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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 Anyone from ESF with a special need place
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Anyone from ESF with a special need place [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 14-2-27 10:41 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:Anyone from ESF with a special need place

I m on the queue of year 1, I wonder how long should I wait for..1...2...3 years? Does anyone got the offer successfully and could share your opinion with us?


pollybell  今年入學機會好低  發表於 14-2-27 13:28
pollybell  等幾耐冇人會肯定答倒你,可能永遠都冇,只可以知機會率,申請年齡,訓練既機構,第一語言係咪英語,等等都係增加入讀機會,如果連叫你交心理佈告都未   發表於 14-2-27 13:26

Rank: 4

發表於 14-2-28 23:34 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:sky_chan88 的帖子

I provided doctor s  reports that shown my son is a mild grade, Autism with development delay! I put my priority to apply Sara Roe ! The ESF reply "to put my son on priority order" by email. I guess they means my son could get a place once any student quit the school! In my view of point, there are many pupils are waiting for make up and my son isn't on the first priority , may be 10 or 100 !


pollybell  Sara roe 重難入過mainstream,special need support我朋友個仔原本排等一,但有些mainstream 既跟唔上要去Sara roe,所以最優先係收返呢類學生。  發表於 14-3-1 14:56
pollybell  Sara roe 重難入過mainstream,special need support我朋友個仔原本排等一,但有些mainstream 既跟唔上要去Sara roe,所以最優先係收返呢類學生。  發表於 14-3-1 14:55
pollybell  Sara roe 重難入過mainstream,special need support我朋友個仔原本排等一,但有些mainstream 既跟唔上要去Sara roe,所以最優先係收返呢類學生。  發表於 14-3-1 14:54
pollybell  Sara roe 重難入過mainstream,special need support我朋友個仔原本排等一,但有些mainstream 既跟唔上要去Sara roe,所以最優先係收返呢類學生。  發表於 14-3-1 14:54

Rank: 4

發表於 14-3-3 16:02 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 pollybell 的帖子

sad to hear that ! Dear Pollybell, do you have any comment. I need some observation or view point for assistance because my son will get into P1 in Academic year of 2014.

Rank: 4

發表於 14-3-3 22:53 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Dear polly bell,

It's seldom of people could explain point by point like you, I am fortune because you are willing to tell me what should I prepare! Million thanks !
In fact, I ve visited International Christian School and I am going to visit Sara Roe school on Wednesday which is organized by Watchdog! My son d already turn 6 , I applied ICS bridges programme , and we still waiting for the result! Hence, I submit application form to Sara Roe and Rainbow Project , of course SR school put us to the waiting list , I may interview Rainbow Project next week, the only thing I concern  ed the transportation and travel time between Tsing Yi and Sai Wan! Honestly , I am very very tired on the past 3 years on pick and send my son to Tung Chung Special school everyday, at that time , S seat is very hard to get in around Kowloon and NT, so we moved from Sai Kung to Tsuen Wan , Tsuen Wan to Ting Kau , finally we chose to take a place were situated far from home -Tung Chung, then we moved to Tsing Yi, we also keep to bring my son go to ST at Jordan on Monday, Pst on Tuesday , watchdog from Thursday to Friday  , it was very hard but valuable because (I brought him to do assessment every year by Psychologist) his grade from 50, 56 to 69) today he is a mild grade child, thanks god ! Therefore , I promise to myself, to give him a happy school life, to learn with relaxation, to give him freedom, I recognize the autism rehabilitation basis what environment the parents provide , it's a place he adapted! Government school is too hard to my child, there's many dictation and homework ! I have consider with 陳智思太太 school , but not now ! in order to adapt mainstream curriculum, I will let him stay in special class few years to build up his confidence and learn more about social skills! Now Is challenging but I m so headache on how to arrange time shuttle from Tsing Yi to Sai wan Once we fail the ICS ! PS : All our family member works in NT and Kln !

Rank: 4

發表於 14-3-4 13:33 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:pollybell 的帖子

Thank you very much

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