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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 小兒被標簽了尋求教育及處理意見
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小兒被標簽了尋求教育及處理意見 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-7-9 10:19 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 motherotk 於 12-7-9 10:22 編輯

I look at the here and now situations:

1) Your trust towards school and school's trust towards you have alrady broken because of the series of incidents happened.

2) Do you genuinely feel that there is a good chance the trust between you and school could be re-established, through writing apology letter or having  meeting with mediation of school social worker or others? (do you genuinely feel apology to school? if yes, it will be more easier to handle, if not, you will not be happy or trustful to the school will handle your case with good intentions)

3) Do you genuinely trust you and the school, under this kind of school-family collaboration, that the child's best well-being could be uphold, or you will predict a series of "nighmare" or "traumatic experiences" or mistrust going on in the coming two school years?

4) You have to consider the whole situation with more systematic thoughts, as people here are not really understanding your situations, and you know yourself well, you know the school well, you know the child well (if he has other issues, need to handle) and you have to make a decision that will best benefit your child's well-being.. I think this is the most important principle you need to consider...

Is this school, under the present situation, will consider your child's best well-being, to faciltiate him/her to go through these two years' schooling, both academically and psychologically, if yes, go on, if not, you need to make a decision.

There are lots of alternatives and choices for you and the child....
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