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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Good Hope VS Maryknoll
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Good Hope VS Maryknoll [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-15 20:25 |顯示全部帖子
Both are good schools.
MCS - good and free (no need to pay school fee)
GHS - good but have to pay $3xxx/month

This is also one of the reason why people prefer MCS more than GHS.

原帖由 Combo 於 09-3-13 19:46 發表


通常只有說德望的學生想考入MCS,就真的未聽聞MCS的學生希望考入德望喎!咁是否 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-18 21:58 |顯示全部帖子
Maryknoll belongs to net 41. (Kowloon City+Kowloon Tong)
No Kindergarten
Kids can get in by lucky draw in P1 no matter which KG and family background they come from.

In first round, if the kid's parent was old girl (5 marks)+religion (5 marks)+1st child (15 marks)= 25 marks - sure can get in.  
Kids at least have 20 marks to play the 1st round game.

If failed in the 1st round and your address is net 41, you can try your luck again in 2nd round.

Failed again, try to knock school door but the chance is really.............slim.

Some people will apply in P2 because it may have a few seats.  This time, school will choose the candidates and must enter the school exam to decide who can get the seat.

Good luck to you.

原帖由 quebaby 於 09-3-18 14:49 發表
Maryknoll  係咩校網 ?? 是否32 ? 佢有冇幼稚園 ?? 如冇, 要讀邊幾間幼稚園先有得上小學 ??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-25 23:17 |顯示全部帖子
No chance for 15 pts in the 1st round.  At least 20 pts.  

原帖由 quebaby 於 09-4-24 15:05 發表
thanks very much..
so my daughter only has 15points....  
probably not easy to get a seat... unless we have super luck at that year.  Right ?
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