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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'
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如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班' [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-14 13:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

When the time I know my elder son got a seat in am session of mount butler SKH and pm session of central SKH, I struggled for the decision.
My son sleep quite late, almost 11pm and he used to wake up at about 11am. If I choose am session, I think I have to change all his time table.
Finally, I chose central SKH pm session for him. And now, he get the similar schedule as before. I found that he can sleep well and finish his lunch before he go to school, so that he will not feel tired when he's in school and the way he come back. But one thing it's not good for pm session is that it's difficult for me to arrange his ECA after school. It's a little bit rush for me to bring him to the interested group after school.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-15 00:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

hi luluma,
no, my sons need not to have nap after school and they will attend some interest class on some days. And now they get used to it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-15 23:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 如何決定小朋友返 '上午班' 定 '下午班'

agree !
at the beginning they will feel sleeping when dinner time. But keep on talking with them, after they finished their dinnier, they will be ok again until 10pm

風琴 寫道:
初初都唔得既, 不過一星期後, 佢地就慢慢習慣.  如果7點比佢地訓, 到10:00pm佢地就唔肯訓既啦.  小朋友如果一路keep住佢地d興趣, 佢地點都唔肯訓, 我囡囡都係7:00吃飯時先想訓, 我就一路同佢講嘢 , 到佢吃完佢又唔訓啦.  到10:00佢一上床就好快訓.
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