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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 victoria or esf kindergarten
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victoria or esf kindergarten [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-4-17 13:47 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-4-17 13:48 編輯

ESF is a larger "group" with more schools. There are different "options" for students in upper secondary (e.g. IB vs BTEC, different classes available in different schools). It is an understanding that students can request to switch to other schools if your choice of classes are not available at your school. For example, students can switch to another school for BTEC if BTEC is not available at their school.
With 5 foundation secondary schools plus 2 PIS, we have a larger alumni group and thus have stronger alumni support and connections. A lot of alumni are willing to support students in other ESF schools.
ESF is a more "western" community. Even at STC where the majority are chinese, we are still more western.
All ESF primary schools are IB schools. Note that IB have strong emphasis in a "second language" and all ESF schools offer Chinese as a second language. So the chinese curriculum is now much stronger than 10 or 15 years ago.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-4-21 12:35 |顯示全部帖子
kamgat 發表於 16-4-17 19:13
我就係覺得victoria 冇缺點,所以先煩!
但一諗到升小,esf 真係一個好選擇

If you like Vic that much, ESF will not be suitable.


oooray  200%正確  發表於 16-4-21 12:43

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-4-21 12:44 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-4-21 12:48 編輯
kamgat 發表於 16-4-17 23:25
I wanna hear from a user of esf to tell me more about their kids.

What would you want to know?
My kids were not from ESF kindie but they have been with ESF since Year 1.
In their times, no homework from Year 1 to Year 6 (but now, ESF primary have moderate or very light homework, I heard).
From Year 7-11, moderate homework. At least a lot less when compared to local school.Note that ESF secondary is gradually switching to IBMYP, and this may have slightly heavier work load later.
You can compare the university destination of ESF students with other international schools and even local schools. ESF students definitely have really good university destinations.
You can go to ESF website to look at where the alumni are now.
ESF have raised many doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. Note that many of them have been with ESF since primary school.
So looks like you do not need "more work" "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school, to produce "successful" people in the future.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-4-21 13:08 |顯示全部帖子
bellarie 發表於 16-4-17 23:39

Not sure why everyone thinks "more pressure" in kindergarten or primary school is better.
ESF students are given chances to bloom. We have alumni that went on to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. And at the same time, we have alumni that are pilots, concert organisers, chefs, actors, etc.
They may not all be doctors or lawyers (traditional professions Hong Kongers think are "best"), but many are very good and prominent figures in their own industry. And THIS is definitely more important then putting everyone in medical schools, law schools and business schools.
ESF is not like any typical local schools, where they do not respect or treasure students that love music, drama, etc.
We have a student that got 45 in IB but went on to study music. Counsellors in other schools might have already tried their best to persuade this student to go to medical school, because one more student in medical school seems to look like a better high-light (at least to local Hong Kongers).
But ESF do not believe the school's profile is more important than students' preference.
Heard that one student went on to become a chef, even though he had 38 in IB, which is enough to get himself into a second tier law school in the UK.
Is that what you want?
Are you sure you will be willing to let your daughter go to music school or drama school even if she gets 45 in IB?
If you want her to feel the "pressure" so she can be a doctor or a lawyer, do not choose ESF.

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