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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 收到spk面試通知未?可以分享面試過程嗎? ...
樓主: yaulinda

收到spk面試通知未?可以分享面試過程嗎? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-1-4 11:05 |顯示全部帖子
I certainly hope what you said is true because my daughter's interview time is 9:02am......

I intentionally choose to submit the form around 12noon to 1pm so hoping the interview time won't be too early nor too late.  But it seems it didin't work well.  Fortunately my daughter did well yesterday at SHKG so I will be less worried.

Good luck to everyone!

原帖由 aung0528 於 09-1-4 00:57 發表
We have submitted our application form very early in the morning; however, my interview time is 1.46pm.  Just wonder if spk has already screened the application and put those "on list" to be interview ...

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發表於 09-1-4 16:36 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, I guess in that case it is quite random.  Because my daughter was born in August 06 so it will be quite difficult to relate her month of birth in any order to put her so early.  It's a mystery to me too!

Unfortunately, my daughter usually behave better during the afternoon (evening is her best time!) so morning interview would probably rule out her chance.  Good luck to you all!

原帖由 Kpang 於 09-1-4 14:04 發表
Hi all,

I don't think it's true as I submitted the form at around 9:00am and got interview time at 9:30am.

So I would think it depends on the month born and then the application no.  My girl is a bi ...

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發表於 09-1-5 00:15 |顯示全部帖子
Hi aung0528,

     In a sense, I leave it to faith for the case of spk for my daughter.  Let's just say I should be able to secure a place for my daughter but I decided not to do it.  Didn't feel right, and let's just leave it unexplained the details.

     Concerning the comparison of the two schools, I need to be frank that they both are not my original top choices but have somehow evolved to be ones throughout the kindergarten selection process.

     I must say, there are no such thing as one single good school to everyone.  From my point of view, it is whether you buy in the philosophy of how the schools are being ran.  I need to be honest but I never actually compare the two kindergartens, but in fact focus on their secondary sections.  The main focus here is whether you want your daughter to be studying in SPCS or SHCC, and they are schools with very different style.  Of course, during the process moving from kinder to primary and to secondary, they are also different.  To make it simple, if you choose SPK, you are narrowing your options to only SPCS(Primary) and SPCS ultimately.  On the other hand, SHCC will be more pushy and students are competitive.  Please don't take this message incorrectly, SPCS students are very competitive, but in different sense.  You almost need to know their graduates well to really know the different.  But imagine you have 8-9 class of primary competing for 6 classes in secondary school, this really drives the students.  And many of them will choose other good secondary schools since SHCC may not be their ultimate destinations.

For the case of SPCS, I think majority of students will stay there all the way from kindergarten to secondary.  So, the atomsphere will be different.  They are also competitive but their focus will then become something further than a place in secondary school.

All these are just my personal observations from people I know over the years from all the band 1 girl schools.  It may no longer be correct since many of them have graduated long time ago.  But I hope it helps you with some other point of views during your selection.

原帖由 aung0528 於 09-1-4 23:43 發表

I still think interview in the morning probably has a better chance than afternoon one.  Also, your bb did well in SH yesterday so you don't need to worry too much.

BTW, please share which ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-1-5 00:19 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-1-5 00:48 |顯示全部帖子
haha, don't worry since it really depends on how you manage this interview process.  Anything is a learning process to the kids and I can tell you I have used different approaches since Nov, 08 and yesterday was the sixth interviews and still have 2-3 more to go.

At the beginning, I also think I don't want to give the pressures to my daughter and wanna let her behave naturally.  But I do learn my lesson and realize she has the right to know what is going on.

You know it is always a debate whether to let the kids aware they are going to interviews, and whether to give the kids pressure.  For our case, we didn't inform our daughter very well on the first two and we learn our lesson.  Fortunately those kinder still accepts her anyway.  As a result, strategy was changed and we start to inform her these interviews are important to herself.  She seems to understand and behave well at Kentville and got accepted.

However, it went south since I told her the next interview is not important and she behaved badly.  Her mom went crazy and I decided to better inform her, and gave her all the details about these interviews.  Quite honestly, I don't know how much she actually understand, but her answers to me made me convince she does know what is going on.  Of course, reinforcement (rewards) are being mentioned to motivate her to do well in interviews, and it has proven to work again at SHCK.

Just wanna share my personal view that there are no needs to over-protect the children with more details on the situation.  Of course, it is really depending upon how well they can comprehend your messages and make the judgement from there.

原帖由 aung0528 於 09-1-5 00:27 發表

Thanks for your kind sharing.

After 2 interviews, we wonder whether we have got too many interviews for my bb providing that we don't really fully understand how the primary school allocat ...

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發表於 09-1-5 01:01 |顯示全部帖子
I reviewed the application form I filled in but I wonder what preferences they would give to my daughter.

