密      碼:
分享 今日工作坊的感想
熱度 15 ANChan59 15-10-10 16:08
今日工作坊是歷來最多 lB 學生的一次,反而暴露了 lB及NSS的分別。 原因是lB學生可能在選科的圧力較細,準備功夫有些延後,而且大部分對選科及未來工作未有清楚目標,我初步會考慮以後到中四才可以上,可能效果更好! 有學生已經S5,我們特別分析他的選科,我們都有些擔心,會有好大風險,要做多少少來補鑊 ...
個人分類: University Admission|652 次閱讀|11 個評論
分享 NEW University Program Selection Workshop 10th Oct 2015
熱度 22 ANChan59 15-9-14 11:49
Dear Friends I would like to organize an university program selection workshops for parents and teens on 10th October . Date: 10th October (Sat) Time: 10:00 - 13:00 Venue: Conference room - Kwun Tong Places: 8 students and 8 parents Fee: Fr ...
個人分類: University Admission|470 次閱讀|13 個評論
分享 Meaningful tasks
熱度 20 ANChan59 14-12-27 22:16
ANChan59 : Today's workshops are well received, but it's tough for me to conduct or facilitate two workshops in one day ..... active listening, facilitate the learning and sharing process is demanding. ANChan59 : Sorry about the overrun today. (12-27 21:14) Yanamami : ...
個人分類: University Admission|1098 次閱讀|64 個評論
分享 DSE之下
熱度 16 ANChan59 14-10-21 09:56
最近做學士學位四年制的專業認可資格 Accreditation,集中在四個方面,課程結構,學科設備,師資及學生質素幾方面。 其他不想透露太多,今次只想講講學生在 HKDSE 之下的情況。 1。第一屆是以 4C+1 收生,第二屆是最佳5科收生,平均分相差3分,21提升到24。 2。兩屆都有收Combined Science 物理 ...
個人分類: University Admission|747 次閱讀|7 個評論
分享 NEW University Program Selection Workshops 27th Dec - AM and PM sessions
熱度 32 ANChan59 14-9-7 23:30
Dear Friends I would like to organize an university program selection workshops for parents and teens on 27th December, as overbooked, I will run two identical sessions one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. . Date: 27th December (Sat) Time: AM se ...
個人分類: University Admission|1987 次閱讀|73 個評論
分享 Workshop 分享
熱度 19 ANChan59 14-9-7 10:45
統一分享方便些! ANChan59 : Tomorrow will be the workshop, busy for the ppt and additional notes. CEO will join us tomorrow. My assistant will stand-by as well. Around 14 participants ..... like_travel : what kind of workshop ? (9-5 15:25) 回覆 刪除 ...
個人分類: University Admission|1564 次閱讀|116 個評論
分享 Rankings mislead with unstandardised scores
熱度 3 ANChan59 14-7-24 23:37
Rankings mislead with unstandardised scores Kaycheng Soh29 June 2013 Issue No:278 Recent research into university ranking methodologies has uncovered methodological problems within the most well-known systems currently being produced. One key problem is the summation of unstandardised indicato ...
個人分類: University Admission|479 次閱讀|4 個評論
分享 Personal statement 的經驗
熱度 20 ANChan59 13-12-22 16:43
最近多咗網友問有關PS如何編寫,特別是考慮如何寫多於一科主科,所以寫成這篇日誌。 在去年暑假開始,阿仔要做準備PS,他當時從CV入手,看看裹面有那些亮點跟選科有關。最後總結為三份作基礎,1。醫科,2。法律,3。經濟及QFin。 英國UCAS只選擇一科經濟,所以用3號版本,UST一樣。 港大是醫科加法律,重點是比 ...
個人分類: University Admission|2754 次閱讀|23 個評論

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