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Comments on e-book application in secondary education

熱度 6已有 506 次閱讀 12-5-10 14:29 |個人分類:Others|系統分類:教育

e-book may not a perfect solution for the text book price issues and which also against the wish of most parents in HK, they try not let their kids use electronic gadgets frequently.

Just some of my observations from my son:

1. In senior high, text books really heavy, now he leaves hard copies at home for revision and homework, he downloaded the e-copy to the notebook and just a notebook and no need to bring 3-4 text books.

2. Nowadays, all notebook using LED and LCD technology, the effect on eyes are improved and not like CRT technology that you refer to when we're young.

3. Be practical, how's your kids doing research on projects, just hard copies or also leverage on Internet research. If using Internet as well, why treat it differently?

4. Eye protection is an issue and I also fully aware that, we need to coach them how to relax our eyes after using the computer for sometime. We also need to demonstrate as an example to them as well. Nowadays kids don't like our double standards, which happen all the time.

5. Some e-books have video, calculator and other value-added functions which really enhance the learning efficiency.

No right or wrong on this issue, just how you implement and monitor your kid's usage of those gadgets.






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回覆 HY412 12-5-10 19:23
我只擔心長期使用 notebook, 加上小朋友的坐姿不良, 影響頸椎骨 ...
回覆 lillymarie 12-5-10 20:05
我囝學校不鼓勵他們平日帶書回家。我自己就鍾意睇實物真書本多些,無咁多誘惑。Ebook係學校用,無得上網就好些。若在家用,有時唔知佢睇緊乜。我以前返過間教會,都見過有少數人,開住部電腦,multi-task, 聽道寫筆記,上網 social networking. 我自己拎住部手機都一樣遇到類似的誘惑。
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-10 20:20
I also use iPhone to take notes of the sermon in the service, sidetracked is an issue sometime.
回覆 Yanamami 12-5-10 20:21
一人一部ASUS Transformer la.
回覆 vincher 12-5-10 23:02
回覆 One-Mama 12-5-11 10:17
個人習慣 --> 書本, 重溫自己寫寫晝晝的筆跡有FEEL D;
囡囡 --> 正呀!  減輕書包負荷. 避免遺留帶書問題, 仲奉旨帶notebook tim; (亞囡, 到時你又會唔會成日遺留notebook 呢?)
低收入家庭 --> 買notebook又係一筆開支, 分分鐘貴過買書.
政府 --> 可能省回的開支要補助低收入家庭買機. 學校要多D資源做教材. 兼又得罪多一組界別--書商, 後果??
現今世代, 電子書真的有重力推出的必要, 政府要在現時被動及進退失據的情況下先作泥碼, 的確相當突兀.  另外, 如果多D有社會良心既商家, 社會應該和諧好...多!
回覆 ANChan59 12-5-11 10:47
As stated in the first para of the blog, no right or wrong, more on preference.

Be frank, just political bargaining more than the well being of students and parents, even schools.

Fanny Law is coming to "Town"......


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