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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Island Christian Academy or Korean International Sch ...
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Island Christian Academy or Korean International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-11-3 21:50 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:HELLOKITTY2013 的帖子

In my opinion, both schools are caring and supportive to students, I suggest you choose a school which suits your child.  

My son is currently studying at KIS year 2, he has been studying this school since Reception.  He likes this school so much even we turned off the offer from ESF in Yr 1 as I found he needs a caring n small class size school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 14-11-4 12:58 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:HELLOKITTY2013 的帖子


For my son's case, I don't expect his Chinese will be on the same level like local schools, KCIS or ISF, so he has to go tutorial class every week.  KIS has 4 mandarin lessons per week.

For English level, KIS follows UK curriculum, which I think provides a solid foundation for students English, their teachers are all native, they only speak English at school so I don't find there is a problem with the English levels.

Learnt how to write sentences at the end of reception, eg write a sentence using 3 phonics words which just learnt ie one sentence includes 3 phonics words, show n tell during lessons

Yr1- learnt to write stories, story book, not finish in one lesson, comprehension, they read the passage together, then answered questions without reading the passage, my son said they have to remember the story so that they can answer those questions.

When I bring him for play dates with friends from other international schools, he has no problem to communicate with them.

I m not sure whether this is good or not as we haven't tried other IS.

U can join KIS summer programme see whether KIS meets your requirements.


joeywong000    發表於 15-3-30 14:44
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