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- 1853748
回覆:G10 science double or triple
我而家係year11, 做緊gcse exams:)
其實double science嘅意思係phy chem bio都要讀兩個,每科會有兩個exams, 加埋就有6個 (phy:2 chem:2 bio:2)
而triple science 要讀double science 嗰兩個units再加多一個extra unit, 所以就會俾double science 做多3個exams
triple 個extra unit, 亦即係unit 3, 其實係連接A-Level year12嘅課程, 所以上到year12嘅時候就會冇咁辛苦
多數選擇triple science, 都一定要肯定自己係會讀得倒, 或者A-level 嘅時候想揀 2-3科science (如果alevel想讀晒phy chem bio, 必須要讀triple science)
我係讀triple science嘅, 一定就辛苦過讀double嘅人, 因為人地已經溫完science, triple 嘅人仲要溫埋unit 3😂... 不過,的確讀完unit3之後,係會對unit2考試有幫助,因為其實unit3係解釋緊unit2嘅野
要留意嘅係, uk教育局轉左制, 你個女個year係第一年轉制。
我地以前係year 10考unit 1 (3 exams in total), year 11考unit 2+3 (6 exams in total) with other subjects u take
但係新制係 year 11考 unit 1,2,3 (9 exams at the same time) with all other subjects
所以你個女要考慮下自己承唔承受倒個壓力,不過我俾我細妹嘅意見係 (佢都升year10), 讀住triple 先, 考完mock真係覺得讀唔倒triple, 都仲有得轉double:) 同埋要提早溫書,我學校year9已經教緊unit 1
if you have any questions or you want to find someone to help with your daughter, please feel free to find me! i nearly finish all my exams and i would be more than happy to help you