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Greenfield (NF) vs Think (Lagua City)>比你會點選擇。 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-2 18:58 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:Greenfield (NF) vs Think (Lagua City)>比你會點選擇。

I have the same offer, I will choose Think. where do you live?

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-3 19:00 |顯示全部帖子

引用:回覆+ngchuklam+的帖子 Distance+between+

原帖由 kutkutlaw 於 13-12-03 發表
回覆 ngchuklam 的帖子

Distance between Think and Greenfield are more likely the same from my home.
I picked Think becoz of the several reasons, I make a comparison in  excel. pm your email address to me if you don't mind, I send to you.

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-4 19:15 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:Greenfield (NF) vs Think (Lagua City)>比你會點選擇。

Sorry all, I cannot send the excel table here, maybe I will take a picture tomorrow and post it here. 我個excel 列出d facts, 你地自己compare, 因每人expectation唔同!

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-4 19:22 |顯示全部帖子


原帖由 kayall 於 13-12-04 發表
Hello, do you mind to share the aspects you have considered? We may perhaps share our thoughts? Than ...
I like Think because: 1) 小班教學,我覺得两歲人仔此点重要 2) project approach teaching method,my reasoning is same as you 3)重英文同時粵語,我想佢打好呢兩個语言先,再加大量國語我怕呀b handle唔到 4)近屋企 5)睇咗佢考小成績有新貴龍小收 6)朋友仔讀過口啤唔錯

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-5 15:24 |顯示全部帖子
kayall 發表於 13-12-4 22:54
Thanks ngchuklam.  I also like Think's small class size. For langauge, i once had hesitation as I li ...
Hi Kayall, In fact I have the same hesitation as yours at the beginning. I prefer Mandarin and English since I found Mandarin is very important nowadays. After I searched more information and comments from a friend who is currently a teacher, in fact many famous kindergarten start their Mandarin teaching in K1, not PN, so I beleive there must be some reasoning behind. So, stregthening the mother tongue first is important to small kids. I can't rule out some kids can handle three to four languages at the same time but I don't think it's the case for my kid (now she already mixed up English and Cantonese in some words).     

Rank: 4

發表於 13-12-5 15:58 |顯示全部帖子
kayall 發表於 13-12-4 22:54
Thanks ngchuklam.  I also like Think's small class size. For langauge, i once had hesitation as I li ...
Regarding to the internal assessment, from what I know, those students cannot promote to K1 usually has problem (要轉介個案)! In the case of my friend, that year all students can promote to K1, however my friend's kid left for a famous school in Kln Tong in K1 and some of their classmates also left for dragon schools. She recommended this school to me since she can see her kid improved a lot in terms of self-discipline, school helps to get rid of the diaper (in her case), close communication with teachers so that she knew her kid's progress in school and good English envoirnment. She told me other kid's parents generally like this school and seldom heard compliants from them.So, I think it's a pretty good indicator.   
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