One of my son will go back to school for summer course but the other one don't like what the school offered!
In order to make it easlier, I'm looking for some course for the other one near the school!
They are studying in British Council but we haven't joint the summer course. We are planning to continue the normal class in Sept. I'll check the one in Learning Pul. Thanks
Shouldn't be, it said it will send new books every two weeks, i'm expecting too.
Kory like this one very much, he is reading and reading again, of course, those books he like!
Hi mayc,
Too busy to reply!!!!
I enroll this just want them to read more books. I don't have time to read with them. I haven't think/plan so details . Kory like this very much. He repeats and repeats on those books he likes.
Those papers are Cambridge's test paper. If I have time, I may let them try.
How's your girl's status? My boy start to slow down his speed on homework.
It's really bad. I don't have the memory that there's only 11books. I do not expect to have a lot of books, however, $140 for 11 were expensive!
We have to talk to school about the control of these kind of "promotion"!