My daughter is not big BB (Aug 06), non-catholic and I submitted before 1pm.

The only thing I can think of, is my wife is a full time housewife.  But I am not sure if that can be considered as a preference......

原帖由 kkmoremore 於 09-1-4 23:58 發表

我在當天9時交表, 但int的時間在13:18!

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發表於 09-1-5 12:01 |顯示全部帖子
Oh, you are trying again this year?  Your daughter is almost 1 year older than my daughter......  You must be very determine to let your daughter studies in SPCS.  I think my daughter's chance is slim......  

原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-5 10:45 發表
我地1點幾交表 17/1  in 2:52pm , 封信黃色既

大囡 ( Sept 2005 )

上年in過係in 8:45am 呀 ... 細囡所以waiting list


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發表於 09-1-5 13:28 |顯示全部帖子

Do you give her a lot of preparations before interviews?  Just curious why will she feel unhappy about more interviews.

I usually just inform my daughter she will have interviews ahead of time but mainly just to prepare her mentally instead of actual hands-on exercises.  So far she is quite happy to see new schools everytime, except for TL, haha!  The mistake was mine so she shouldn't be accounted for it.

原帖由 chu__chu 於 09-1-5 12:53 發表
I received the letter today. Interview time for my daughter is 10:42 a.m.

This is the last interview she is going to have over the past three months. I can feel that she has fed up with interviews ( ...

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發表於 09-1-5 13:45 |顯示全部帖子
I guess it is really hard to guess the little kids' minds nowadays as they are obviously more complicated than when we were their age!  I thought visiting kindergartens and play there should be fun and happy!

The competition is so severe in SPK that I don't think any preparation would help really!  Just take it easy and let it be lar!  Good luck!

原帖由 chu__chu 於 09-1-5 13:36 發表

I didn't provide any training to her at all. She knows everything about herself (name, age, gender, family members) as well as shapes and colors. If she is in good mood and performs "normally" she c ...

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發表於 09-1-5 14:08 |顯示全部帖子
Oh I remember now!  So your daughter is studying at TL now.  I believe her performance will be great since kids who have went to K1 already definitely can behave more consistently and not as much surprises as we do!  Really hard to deal with kids' minds!  fyi, my daughter only got wait-listed at TL

Actually, don't give up the chance.  My sister's daughter is an example who manage to get in to SPCS(primary) as outsiders few years ago.  So, there are always hope!  Sometimes we as parents can try to plan so much for them but sometimes I guess there are so many things we cannot control.  One key thing I keep remind myself is, we can try to path the way for our children, but they are the ones who walk through it.  We can only guide them but may be there are things we thought are right for them but may not be the case.  So be it!

Before all interviews, my wife and I planned to let her study in Kentville because we want her to be more disciplinary and listening.  I think it should be a good place for her and she did manage to get accepted fortunately.  However, I later realize the options available 3 years later when it come to primary school selection are very limited.  Quite honestly, I believe in the "brand name" effect since I also gradauted from band 1 school when I was kid.  So, the options available will be very few if study in Kentville, and SHCK and SPK provide better continuity to primary schools which are both well-known.  It is a very very difficult decision to make but I guess I will wait until all the results are announced to make the call eventually.  No points to think too much since there are just too many factors that we cannot control.  Quite sad but this is how the rule of the game is, I guess.

原帖由 hugub 於 09-1-5 13:52 發表


Hi 你記唔記得我見過你地? (TL interview) .. 我地今次 in SPK 都係平常心因為如果SPK收我囡囡要repeat K1, SPCS只係收約9成多SPK生(萬一我係果幾個%就死啦) , SPCS又唔收外來生所以唯有博一博la SPK收 ...

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發表於 09-1-5 14:59 |顯示全部帖子
Oh congratulations to your new born!  So we are indeed similar since I also have a younger daughter born in June this year.  So, we will definitely be meeting again two years later for their interviews.  That's why I also wanna consider primary since it will be easier for the younger one if the elder daughter can find a good primary and the second one can follow.

原帖由 chu__chu 於 09-1-5 14:34 發表
Hi Ian,

What a coincidence that my thinking process re Kentville/St. Cat is very similar to you. Apart from the "brand name" effect you have talked about, I have also considered education plan of my  ...

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發表於 09-1-5 20:05 |顯示全部帖子
Well, no harm to give it a try, right?  I guess it's a tough fact to fight against since we can see it from our own eyes the rapid development of the kids in their young age, so the older kids do have the edge.

原帖由 chu__chu 於 09-1-5 15:11 發表

Congrat to you too. I have decided not to let my younger daughter to attend kg interview until 2011 (nearly 3 yrs). "Small b" is always discriminated by kg during the interview.
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