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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 對不起, 囝囝........
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對不起, 囝囝........ [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-10-27 23:49 |顯示全部帖子
孩子你知道嗎?....其實最幸福的孩子不一定是在最好的學校中找到, 而是在一個溫暖快樂的家庭中生活及成長..

I LIKE THIS.  We all do not wish our child to be brought up in a good shcool but unhappy childhood.  I would rather her to brought up in a happy school + supportive family +happy childhood.  

I have not communicated to my girl the result of her interviews : accepted or waitlist or even rejected.  If she has done the best on that day, she has already done a great job.  too many disappointment on them is only going to hurt their confidence.  Children might not know how to express their feeling but they will be hurt.  For me, for those which failed, I won't mention to her, and she will forget anyway .  

You all have done a lot for your child and he will feel your love to him.  He will need parental support even more in the future.  

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