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GMommy | 2010-06-21 10:02
I am a working mom. My daughter starts using it from 6 mths til now (3.5yrs). My maid plays the CD/DVD for her everyday. I play with her in nighttime and weekends. I found it quite useful. She learnt a lot.
cycream | 2010-06-21 12:24
Quote:原帖由 chikkee 於 10-6-18 14:14 發表
我都有買, 我個仔17個月,有一D字佢會無啦啦講左出黎, 呢套教材係有用, 但我本人覺得佢唔值咁貴, 售後服務,美語電話,可有可無,另外我個仔都有睇YBCR, 千幾蚊, 一樣學到英文, 抵好多..我會提議睇完YBCR,真係有用再買其 ...

totally agreed! 我係用家姐俾我既2手(唔齊), 我自己都有買YBCR, 大陸買另一D好平Disneyland vcd, barney, tingo, 買書,上playgroup,如果要我用幾萬買迪士尼美語太貴啦!

我個仔20個月大,佢而加要自己select睇咩, 有時話mickey,有時barney,都唔係淨係睇一種. 佢而加識既野每隻vcd, 書, playgroup都有用,平有平學,貴有貴學, 最緊要你有心教佢.
skykaren | 2010-06-25 14:43
我BB差不多一歲, 用咗幾個月, 而家最鍾意聽SING ALONG CD同玩CARDS! 好似認得D CARDS咁(不過未識讀)
fatma2222 | 2010-07-05 01:28
honestly this set doesn't worth 60K
it is overrated
the company is very commercialized
and there are no support from them after you buy it
the playgroup they offer are expensive also
i really regret buying it and don't want you to make the same mistakes i made
baubaulee | 2010-07-05 16:51

Does the consultant provide schedule to follow? My friend said her son only likes Zippy and Me series and she shows this series to him only.
chikkee | 2010-07-06 23:42
Quote:原帖由 baubaulee 於 10-7-5 16:51 發表

Does the consultant provide schedule to follow? My friend said her son only likes Zippy and Me series and she shows this series to him only.

我上左個disney講座,佢自己都話zippy and me係活潑好多, 如果比左BB睇zippy,佢地就唔會鍾意睇原本的disney,同埋個顧問真係無咩用, 個schedule佢有比我, 但老實講我跟唔到, 因為我唔想比個仔睇咁多電視, 我播CD多,我有教材要換先要搵佢.
fatma2222 | 2010-07-07 02:10
yes they will give you a schedule at the beginning
i believe that is same schedule they give to everybody else
the point is, when they try to sell me the set, they say there will be consultant to follow up my son's progress.. but then how? every time i hear from him is when he try to sell me new sets
nobody cares my son's progress
why should we pay so much money for 18 books and 12 CD and 30DVD for what??????
it worth the money if they do proper follow up
but if they don't i would say better to buy other english learning sets
my son like zippy too, but if i buy barney or other sets sure he will like it as he will like what i feed to him especially cartoons
there are many other way to learn good english
i think building good reading habit is important
the disney set doesn't have too many books, and there are too many grahics inside, which doesn't encourge the kids to look at the words
if you are rich, no problem can buy, as it will sure helps with listening part of english
but if money is falling from the sky, my advise is spend on other resources
baby can read i think is a good set
can help child to recognize words

Quote:原帖由 baubaulee 於 10-7-5 16:51 發表

Does the consultant provide schedule to follow? My friend said her son only likes Zippy and Me series and she shows this series to him only.

brrbaby2007 | 2010-07-15 14:58
我就覺得sing along ok,其他我唔like。因為有d公仔郁得閃得好快,我覺影響專注力。另外有d行為好差,例如Donald覺得個鐘好嘈好嬲o甘將個鐘掉到床尾整爛佢,Goeffy去愉人地舊骨頭.....等。我覺得YBCR好d,純個人意見。如有時間HK$60,000買到好多教材來教:joyous:
MissMusic | 2010-07-30 23:13
我阿女八個月, 我由佢四個月開始日日比佢聽, 睇就睇play along 每天10分鐘, 另外ybcr 就每天10分鐘。


有時都覺得好似幫阿女洗腦咁, 有d 擔心局限左佢既創意和想象力。
1010sy | 2010-08-04 15:17
my bb use from 4 months to now 22 months, she speaks many English single words and starts to combine words now. I think Disney helps a lot. If budget is tight, I suggest you not to buy whole set. My consultant does not push me to buy whole set and said I can buy later.
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