charmrachel的個人空間分享 /?138326


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元朗英藝同真光都收咗,揀邊間好? 幼校討論 3 1019 Karpo 15-1-14 13:31
9月讀小一的新生分班了嗎? 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 8 1911 bbvenkel 13-8-28 08:18
2013面試等結果區 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 112 13395 hoyumama 13-4-21 21:35
  There must have chance, don't give up. As lots of school not yet final the interview, ie LA, Gigami ...
2013面試等結果區 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 112 13395 hoyumama 13-4-21 21:35
請問李宗德有沒有2nd Interview? 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 15 2477 acw 12-10-15 09:24
  Isn't it 18-20 October for registration? When will the second interview be held?
請問李宗德有沒有2nd Interview? 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 15 2477 acw 12-10-15 09:24
係咪仲未收到通知22/9幾點面試? 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 7 1048 virgokaren 12-9-22 05:23
  Received today, need to confirm the interview by 18th sep either by photo or fax.
2013-14 小一入學申請 (截止日期:15/9/2012) 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 17 2199 looking 12-9-4 23:29
請問今年有無簡介會 和富慈善基金李宗德小學 6 1458 babymani 12-6-20 06:08
有無人參加過全港幼稚園數學精英盃K2組? 課外活動 4 2769 bonniec2000 12-4-2 01:36
  Excuse me, wanna know more. What's the competition? Any related link? Deadline of application? T ...
有俾小朋友(幼园)讀 ENOPI 家長請進~~~~~~有事問 課外活動 11 1343 Pertra 12-4-8 20:56
  For enopi, I never let my boy to use the blocks and shapes since the tutor haven't show me how to us ...
我看了一場高質素的雙簧管比賽 教育講場 10 2500 熹熹媽 12-4-5 22:30
論盡溜冰2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 67 課外活動 1321 75507 choleliu 12-6-4 14:01
  我想問下你女女係邊個教練?好嗎?小兒黎緊都會在圓方學呀!麻煩你 ...
LEGO班有咩好玩? 違規文章 5 395 la925 12-6-11 00:32
  You search from groupon, there is a promotion which is $8xx in 2.5hours day camp in Easter. 3-5 yea ...
LEGO班有咩好玩? 違規文章 5 395 la925 12-6-11 00:32
  According to the theme (different themes in different classes), use lego to build up child's creativ ...
論盡溜冰2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 67 課外活動 1321 75507 choleliu 12-6-4 14:01
論盡溜冰2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 67 課外活動 1321 75507 choleliu 12-6-4 14:01
有俾小朋友(幼园)讀 ENOPI 家長請進~~~~~~有事問 課外活動 11 1343 Pertra 12-4-8 20:56
  Is making number = 1+9=10, 2+8=10, etc.? I am guessing only, if yes, it may need 死背, similar to m ...
論盡溜冰2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 67 課外活動 1321 75507 choleliu 12-6-4 14:01
  咁多位媽咪大家好,亞仔4月會夾同學仔一齊係圓方學溜冰,請問教練方面Peggy 同Jimmy 邊個會有耐性同愛心啲 ...
分享開心事 !! ... 1 2 課外活動 27 3006 wcpcelia 12-3-20 19:42
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