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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 DSE (JUPAS) vs 自修或兼讀 IAL/GCEAL/OSSD (Non JUPAS) ...
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DSE (JUPAS) vs 自修或兼讀 IAL/GCEAL/OSSD (Non JUPAS)   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-11-23 20:35 |只看該作者
小曳人 發表於 20-11-23 06:26
agent 講嘅唔係事實嘅全部,如果target top u, 建議搵Project Access d義工傾下佢地其中一位Oxford 嘅義工 ...


要入Oxbridge, 先天條件是學生本身的資質,再來才是家庭學校的配合。

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 20-11-24 06:38 |只看該作者
Radiomama 發表於 20-11-23 20:35

要入Oxbri ...
有考上oxibridge嘅資質,又點會應付唔到自修呢? 聽過唔少case,都係中5考IAL,得offer,有人選擇讀完中5走,有人選擇defer 一年,考埋dse走


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-4 10:33 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-10 12:08 編輯

提一提, 好心地網友經驗分享資料, 加拿大大學如要用IAL Predicted Grade 成績申請, 有啲大學 (自己記性唔好,好似係 University of Toronto) 必需要有 IGCSE First Language 呢一科成績才可以用 IAL 嘅途徑申請, 否則大學分類香港學生係要交 DSE Predicated Grade 成績的, 大家要留意

有關DSE 及 IAL 考加拿大大學, 係以下呢個 post, 前輩孩子去年 2020 年兩個試都有考, 她孩子用  IAL 成績報加拿大大學的. https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3817578&extra=page%3D1&page=9

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-10 11:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-10 11:04 編輯

Pearson IGCSE & IAL May/June 2021 Exam Timetable 已出, 大家可以向 ITS 或 考評局報名考試


IGCSE May/June 2021 Exam Timetable https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/Support/Examination-timetables-for-Edexcel-International-GCSE/June-2021-Final-Int-GCSE.pdf

IAL June Exam Time Table https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/Support/Examination-timetables-for-International-Advanced-Levels/June-2021-Final-IAL.pdf

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-12-10 11:23 |只看該作者
小曳人 發表於 20-11-24 06:38
有考上oxibridge嘅資質,又點會應付唔到自修呢? 聽過唔少case,都係中5考IAL,得offer,有人選擇讀完中5走 ...


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 20-12-10 15:35 |只看該作者
akys 發表於 20-12-10 11:23

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-12-10 15:40 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 akys 於 20-12-10 15:41 編輯
小曳人 發表於 20-12-10 15:35

阿仔幾個同學準備緊明年咁做,唔知我嗰個有冇毅力跟隊一齊玩呢?是否收就立刻offer, 唔駛等DSE成績?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 20-12-10 16:02 |只看該作者
akys 發表於 20-12-10 15:40
阿仔幾個同學準備緊明年咁做,唔知我嗰個有冇毅力跟隊一齊玩呢?是否收就立刻offer, 唔駛等DSE成績? ...

以我所知,有唔同情況,as per 升學顧問,首要係有無可能攞到predicted grade
但我無問前人confirm 呢點,但如果你乜都無,學校好難出offer

如果想報嘅係頂級大學,留意project access, 佢地係一班得到名牌大學嘅學生,義工mentor 咁跟個學生,報佢面試、教佢寫personal statement.
當中有人係conditional offer 入劍牛嘅

而近排我見HKAGE 傑出學員係得到oxford unconditional offer,唔知佢係咪靠國際賽成績喇,定係有predicted grade
坊間有learning centre 可以出到predicted grade,但首要係你讀佢d科 (你可以問問,CANA 就話一定要係佢地學生)

留意一點,IAL 係八月中出成績,一般conditional offer 唔會太高難度,但點都要等到八月中


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-12-10 16:11 |只看該作者
小曳人 發表於 20-12-10 16:02
以我所知,有唔同情況,as per 升學顧問,首要係有無可能攞到predicted grade
但我無問前人confirm 呢點, ...

想了解下是否可用8月IAL成績直接報 9月至12月嘅UCAS,呢個情況要唔要predict grade 呢?

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-12-10 16:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-12-10 16:45 編輯
akys 發表於 20-12-10 16:11
想了解下是否可用8月IAL成績直接報 9月至12月嘅UCAS,呢個情況要唔要predict grade 呢?

