.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-14 08:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 evatsoihk 於 09-3-13 20:32 發表



If you get into ESF primary school, you don't have to worry to go to ESF Secondary School, as it is guaranteed. Then you have so many choices in HK, and many are very good one like KGV, Shatin College. For example: Abacus -> CWBS -> KGV.

If need better balance of English and Chinese can consider RC (also run by ESF but it is a PIS)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-14 12:12 |只看該作者

原帖由 HaileyChn 於 09-3-13 23:52 發表
I want her to have native english plus good Chinese, so it's a difficult decision. Will go for a tour in Abacus tomorrow and then need to decide in few days.  

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-14 22:39 |只看該作者
may I know what is RC and SIS?  I'm also looking for IS with good English and Chinese teaching, and not too far away from Kowloon.  thanks.

原帖由 evatsoihk 於 09-3-14 12:12 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-14 22:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 buu0605 於 09-3-14 22:39 發表
may I know what is RC and SIS?  I'm also looking for IS with good English and Chinese teaching, and not too far away from Kowloon.  thanks.

RC - Renaissance College (PIS under ESF) in Shatin MOS

SIS - Singapore International School in Aberdeen, HK

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-3-15 15:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-15 13:49 |只看該作者
What do parents expect their children language(s) level(s) to be?

Each parent/family has different expectations. My impression or expectations of "good English" or "good Chinese" would probably be different from many other parents.

So parents should ask themselves, how good your children's English or Chinese would be acceptable to you or do you expect. For example, to many parents, the so called "good English" in local elite schools are "not good" at all; while to many others, the "good English" in local elite schools are probably what they have always hoped or dreamt for.

So, where do you stand?

Plus, considering a school is never merely considering the language level. There are other things to consider: location, fees, curriculum, campus, school culture, etc.

ESF and KCIS are quite different in many ways. I think that it should not be too difficult in deciding which one suits you more.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-15 21:34 |只看該作者

Can you share with us about how KCIS and ESF different in many ways as I am going to send my daughter to KCIS in Sept 09 and still waiting for the result from ESF (SW).  Therefor, I would like to gather more opinions from others.

Thanks a lot

原帖由 almom 於 09-3-15 13:49 發表
What do parents expect their children language(s) level(s) to be?

Each parent/family has different expectations. My impression or expectations of "good English" or "good Chinese" would probably be di ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 10:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 panala 於 09-3-15 21:34 發表

Can you share with us about how KCIS and ESF different in many ways as I am going to send my daughter to KCIS in Sept 09 and still waiting for the result from ESF (SW).  Therefor, I would like ...

I would like to know too because I need to apply primary 1 for my daughters this Sept. Thx for sharing.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-16 11:10 |只看該作者
Take an example, I went to CWBS  and see in the playground, almost 90% of students in 1 class are foreigners, vs I saw like 60% only in RC. So I think KCIS will be similar like RC. Once you have more foreigners in the community, it will affect the daily life and conversation, studying, behaviour of your kids, etc. Good or bad, you won't know.

But if you prefer to have a more traditional way of learning, but a bit close to IS, then KCIS or CIS may be your choice. RC may be close too. Other ESF with a higher foreigner mix will be towards another end (but diff ESF has diff mix, for example someone said QBS only has 60% of foreigners), but I prefer the way of its education mode, then if you can also appreciate it, should be fine.

[ 本帖最後由 popolung 於 09-3-16 11:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 12:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 popolung 於 09-3-16 11:10 發表
Take an example, I went to CWBS  and see in the playground, almost 90% of students in 1 class are foreigners, vs I saw like 60% only in RC. So I think KCIS will be similar like RC. Once you have more  ...

Except this point, how do you comment on KCIS? Is it a good school (I mean 校風方面) ? Actually I target ESF but, as everyone knows, the competition is very keen. I would like to apply KCIS as back up. Even though it is for back up, I want to know the comments about this school because at the end my daughters may join this school. Thx for your help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 15:20 |只看該作者
我個囡現讀KCIS P.1.我覺得校風都唔錯, 如果小朋友煩錯老師會佢罰企, 嚴重者要見head teacher. 走廊不可以跑, 出入課室要排隊. 上堂不可以同同學傾計. 不可以在課堂上講廣東話. 如果小朋友煩錯, 老師會寫在手冊上等等....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 17:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 hellovicky 於 09-3-16 15:20 發表
我個囡現讀KCIS P.1.我覺得校風都唔錯, 如果小朋友煩錯老師會佢罰企, 嚴重者要見head teacher. 走廊不可以跑, 出入課室要排隊. 上堂不可以同同學傾計. 不可以在課堂上講廣東話. 如果小朋友煩錯, 老師會寫在手冊上等 ...

課堂上唔可以講廣東話, 咁請問課餘小朋友講英文多定廣東話多呀?? 同埋多唔多功課呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-16 22:08 |只看該作者
小息小朋友之間玩可能佢地會講廣東話, 但有時我見佢地都會用英文溝通. 但如果老師聽到就會提醒佢地用英文.
一星期有一至兩版中文字寫. 逢星期五會有數頁英文+數學功課. 如放長假就會多少少功課.
第二個學期一星期會有一次spelling test, 每次6-8個英文字. 因為佢地教Phonics教得好, 所以小朋友溫1-2次已經識哂. 另外每星期會有一本Oxford Reading Book, 要小朋友返屋企睇, 再用自己琳既英文講返比老師聽.

原帖由 babyoush 於 09-3-16 17:03 發表

課堂上唔可以講廣東話, 咁請問課餘小朋友講英文多定廣東話多呀?? 同埋多唔多功課呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-17 14:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 hellovicky 於 09-3-16 22:08 發表
小息小朋友之間玩可能佢地會講廣東話, 但有時我見佢地都會用英文溝通. 但如果老師聽到就會提醒佢地用英文.
一星期有一至兩版中文字寫. 逢星期五會有數頁英文+數學功課. 如放長假就會多少少功課.
第二個學期一星期會 ...

請問你小朋友係咪會一路讀上中學架? 唔知中學又好唔好呢? 唔好意思呀問咁多嘢, 因為如果讀開一間好嘅唔想到中學又要轉呀嘛, 麻煩晒~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-17 21:36 |只看該作者
唔緊要, 大家交流吓.....
中學未必會係KCIS讀, 因為佢地會同local中學生一齊共用校舍, 由於local學生校風較差, 怕佢地會學壞. 其實lee個只係其中一個會琳既問題, 而加都言之過早....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-18 13:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 hellovicky 於 09-3-17 21:36 發表
唔緊要, 大家交流吓.....
中學未必會係KCIS讀, 因為佢地會同local中學生一齊共用校舍, 由於local學生校風較差, 怕佢地會學壞. 其實lee個只係其中一個會琳既問題, 而加都言之過早.... ...

共用校舍 ??

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