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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 資優生,多數讀緊邊間小學??
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資優生,多數讀緊邊間小學?? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-4-27 12:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 資優生,多數讀緊邊間小學??

For gifted kids, they should enter primary schools that can allow them to excel and advance in their learning.

Some traditional famous schools like DBS, DGS or La Salle do have 'international' or 'elite' class to house them, some DF or int'l schools can allow them to jump grades or flexible class schedule to study with higher grade students in the subjects that they're advanced.

So the choice will really depend on first if the partciular school fit the kid's learning style and profile. Of course , such schools must be willing to work extra for their special educational needs.

Special advanced education programs like EPGY of Stanford University for gifted would also be good for them to challenge and advanced, also acting as a stepping stone to prepare for higher education.

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