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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 廣東話表達能力差,如何是好?
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廣東話表達能力差,如何是好? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 15-2-21 22:18 |顯示全部帖子
erm, what's wrong with repeating K1?  It doesnt matter at this age.  He wont remember it.  It is your pride that it will hurt.  Repeating K1 if necessary is a way better method.  Your child is not pushed to learn ANYTHING in K1, let his language skill develope out of its own accord.  If changing to Cantonese doesnt speed things up and you let him carry on to K2 or 3, where he has to be able to catch up because they actually need to learn to read and write, ready for P1, then the pressure if higher.  Dont let your pride damage your child.  Doing an extra year of K1 is by far less pressure than doing P1 again later!  Repeating is not failure.  Pushing your child too hard cause way more lasting damage.

We're tri-lingual English, German and Chinese.  Many people told me that this is not possible nor advisable when I had my son.  He is now 5 and stronger with German and English.  Cantonese not as fluent but understandable.  We live in Europe and I am the only one speaking Cantonese to him, we're coming back to HK in Sept.  His cantonese is good enough to go into a local Kindergarten.  So, dont panic!  HK has a culture of panic.  Boys are generally slower at developing when it comes to speech.  I would take more care about whether you give him enough time and opportunity to talk to you.  I came across a parent once, who complained that her child doesnt talk, when i observed their interactions, the mother answers everything for the child.  He doesnt get a word in.  I met the boy for the first time and he talked to me!!!  Even if he wasnt very fast at saying one sentence.

My advice is..  be patient.  Swap to Cantonese, do not ask yes or no questions, ask questions that require an answer that is not yes or no.  Be patient to help him formulate the sentence.  If he answers in English, repeat his answer in Cantonese again and ask him to say it after you before you action on any requests he makes.  Always be kind but firm that you will not take his answer in English.
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