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有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-3 21:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-3 22:07 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Cyrus123 寫道:
Thx,after reading  message above, 我估辦學唔同開武館,有技旁身固然好,在interview中顯示的智慧、潛能及修養更重要!對否?

   I cannot agree more!! Like my son, he does not have any particular prizes and talents. However, I believe that the performance of the parents and boy in the 2nd interview is very important. This is the only chance that the parents can project to the school how much they care their boy and how much effort they are willing to contribute in their son's studies. This is the only moment of truth. So, better get well prepared for it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-3 22:44 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Sorry, I disagree.

Based on my observation, the verbal interview performance is a minor factor. Contrarily, family background and special talent (music or sport) with prizesss are the keys to enter this school.

Gordon_No_4 寫道:
Cyrus123 寫道:
Thx,after reading  message above, 我估辦學唔同開武館,有技旁身固然好,在interview中顯示的智慧、潛能及修養更重要!對否?

   I cannot agree more!! Like my son, he does not have any particular prizes and talents. However, I believe that the performance of the parents and boy in the 2nd interview is very important. This is the only chance that the parents can project to the school how much they care their boy and how much effort they are willing to contribute in their son's studies. This is the only moment of truth. So, better get well prepared for it. [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-4 00:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Excuse me, what is your observation based on? Personal experience or ????

I know a successful case the boy just smart but without any prize in music or sport. He just comes from ordinary family.

BTW, what do you mean by 'family background'? Based on their household income, or what?

youma 寫道:
Sorry, I disagree.

Based on my observation, the verbal interview performance is a minor factor. Contrarily, family background and special talent (music or sport) with prizesss are the keys to enter this school.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-4-4 08:50 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Let me put it this way, children with special talent in music or sport probably have a higher chance of getting admitted.  But DBSPS admits 150 G1 students a year.  How many of them are in the above-mentioned category?  Even if there are 50 of them, there are still 100 places to compete for.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-4 11:24 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

My observation is that you cannot depend singly on one special talent, be it music, sport, English or anything. Rather, famous school like DBS will always consider the manner and responsiveness of the candidates first.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-4 11:28 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

My boy is studying in G5, he is not good at music and sport.  But to my surprise, he can manage to score above 90 marks out of 100 in the English subject for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education (香港中學會考英國語文科).  I don't think he achieved the results by chance because I have given him many years of past papers and his performance is stable.
I don't know how he can handle the papers so nice.
He does not like reading English story books.  Scientific fiction and text in English are his cup of tea.
He can solve chemistry problems up to S5 standard.
He has never attend any tutorial classes except sometime discusses with me his currently interested topics.  In DBSPD there are numerous students with special talents.  My son's classmate, Shum Ching Tao, the pianist, is one of the elite student in DBSPD.
In my point of view, it is very important to provide a good studying  atmosphere to the children and that is sole reason we have to choose an elite school for our beloved.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-4 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

咁我諗名校都想佢地d學生有過人之處, 咁我諗佢地見埋家長都係想揀d 有家教ge 學生啫, 面試表現真係好緊要ge
GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. [Psalms 46:1]

發表於 07-4-4 13:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-4 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

I have not seen any EMBROSE HO work. Can you quote some of his works ?  All round academic development is  very important to my boy. I encourage him to study physics , chemistry and mathematics so that he can exploit his talent in early stage.  He is very interested in the subjects studied and can manage up to the standard of secondary level.   DBSPD is a very good school with no match in all aspect because it makes me feel its air of freedom.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-5 09:19 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

click here

Really don't know the definition of a good school should be.  D叻既小朋友都係父母最大既功勞,學校只係比到呢堆小朋友可以聚埋一齊,一定唔會因為小朋友讀左男拔而變成奇材.因為如果小朋友真係好有talent, d家長點會唔想入,而學校又點會唔要人材呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 07-4-7 12:13 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

我都認同係小朋友先有佢既特質同才能, 再加上學校後來0的培育同訓練,小朋友應會能更有效地發揮佢地既潛能!

雖然我仔仔唔係有好特別過人之處, 但依然好希望佢能好好地在DBSPD享受未來12年的校園生活!  除了可以與我朋友的小朋友一起努力, 還可以認識更多在日後會並肩作戰的好同學!


