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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'
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如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班' [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-14 15:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

"有無家長本想上午班, 但被派去下午班, 其後發現有好處呢.."

My son is studying K1 pm session at DHLLC.  At the beginning, I also did not like pm session because I am afraid I need to change his living habit again since he slept and woke up ealier before studying K1.  And also, the majority will choose am session to instead.  But now I have changed my mind since my son still can sleep early (9:30pm-10pm) and wake up at 6:30am-7am.  Sometimes, he will take a short sleep before lunch.  I think all is OK and he can well-take the lunch first before go to school..... :wink:
Don't worry, the kids can adapt the living schedule easily

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-15 09:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

IRON 寫道:
仔仔讀緊上午班, 時間幾好安排......
7:45am 起身梳洗食野
8:30am 開車
12:30pm 放學返到屋企食飯
2:00pm 做功課
3:00-5:00pm 訓教, 起身落樓下踏單車
7:00pm 開飯
10:30pm 訓教

我見朋友d仔女返下午, 佢地訓到11點先起身, 拿拿臨食埋午飯就返學, 唔駛食早餐既......

I think it is not absolute.  My son must wake up 7:30am every day and take the breakfast at 8am.  But he takes the lunch earlier around at 11:30am before go to school....
I think the living schedule depends on how to tune by the adults only. :wink:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-15 14:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

IRON 寫道:
咁梗係唔係個個係咁, 只不過我d朋友都係要返工, 仔女工人湊, 工人3催4請阿大少小姐起得身黎都係咁既鐘數囉, 阿媽係電話度又唔指揮得去邊.......呵呵呵. ^_*

Yes, this problem is serious...
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