因為紐西蘭係12月考 CIE GCEAL 的, 而香港普遍直資中學係考 5/6月的 IAL. 之前, 我亦曾有你嘅疑惑, 以下討論帖有網友解解 Firm Offer 及 Conditional Offer, 解釋到你嘅疑惑 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3786617
# 3
總之,靠用中學出的 predicted score 去申請,就只有 conditional offer ,之後就要睇放榜的 final score。

如果放榜夠早,你可以用 final score 去申請,咁就直接比 firm offer。..


akys    發表於 20-12-10 17:06

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 20-12-10 16:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小曳人 於 20-12-10 16:58 編輯
akys 發表於 20-12-10 16:11
想了解下是否可用8月IAL成績直接報 9月至12月嘅UCAS,呢個情況要唔要predict grade 呢?

有實際成績,就唔需要predicted grade你會年中 就收到offer


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-12-10 17:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 akys 於 20-12-10 17:04 編輯
小曳人 發表於 20-12-10 16:57
有實際成績,就唔需要predicted grade你會年中 就收到offer

其實我仔都會咁行....今年考IAL,出年先報UCA ...

即係考得好,就直接用IAL成績報,唔係咁好就用DSE predict grade報,睇下有冇 conditional offer。跟住考好個DSE。明白了。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 10:10 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-5-10 16:11 編輯

係香港, 除咗可以自修考英國高中課程嘅 IAL, 因我及孩子已決定會去加拿大讀大學, 故最近我詳細研究係香港讀加拿大高中課程資料, 而係香港, 可以讀加拿大安大略省高中學分和攞佢張畢業文憑(Ontario Secondary School Diploma, OSSD),亦可以安省高中畢業生的身份( (Ontario Program) #OUAC101 申請Ontario 大學渠道 (非OSSD 係以#OUAC105 申請Ontario 大學渠道)

以下香港 online 加拿大課程 eschool,Ontario eSchool 加拿大課程香港 online 上堂   https://www.oesasia.org/  & https://www.facebook.com/oesasia/

香港學生兼讀 DSE 及 OSSD 2個課程而成功考入加拿大 top 嘅大學例子:
Case 1: Cherrie https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=241484660815857

Case 2: Ryan https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=258470625671865&id=1619694191622008

例如要讀 8個 credits,由今年S4復活節3月尾4月頭才開始讀的話,每期每次只讀1科,慢慢攤長來讀,讀~2年,會係後年2023年2月讀完了。如果趕啲,某一期讀2科的話,可以提早明年2022年12月前已完成整個課程,~2月已可以有加拿大嘅大學Firm Offer。

1) Grade 10 = S4 (HK): ENG2D English Academic (Eng)(必修科

(28 Mar - 28 May 2021)(復活節)(3月初學校UT)(6月學校考試) (S4 下學期)

2) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MHF4U Advanced Functions (Maths) (必修科

(July - September 2021) (暑假)(S5 上學期)

3) Grade 11 = S5 (HK): ENG3U University of English  (Eng)(必修科

(September - November 2021) (11月學校UT)(S5 上學期)

4) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): ENG4U University of English (Eng)(必修科
(December 2021 - February 2022) (聖誕+農曆新年)(S5 上學期)
5) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MCV4U Calculus and Vectors (Maths) (選修科

(April - June 2022) (復活節)(3月初學校UT)(6月學校考試) (S5 下學期)

6) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): MDM4U Maths for Data Management (Maths)(選修科

(July - September 2022) (暑假)(S6 上學期)

7) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): CIA4U Economic Issues (Econ)(選修科

(September - November 2022)(11月學校UT)(S6 上學期)

8) Grade 12 = S6 (HK): CGW4U World Issue: A Geographical Analysis (Geog)(選修科)

(December 2022 - February 2023) (聖誕+農曆新年)(2月Mock Exam)(S6 上學期)

**如果想快啲完成課程而又承受及處理到OSSD大量功課的話 (e.g ENG2D ~33 份功課,分數比重:功課佔70%;考試佔30%),不妨考慮吓升S5 /S6兩個暑同時讀2科,咁可以提早3個月至6個月完成課程即是2022年9月或11月已完成課程**

** 風險申報一下先, online school 只係一間網校,有倒閉(執笠) 風險,如果大吉利事真係執笠,所交嘅學費及所讀嘅科目或者可能有機會一無所有:無學歷證明、無畢業證書 etc**

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 10:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-24 13:57 編輯

Hong Kong (Non-JUPAS)
1) CU: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/requirements.html
A recognised non-local qualification which qualifies them for admission to a university in the country/region where such qualification is originated (e.g. high school diploma plus SAT/ ACT/ AP in USA, OSSD/ BC diploma in Canada, ATAR in Australia, UEC/ STPM in Malaysia, AISSCE (CBSE)/ ISC in India, SMA in Indonesia, etc.)
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an average of 80% in six Grade 12 U or M courses