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-4-9 00:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

發表於 07-4-10 15:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

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Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-12 02:06 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

stjoboldboy 寫道:
俾咁多”數理化”佢讀,又俾” many years of past papers” 佢做,請小心”exploit his talent in early stage” 之餘, 重”exhaust his talent in early stage”. 俾番多D個人空間個人小朋友啦. 每個小朋友都係獨立個體, 並唔係俾家長用黎炫耀既工具黎架!

I think you are jealous.  But I am happy because you can envy.  Being jealous is the normal reaction of you and this shows that you are normal. Congratulation !

I don't think I will exhaust my boys talent as long as  the study of all these subjects cannot impose any burden on him. He is interested and just treats his study as his exploits. He enjoys !

I just post my boy case to remind you that there are many gifted students in DBSPD. My boy is of no match to them.

In the eye of you, all talents are forged by stripping their individuality and personal free space.  You are narrow minded. Get rid of your jealousness before you can be open minded !


Rank: 2

發表於 07-4-12 23:43 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

stjoboldboy 寫道:
俾咁多”數理化”佢讀,又俾” many years of past papers” 佢做,請小心”exploit his talent in early stage” 之餘, 重”exhaust his talent in early stage”. 俾番多D個人空間個人小朋友啦. 每個小朋友都係獨立個體, 並唔係俾家長用黎炫耀既工具黎架!

I think you are jealous. But I am happy because you can envy. Being jealous is the normal reaction of you and this shows that you are normal. Congratulation !

I don't think I will exhaust my boys talent as long as the study of all these subjects cannot impose any burden on him. He is interested and just treats his study as his exploits. He enjoys !

I just post my boy case to remind you that there are many gifted students in DBSPD. My boy is of no match to them.

In the eye of you, all talents are forged by stripping their individuality and personal free space. You are narrow minded. Get rid of your jealousness before you can be open minded !  

HeiKiBaBa 寫道:
stjoboldboy 寫道:
俾咁多”數理化”佢讀,又俾” many years of past papers” 佢做,請小心”exploit his talent in early stage” 之餘, 重”exhaust his talent in early stage”. 俾番多D個人空間個人小朋友啦. 每個小朋友都係獨立個體, 並唔係俾家長用黎炫耀既工具黎架!

I think you are jealous.  But I am happy because you can envy.  Being jealous is the normal reaction of you and this shows that you are normal. Congratulation !

I don't think I will exhaust my boys talent as long as  the study of all these subjects cannot impose any burden on him. He is interested and just treats his study as his exploits. He enjoys !

I just post my boy case to remind you that there are many gifted students in DBSPD. My boy is of no match to them.

In the eye of you, all talents are forged by stripping their individuality and personal free space.  You are narrow minded. Get rid of your jealousness before you can be open minded !


Rank: 4

發表於 07-4-13 15:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

我聽我囝囝既同學既媽咪話, 除左佢自己既細仔入唔番dbspd之外, 另外有幾個細佬佬都入倒喎, 所以即使阿哥係度讀都唔係一定掂, 所以一定要繼續加油~

Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 07-4-13 21:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Hi, cottontail,

你好!想澄清一下, 你所分享既係有一位媽媽透露過自己細仔入唔到DBSPD,但知道有幾位媽媽既細仔可以入到...所以有無兄長係處讀, 都唔係一定有advantage, 細佬自己都要有番咁上下實力至可以加入DBSPD既大家庭,我諗我無會錯意啩!?


Rank: 3Rank: 3


發表於 07-4-13 21:36 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

Hi, cottontail,

又係我, 我再重睇番你既分享, 忽然從另一方面咁去理解, 可唔可以話---大部份有哥哥响度讀既, 細佬都好大機會被取錄, 只係有小部份既弟弟無咁幸運地入選?  就好似鋼琴好叻果位沈同學咁, 好似話佢弟弟就係其中一個未有被取錄既例子? 請你指正一下, 謝謝!

事關, 除我朋友之外, 我所以咁積極問, 係因為我都係一個兩子之母, 大果個今年九月入讀DBSPD, 咁細果個都係時候要幫佢諗埋架喇!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-18 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: 有無讀拔萃男書院附屬小學的小朋友家長來分享

想請教一下interview (P1) 會問甚麼呢? 另,小朋友怎樣才會被DBSPD accept呢?

Million thanks.
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