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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC waiting list
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RC waiting list [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-8 13:21 |顯示全部帖子
dnyy2008 發表於 17-3-8 07:31
over offering is the same as waitlist. yet it speeds up the process. It's good for every one

Oh. Come on. Be fair! How can over-offer be the same as waitlist?
An "offer" is you get an official letter confirming you are offered a place, probably asking you to place a deposit of some kind as well.

PS. My son in the the middle of getting offers from different universities and the word "Offer" is definitely unique.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-8 17:56 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Artie 於 17-3-8 18:00 編輯
FattyDaddy 發表於 17-3-8 17:34
RC tend to use unusual wording in their communications. A few years ago my daughter received a "form ...

With caps? Interesting.
So what were the wordings they used for the actual offer of admission/acceptance.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-9 11:04 |顯示全部帖子
hong0706 發表於 17-3-9 00:05
What I mean by offers are really offers. There is no reserve list in RC.

I am not selling the "over ...

I am not sure what you meant by "so few people in waitlist received calls".
How few? Someone mentioned there were 800 applicants, do you know most of them?

And I think in another topic, a few parents here already mentioned they have received calls from RC soon after the deadline to reply to the offer.
Considering the fact that most parents applying to RC DO NOT not come to EK, and even if they do, they have no obligation to report to EK that they have received a call. So there is no way of knowing the actual number of rejected offers and the actual number of people receiving calls after deadline.
You can imagine whatever is going on within RC in your head so that you can feel good about it.
But as parents, we need to be fair.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-9 11:16 |顯示全部帖子
hong0706 發表於 17-3-9 00:11
Also, i think it would be a brilliant idea for schools like RC to over offer, as i said above that t ...

You are over-analysing.
Interviews were conducted, some got offers, some did not, some rejected offers, some got offers second round........
And then this would go on all the way until August and September.
And parents that have been with international schools or private schools like RC for years would have seen students come and go. Some leave the school for other schools, some leave the school for other countries. I have seen students come and go even in April or May.
So it is not a huge issue for RC to arrange for students to join anytime of the year.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-10 16:36 |顯示全部帖子
hong0706 發表於 17-3-10 00:49
Also, I really don't understand why you seem to feel so offended.

You seem to believe in whatever is convenient to yourself.I did not feel offended. But I am sure you will come up with your own interpretation. I just want to say that, if you want to analyse the situation, you need to be fair.
The fact that you do not know a lot of people on the waitlist that got phone call from RC, does not automatically lead to a conclusion that RC did not call people.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 17-3-10 16:37 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Artie 於 17-3-10 16:44 編輯
hong0706 發表於 17-3-10 00:49
In any event, this is not for you,

I see. I apologise for not obtaining approval from you first before I posted my messages.
May be you should message EK webmaster and have this topic limited exclusively to you and whoever you approve.

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