2) HKU: https://aal.hku.hk/admissions/international/admissions-information?page=admissions-standards
Completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with a minimum of six Grade 12 U or M courses, with an overall average of 90% or better

3) HKUST: https://join.ust.hk/admissions/international-qualifications#canadian-patterned
Ontario: Secondary School Diploma with passes in six Grade 12 (U/M) academic courses; Overall average of 85% or above

4) PolyU: http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/international/guidelines-on-non-local-qualifications

5) CityU: https://www.admo.cityu.edu.hk/intl/international/entreq/
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a minimum average of 70% in six Grade 12 U or M courses

6) BU: https://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/international.html
Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma with six Grade 12 U or M course with a minimum average of 70%

7) Lingnan https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/non-jupas/how-to-apply/apply
Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an average of 70% in six Grade 12 University Preparation Course (U) or University/College Preparation Course (M) courses

1) University of Bath: https://www.bath.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-2021/business-and-management/bsc-management-with-marketing-including-placement-year/
Secondary School Diploma: An average of 88% in the Diploma with 88%, 88%, 88% in three Year 12 subjects including a mathematics or science subject.

2) University of Warwick: https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/countryinformation/northamerica/canada/ & https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/admissions/entry-requirements/canada
Ontario Secondary School Diploma

Overall A Level Requirements                           

Canadian Provincial Percentage Requirements                           


91% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


89% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


87% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


85% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


83% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.


81% average across a combination of 6 Grade 12 4U, 4M or AP courses (to include no subject overlap and no more than 1 course at 4M), including any subject requirements and with no subject overlap.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-3-10 12:08 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 chickchick 於 21-3-10 12:10 編輯
小時了了 發表於 21-3-10 10:10
係香港, 除咗可以自修考英國高中課程嘅 IAL, 因我及孩子已決定會去加拿大讀大學, 故最近我詳細研究係香港讀 ...

就OSSD, 因為加籍亦有家人今年在UT入讀,也有些分享.

首先, 101和105的分別. 你是非公民, 就105。 如果完成網上OSSD(你講我才知竟然有網校), 非公民係沒有任何着數, 甚至乎在競爭非常熱烈的學系(我指學系program,不是指大學的品牌問題)是會失利的. 因為用OSSD入熱門program當地人也要超高分才入到, 國際生又用OSSD即係要更高分了! 但若然國際生用DSE/AL/IB申請, 就沒有了直接比較,變得CASE BY CASE consideration, 唔太高分也未必輸的.

所以, 非公民用OSSD非明智之舉 (用LOCAL curriculum 排嚴謹的國際隊105). 但海外公民用OSSD就另一個世界(用LOCAL curriculum排收生要求和101一樣的本地隊105), 好好多!

又如果海外公民用非OSSD排105本地隊好些, 還是online OSSD排105本地隊有著數? 我就沒有想過了, 因為本地隊已可好寬鬆, 拎住DSE/IB 中中成績已入到好好的program, 因為重點係只要某一兩學科要達標就有OFFER.

最後, 加國大學易入難出(難出是相對學生嘅底子來說, 要落力讀才有不錯的GPA考入專業少少的graduate program). OSSD易考?...... 那麼入到去就"雙倍奉還".

要入出名加國大學, 真的不難, 好多學系可以說易. 但貼市又貼地的program, 例如waterloo computer science之類, UT的 engineering, 競爭之大, 與香港各GBUS/MEDICINE/三寶不遑多讓.

雖然我的大孩子不以加國大學為目標, 但家中還有細細,佢遲下就有意回加升讀大學. 所以還是一直有留意當地趨勢. 大家交流下!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-3-10 12:17 |只看該作者
回覆 小曳人 的帖子

我記得你兒子報了UST 2021 entry, 今年又取消無得考IAL JUNE, 你一月IAL考晒未?定係會改考cambridge? 還是去報下年UCAS?

今年COVID-19 真係。。。。唉~

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 21-3-10 12:23 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小曳人 於 21-3-10 12:23 編輯
chickchick 發表於 21-3-10 12:17
回覆 小曳人 的帖子

我記得你兒子報了UST 2021 entry, 今年又取消無得考IAL JUNE, 你一月IAL考晒未?定 ...

