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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St Catherine VS 宣道
樓主: ivysee

St Catherine VS 宣道 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-6-3 13:30 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 c-wong 於 14-6-3 13:30 編輯
samchan2179 發表於 14-6-3 11:39
我小朋友SC畢業,係小數完全無校外學術補習,考7間,有三間offer , 最後叩入英津小。當然每個小朋友能力, ...

mine 2, from SC, 完全無校外學術補習,無讀 P1 interview classes

考7間,有5間offer (incl my dream school).

my kid spent 4-5 hrs per day watching TV and playing online games.  

during interview period (abt 5-6 mths), I trained her myself.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-6-3 15:04 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 c-wong 於 14-6-3 15:07 編輯

回覆 yuensammi 的帖子

chinese - do copy book (i make for her). read her a few pages of chinese book each day, ensure she knew how to read all words. if she cldn't remember, make her write those words until she knew how to read. make many chinese cards for her to read, she drew on the card and made english 'ping yin' herself

english- no need to train as her native is english. she is reading shakespeare, charles dickens by herself. however, her spelling is not always perfect. for simple words like rainbow, television, concentrate, school, teacher she never gets wrong.

chinese and english- sentence reassemble which I made up for her. each sentence 5-6 groups.

maths- i made up 20-30 maths questions for her to do daily, incl times. 25-9+10, 77-13, 5x3+25 etc. teach her how to read a clock (not only half past, but 12.05, 21.10 etc). ask her draw a clock herself and ask her draw needles for the clock based on the time I gave her (e.g. 3.25).

I consolidated all the questions which I found from BK (thanks for the generous BK members who posted them), over 250 of them. I asked her these questions until she could answer swiftly.  

teach her to tell 2 stories each in english and cantonese. this took her/me for a long time esp cantonese.  teach her stories from Aesop's Fables which I think is more meaningful.

I spent 20 mins daily with her asking her questions, and another 30 mins for her to do worksheets I made for her.

I think last but not the least, personality and performance are very important.  

I always bring her to jumping gym which she loves as a reward :)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-6-3 15:18 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 c-wong 於 14-6-3 15:19 編輯

回覆 DD仔 的帖子

SC syllabus is very good and advanced esp K3.  I am sure if the kid listens and learns at school getting 2-3 offers is an easy job. my girl needs to pay extra effort in cantonese as she started to learn cantonese only in K2 and I only targeted top primary schools.

SC chinese homework is difficult even sometimes I don't know how to do it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-6-3 15:22 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 DD仔 的帖子

I think both are good kinder. I don't know how to choose if I have these 2 offers (I didn't apply for APS kinder for my girl). APS has primary backup which is v tempting.
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