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LydiaWong | 2006-02-24 22:41
Doris and ljsze,
Preston is still sick and has been off from school for 3 days. The doctor said he got bronchitis and needs to take antibiotics. He had fever 104C once and at least 101C. Today he has no more fever but a lot of coughing.
Preston lost 2 lbs in 3 days and now he weighs 28 only. So difficult for him to gain 2 lbs for the whole year despite he eats quite a lot and is all gone now. Wait till he has appetite, I need to push him eat more. Actually he started taking cod liver oil for more than half a year but things more or less the same. I think the virus nowadays are getting worse, it usually takes longer to recover and the symptoms are worse. Hope he can go to school next Monday.
meowmeow | 2006-02-26 02:34
Dear moms,

My son had an interview this morning, in fact, it was quite okay.

During the interview, he's quite enjoy to play at school, probably because Thomas (books & trains) available in the classroom! The interview was just like a kind a general briefing by principal. Only 2 kids was interviewed at the same time.

When we back home, just found out that another 2 schools accept my son's application.. now 15/16, not sure where to go...

May I know normally which primary schools will be entered after graduated from LH??

thanks vm.
:adore: :adore: :adore:
DorisTSL | 2006-02-26 17:16

I am sorry to know that Preston got bronchitis. How's he today? Brian got bronchitis months ago. He coughed so seriously that he could vomit all the stuff taken. It took him over a week to recover. Good luck to Preston.

Brian started to have running nose this morning and his situation became a bit worse in the afternoon. I guess he has aught a cold again. See if his situation improved after napping.
DorisTSL | 2006-02-26 17:38
Hi meowmeow,

Actually, LH(Laguna Verde branch) is a pretty new kinder (about 2 yrs) and there is no graduate so far.

However, LH is welcomed by parents in Hung Hom area. The 4th PN class was just started in Feb.

You may get more info from the parents of the other two kinder before making a decision.
meowmeow | 2006-02-27 14:43
Hi Doris,

Thank you so much! I am now thinking to let my son enrol LH in Aug instead. Just want to get more info. first.

Hope other mama can help to provide more info.


DorisTSL | 2006-02-27 15:19

You may go to LH at around 9am to look at their morning exercise in the playground. You can then have a basic idea of how caring the teachers are and how the students behave.

Glad to know that you've chosen LH. :)
ljsze | 2006-02-27 15:42

no need to worry too much about the weight of your son. as brian said, the first thing you have to do is to get him in good health condition. is preston getting better now ? 104C was really high.

after consultation of another doctor (a total of 5 clinical visits), my son is getting better & coughs a lot less.

by the way, Lydia & Doris, can give me the brand name of the cod liver oil for my reference. i haven't let my son try this yet. only let him have the lingzhi honey but stopped during this period when he's sick as honey can arouse coughing.

Patbee, I guess the school starts to get more popular since it has just started a new PN class. The teachers there (local & native-English speaking teachers are good). They do take good care of the kids & will give you comments about your kid.

In addition, I don't know if Doris & Lydia went to the seminar about their kinder course, the approach is pretty much the same as St Catherine's.

LydiaWong | 2006-02-27 21:34
Preston is having Scott's cod liver oil (orange).

I was off today and I went to school this morning (I did not take him to school coz he would not let me go b4). I saw them doing exercise but Preston not quite in the mood, maybe after a few days of rest he need time to warm up again :roll: Anyway, I saw Brian doing the exerise and he was so excitied, he stood in the middle of the circle of the class. He also likes to play the slide and balls during playtime. I think he likes school and more active than b4. Preston saw me behind the glass and he told one of his classmates 'this is my mama'. :-D It's good to see them improve.

Doris and ljsze,
Preston is a lot better and went back to school today, with a little bit cough only. I'm not too worry about his weight as long as he's healthy. Maybe he's pretty chubby when he's a baby and I miss that fat little boy, so I hope he can gain a lttle more weight.
BTW, Preston will study CE class in K1 instead of PE. I talked to Miss Hung and she recommend Cantonese for Preston coz his Cantonese is not too good and he has more confidence to talk now and should continue to build up his confidence instead of learing another new language and start over again. So next year our kids will be classmates.

ljsze | 2006-02-28 12:20
Lydia & Doris, glad to learn that our kids will be in the same class next year. Actually, I like the teachers in K1 PE more. Yet, I do think it's better to grab Cantonese well first. I do think we can master Mandarin, as a Chinese.

BTW, Open Day will come soon again. I just wonder what the kids will perform this time.
DorisTSL | 2006-02-28 12:49

I give Brian '日本肝油丸 C200' as a supplement of Vitamin A, C and D. Brian loves it so much and he used to get one himself after dinner.

Brian missed the Open Day last time. He probably will join the coming Open Day. Do you know what PN kids do last time?


It's good to know that Preston could resume schooling. From the videos that my Mom took for Brian about a week ago, I could see that Preston used to stand next to Ms. Angelika during morning exercise and he didn't participate much. However, he was always one of the first few kids to run into the classroom after morning exercise. He would get ready after the last song and wait for Ms. Hung's command. So cute!

Actually, Brian also didn't join morning exercise until last month. He liked to dance on his own and he seldom hold hands with others. He was so excited that he would be stopped by Ms Hung or Ms Angelika all the time. Ha!

It's good to know that Preston and Brian will be classmates again next year. :-D
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