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生命導師 vs 教師

熱度 20已有 1272 次閱讀 12-6-8 14:22 |個人分類:Gifted Education|系統分類:教育


另外唔好諗住教尖子好爽,除非你自己都好勁,如果唔係你會好大壓力分分鐘比啲學生challenge返轉頭,啲工作量比hband2,3多幾倍,改簿特別多成日要train學生攞獎,如music festival等... 



1. 幽默感 (上堂好悶)
2. 同理心 + 愛心 + 熱心
3. 自知不足,跟學生互相砥礪 (學生會好受,證明要終身學習)
4. 多讚賞 (高帽人人鍾意)
5. 識得搵其他資源及教材 (嘉賓講者... 網上教材....)
6. 做個好的聆聽者 (好work架)
7. 點都要一個見得人既學位 (識教書重要過???大學畢業)
8. 正確價值觀及信仰








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回覆 annie40 12-6-8 14:49
我觉得真正的尖子是各方面非常出众, 而傻傻地又唔多觉得自己是所谓的尖子, 时常带着謙遜的心或努力奋斗去追求更高的成就或理想的孩子, 连三人行必有我师的道理都不能体会, 人生路上必然错失无数的学习机遇, 最终的最大成就, 不过是18岁时IB 拿过45 分, 之后就乏善可陈......................
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:01
Agree, based on definition of elite, some may just focus on single public examination, some may just focus on special talents.... all depends on your definition.

I would say all-rounded is necessary for a real elite, that's why I say my son only semi-elite? Lucky or unlucky, he won't get 45 in 2013........
回覆 MacMa 12-6-8 15:23
ANChan59: Agree, based on definition of elite, some may just focus on single public examination, some may just focus on special talents.... all depends on your  ...
As parents, we really hope our kids can be developed in all-rounded rather than outstantanding in a single aspect only.
回覆 Sumyeema1 12-6-8 15:24
你 quote 這段出來討論,真好。

你列出的 8 種特質,家長最好也兼備
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:26
That's the list come up from family chats...... I just put it in teacher's perspective.

I have some of them only......
回覆 lillymarie 12-6-8 15:27
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:29
MacMa: As parents, we really hope our kids can be developed in all-rounded rather than outstantanding in a single aspect only.
I would quoted a metaphor from my primary Chinese teacher, Mr. Chan.

He said life is like fill-in the blanks, you are no need to finish all or get all answers right and you still pass the "Life Test". We may need some empty spaces.....
回覆 annie40 12-6-8 15:34
ANChan59: Agree, based on definition of elite, some may just focus on single public examination, some may just focus on special talents.... all depends on your  ...
who knows it?  I am an optimist and always believe in kids.  后生可畏!if he gots 44-45 scores.  记住摆十围酒, 请埋我离贺喜!
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:38
42 will do.....
回覆 MacMa 12-6-8 15:38
ANChan59: I would quoted a metaphor from my primary Chinese teacher, Mr. Chan.

He said life is like fill-in the blanks, you are no need to finish all or get a ...
Good philosophy!  Actually, it is not easy for parents to accept "empty spaces" in their kids growing pathway.  I do hope I can take it easy and let him go.
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:39
lillymarie: 樣樣皆能又處事成熟的尖子萬中無一啦。以上8大特質都好啱我兩個鈍子
恭喜  恭喜
回覆 ksenia 12-6-8 15:42
你講得真係好岩. 反而我覺得時下年青人既禮貌同尊重欠奉, 我自己又唔係好識教,唔知你有冇咩高見?
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:42
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 15:44
ksenia: 你講得真係好岩. 反而我覺得時下年青人既禮貌同尊重欠奉, 我自己又唔係好識教,唔知你有冇咩高見?
以身作則 - 身教
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-8 15:46
Sumyeema1: 你 quote 這段出來討論,真好。

你列出的 8 種特質,家長最好也兼備
係囉.  係唔係尖子, 以上幾點放諸四海而皆準. 唔止小朋友需要, 大人都o岩用啊.  我最愛一句話: 以生命影響生命.
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-8 15:52
MacMa: Good philosophy!  Actually, it is not easy for parents to accept "empty spaces" in their kids growing pathway.  I do hope I can take it easy ...
其實不接受也得接受吧....自己也不是+項全能, 點可以要求人地(小朋友)做到呢?
回覆 lillymarie 12-6-8 15:53
做乜恭喜我?   我是說我兩個囝都好需要有那8大特質的導師呢。最怕聽到囝囝話上課無野學,話自己識哂好悶。幾歲人仔有乜可能識哂無野學?Trouble!
回覆 Yanamami 12-6-8 15:54
ANChan59: 這中文老師真係好有料,學歷現今來說當然唔算怎樣,但係識教書,人生智慧無得頂
上一輩老師真的棒, 不只教書, 還教學生做人.
回覆 HY412 12-6-8 17:02
Sumyeema1: 你 quote 這段出來討論,真好。

你列出的 8 種特質,家長最好也兼備
同意! 不過第七點我做唔到   
回覆 HY412 12-6-8 17:04
ANChan59: That's the list come up from family chats...... I just put it in teacher's perspective.

I have some of them only......
你應該完全兼備 !  


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