密      碼:


熱度 25已有 1785 次閱讀 12-6-5 14:15 |個人分類:Parenting|系統分類:教育


上幾個星期他開始溫習預備考試。星期日晚,他讓我們看看他的,CA,評估,CAS .......成績,參照 IBDP 的 Score boundaries,他的Year 1 成績會令我倆喜出望外,睇了他的Portfolio,真係好用心做,Lab Reports,Essay,Commentary.... 好有水準。My CEO 覺得他的英文已經超越她(她外號"洋文強"),首尾呼應,有層次,有觀點.....唯一美中不足是間中有些文法錯誤,整體不會影響他的文章可讀性....... 我開始明白佢點解會考慮BBA - Law.......

我問他點解要兩年先讓我倆參觀欣賞他的成就,他講之前真係麻麻,下學期認真發力學習,整體表現非常突出,平時分高到好緊要,考試正常發揮,PG 40/42應該無問題。他的叫幾飛的策略開始成形,加上 IB Coordinator 都睇過他的進度報告,老師開始明白他的玩法,全級只有他及死黨可以遲d先定3HL。His Happy Problem will be, how to drop any HL to SL, when all are 7.......

昨日在公司開會,技術部門的報告令我睇到眼火爆,我專登將阿仔三份Lab reports 給他們睇,後來個 Manager 同我講,份 Report 唔錯,呢個學生值得請 ........ 我同佢講個學生無興趣做 Engineer 及工廠 ........ 佢話真可惜。我內心話 ..... 好在 .....

近來,我地d通識時間係一面睇新聞,一面評論,有時明知他玩野,但起碼夠膽同我最搏嘴..... 我問他如何吸收時事資訊,佢話都係上網訂閱....... 報紙,週刊,評論文章,除了香港,還有海外.......。

今個暑假佢會好忙,CAS Trip, SAT, IELTS,Personal Statements, TOK, EE, 上海 attachment + Law firm shadowing.....






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回覆 ANChan59 12-6-7 22:45
salina0817: Yr son is very smart, if my daughter like yr son, 我就滿足啦
回覆 cowboymama 12-6-8 00:13
annie40: IB 真是非常好的training, 未入職场, 已有超乎在職人士的能力, 他日当然是人见人爱, 车见车载!  恭喜!
/人见人爱, 车见车载! /

人见人爱, 车见车载!.棺材蓋都會彈開!
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 09:46
回覆 whmama 12-6-8 13:15
I hope my son will 開竅 one day.
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-8 13:18
whmama: I hope my son will 開竅 one day.
Sure, he will....

Just keep him on track, no wrong doing is fine.
回覆 annie40 12-6-8 17:40
啊! 原来仲有句:棺材蓋都會彈開!very funny.
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-12 21:58
He revises books and notes over 6-800 pages every day, great stamina, disregard the results, I appreciate his effort for this exam.....

If tomorrow, he got 7 for chemistry, he may drop English from HL to SL.....
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-13 01:54
cowboymama: /His buddy will go for Cambridge and study History........./

我阿仔仲在他的comfort zone裏,希望到高中他也可以像你阿仔般開竅 ...
comfort zone 是能引導孩子跨越的 ^^
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-13 01:55
版主:看來培育囝囝成長,是你的第 ? 個學位?^,^
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-13 02:17
Haha secret.

BTW, we can start a program to teach and coach parents for parenting. A father to be a good father......

What do you think?
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-13 10:24
A father to be a good father......
A mother to be a good mother......
i will add holistic family
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-13 10:45
peaceandlove: A father to be a good father......
A mother to be a good mother......
i will add holistic family
Agree, it's a holistic approach.
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-13 10:52
個人 coaching 好易做
家長個別 coaching 都不難做
Family Therapy 就比較複雜
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-14 15:02
peaceandlove: 個人 coaching 好易做
家長個別 coaching 都不難做
Family Therapy 就比較複雜
I don't mean family therapy.

I have an assumption that all parents love their kids, if they aware their paradigm heavily affect their kids' developments and consequences, they will definitely make a better choice based on more factual and realistic info. We facilitate them to make an informed decision, better choice.....
回覆 peaceandlove 12-6-14 16:27
ANChan59: I don't mean family therapy.

I have an assumption that all parents love their kids, if they aware their paradigm heavily affect their kids' developm ...
我知道你不是指 Family Therapy 呢
回覆 ANChan59 12-6-23 13:43
下集  "派卷了,阿仔初步成績出了"
回覆 ANChan59 12-7-4 00:48
He will drop English from HL to SL......
回覆 ANChan59 12-7-4 17:39
阿仔有個師兄HKU BBA-Law有Conditional Offer 42/45,他決定去紐約讀Business。佢過左d料俾阿仔報 BBA-Law, BBA-JD and Law,佢睇好阿仔,勸他讀 BBA-Law, 更適合他性格。


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