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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 大抽獎好嗎?
樓主: 小乖豬

大抽獎好嗎?   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-6-11 09:18 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 小乖豬 於 13-6-11 23:45 編輯

咁多家長輸得不明不白, 輸左個隨機號碼, 輸左比D借地址出茅召的家長, 入到好學校不代表小朋友就一定讀得上一帆風順必定成材. 相反, 入不到名校好學校亦可成材. 所以, 無論如何, 到現在仍未有著落等電話的家長不要灰心, 支持下去, 要相信你們小朋友的能力.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 10:07 |顯示全部帖子
回復 cmir 的帖子

Thanks anyway! Apart from academic results, surely I also taught my child the right way to behave as a responsible person, what is right and what is wrong, etc. It would be absurd if the parent only taught his child spelling 500 words but without a word in guiding his child how to behave as a good child. Right?  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 10:12 |顯示全部帖子
回復 gigayan 的帖子

Thanks! I don't think my child is good enough, there are many children better than mine. No matter which school finally my child has to enter, I think my child can be one of the favoured student of that school!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 10:24 |顯示全部帖子
Surely I know most of the parents will not support the suggestion of primary one admission examination. Nowadays, many peoples cannot tolerate pressure and they would prefer the lucky draw because under the lucky draw system, many children can enter top school without paying much effort. This is the way those peoples find their successive ways. Just like nowadays some 20s don't want to study hard and work hard for their jobs but they would request high salary!  


mandytanghk  I don't not agree with you, "Academic" is not everything. I think many parents paying much effort to let their child to have a happy childhood, to know the world but not know the "words" and gram   發表於 13-6-11 18:00

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 10:35 |顯示全部帖子
回復 Charlotte_mom 的帖子

Even if there is an examination, I don't think all children and their parents need to face great pressure! For those don't want to  谷 their children, they can allow their children to play freely and no need to study harsh! Only they can accept and happy for their children even getting zero eggs! No one is handing a gun over your head to force your child to study harsh!

What I wanted to say is that if the primary one admission is depends lesser on luck, those parents and children who paid much efforts would feel better and happier than the current system.


happy_lavender  Any evidence to show that examination does not relate to luck? There is a joke - if you attend a MC exam without any preparation, the probability of getting zero or full mark is the same.   發表於 13-6-11 14:54

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 20:16 |顯示全部帖子
只想呻下而已, 考試當然有壓力, 小朋友理應有活潑可愛的童年, 只是在香港這個地方, 為了不想小朋友入到唔好學校, 很多家長都四出叩門, 為的都是這些. 考試都會講些運氣. 若不是競爭太過激烈, 我支持大家都唔洗谷小朋友的, 讓他們開心童年. 若之前有什麼發表引起冒犯, 深表致歉.

最后, 未有著落的家長, 加油, 不要氣餒! 但願人人都有自己的心儀學校.


loveDD  明白,加油!   發表於 13-6-11 21:01

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-6-11 23:53 |顯示全部帖子
很后悔出了這個話題, 觸動了很多家長的神經. 題目修改了, 只是不想再多談論引起誤會.

我也只是想呻下而已, 小朋友理應有活潑可愛的童年, 只是在香港這個地方, 為了不想小朋友入到唔好學校, 很多家長都四出叩門, 為的都是這些. 若不是競爭太過激烈, 我支持大家都唔洗谷小朋友的, 讓他們開心童年. 若之前有什麼發表引起冒犯, 深表致歉.

最后, 未有著落的家長, 加油, 不要氣餒! 但願人人都有自己的心儀學校.
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