最終無報UST2021呀我地情況係唔太急,舊年同今年5月考期都取消,so far 欠9份卷,應該嚟緊十月考得哂,如果再delay.. 就天意,再遲一年入大學


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 21-3-10 12:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-3-20 16:33 編輯
chickchick 發表於 21-3-10 12:08
就OSSD, 因為加籍亦有家人今年在UT入讀,也有些分享.
首先, 101和105的分別. 你是非公民, 就105。 如果完成網上OSSD(你講我才知竟然有網校), 非公民係沒有任何着數, 甚至乎在競爭非常熱烈的學系(我指學系program,不是指大學的品牌問題)是會失利的. 因為用OSSD入熱門program當地人也要超高分才入到, 國際生又用OSSD即係要更高分了! 但若然國際生用DSE/AL/IB申請, 就沒有了直接比較,變得CASE BY CASE consideration, 唔太高分也未必輸的.
所以, 非公民用OSSD非明智之舉 (用LOCAL curriculum 排嚴謹的國際隊105). 但海外公民用OSSD就另一個世界(用LOCAL curriculum排收生要求和101一樣的本地隊105), 好好多!
又如果海外公民用非OSSD排105本地隊好些, 還是online OSSD排105本地隊有著數? 我就沒有想過了, 因為本地隊已可好寬鬆, 拎住DSE/IB 中中成績已入到好好的program, 因為重點係只要某一兩學科要達標就有OFFER.
最後, 加國大學易入難出(難出是相對學生嘅底子來說, 要落力讀才有不錯的GPA考入專業少少的graduate program). OSSD易考?...... 那麼入到去就"雙倍奉還".
要入出名加國大學, 真的不難, 好多學系可以說易. 但貼市又貼地的program, 例如waterloo computer science之類, UT的 engineering, 競爭之大, 與香港各GBUS/MEDICINE/三寶不遑多讓.
雖然我的大孩子不以加國大學為目標, 但家中還有細細,佢遲下就有意回加升讀大學. 所以還是一直有留意當地趨勢. 大家交流下!

香港嗰間 e-school 職員同我講, 係佢間學校讀 OSSD 係用 OUAC 101 途徑申請 安省內嘅大學. 我又係唔信e-school 職員講, 我去 ouac 官方網站睇, 又真無寫要加拿大公民才可以用 OUAC 101, 其中係要求要係OSSD 課程就可以用呢個途徑

Is this the right application for me?
Answer a few short questions to make sure you’re applying with the right undergraduate application.
Do you meet all of the following requirements?

•You are taking courses during the day at an Ontario high school (this includes students returning for second semester and graduated students returning to upgrade 1 or more courses).

•You have not, at any point, been out of high school for more than 7 consecutive months.

You will have received or expect to receive your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses at the end of the current year.

•You have not attended a postsecondary institution (college/university/career college).

•You are applying to the first year of an undergraduate degree program or diploma program at an Ontario university.

•You are under 21 years of age.
If yes, complete the 101 application.

Do you meet any of the following requirements?
•You currently reside in Canada (Canadian citizens, permanent residents [landed immigrants] or those currently studying in Canada on a study permit or other visa), or are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident (landed immigrant) living elsewhere (not in Canada), and you are not currently attending an Ontario high school day program.

•You currently reside outside of Canada, are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) and are not currently attending an Ontario high school day program (in Ontario or abroad).
If yes, complete the 105 application.
105 Application for Admission to Undergraduate Programs at Ontario Universities 2016 / Trousse d’admission aux programmes de premier cycle aux universités de l’Ontario 2016 (sd43.bc.ca)
https://internationalprograms.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019-OUAC-105-Manual.pdf 2019-OUAC-105-Manual.pdf (utoronto.ca)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-3-10 12:27 |只看該作者
小曳人 發表於 21-3-10 12:23
最終無報UST2021呀我地情況係唔太急,舊年同今年5月考期都取消,so far 欠9份卷,應該嚟緊十月考得哂,如 ...
咁就好好享受多一年中學慢活的學習生涯, 玩下比賽,報下大學summer program

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-3-10 12:41 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 21-3-10 12:27
香港嗰間 e-school 職員同我, 係佢間學校讀 OSSD 係用 OUAC 101 途徑申請 安省內嘅大學. 我又係唔信e-scho ...
你不如直接send email去 UT 的ADMISSION REGISTRY, 問你是國際生考OSSD, 入學是否不計算在國際生額內。


你的說法也有道理, 正如去加國讀boarding讀埋高中考OSSD, 呢批國際生係行101唔奇, 但收生時係咪要求高過本地人,還是當你本地人身份去考量,你也可找找答案. 相信, 呢個才是你最想知的答案.

了了, 記得搵到資料在告訴我們!

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