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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 any comment in nursery of boxhill Ma On Shan
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any comment in nursery of boxhill Ma On Shan [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-6-4 16:25 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Twolovelyboys 於 08-6-4 00:04 發表
We went to have a look at Boxhill, but seem receptionist was not very helpful (maybe because she was busy for the afternoon session).  She simply gave us an application form, told to complete it and s ...

My daugther now study in BoxHill nursery class.  So, may be can help you.  For Nursery class max. have 25 kids per class. 1 teacher and 2 assistant inside the classroom.  So, I can say quite safey.

Their teaching medium using English but have Mardrian class everyday around 15-20 mins.

My daugther study there almost 1 year and she can speak english in fluenuce but cannot speak chinese or mardrian.  So, I will shift to Hong Kong Pre-school to continous her K1.  Acutally, I'm quite saticify Box Hill but I just want to daugther study more chinese as Box Hill K1 class chinese class only 30 min. after I checked.

I also target RC as my elder daugther study there in y3 already.

I have the same feeling with you for their admin. dept.  However, the important for me is they take care and teaching my kid well is OK.   Hope can help you.
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