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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 孩子在澳洲讀書
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發表於 07-2-6 18:48 |顯示全部帖子



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-8 01:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

澳洲讀書好ng好ka 多唔多人一班 因為爸爸話想我轉去澳洲 我都想知佢地上堂係點o既... 因為我係呢邊得6,7個人班 冇上堂氣氛 學校又成日攪d旅行wor 比完錢又唔包埋車費 要自己另比車費ka 同埋學校收生不足 年年都加價!! D老師又幾情緒化wor!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-8 12:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書





Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-10 14:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

我而家係去o左canada o度讀緊書ka...上次爸爸打比我話佢d朋友o既女係果邊讀wor 仲可以唔洗工作證都做到part time係咪真ka~~ 我想知一年學費大約幾錢倒 買野洗ng洗比稅ka 我而家讀緊grade11 洗ng洗再簽証去ka... 同埋點搵人攪好 洗ng洗睇銀行o既入息証明果d野ka~~ 即係有咩手續要攪 我都覺得學習氣氛係好重要 我而家呢間加到成千幾蚊加幣一科 聽d同學講年年都加價ka我呢間 同埋我地一班得果6,7個人倒上堂 我覺得冇晒d氣氛好似入o左d死城咁>~< d亞sir又成日攪d活動如果冇人or少人就用d強迫o既feel叫人去 仲係成日出去d trip 同埋又唔包車錢同食野ka wor!! 我都係去o左canada半年倒 爸爸咁講開我先問o下澳洲d野lor~~ 同埋有冇宿舍果d ka~~ 因為我冇親戚係果邊 第一次去的話唔識路想搵人接機!! 果d住屋幾錢一個月租ka~~ many many thx!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-10 18:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書



你現在人在Canada,要找資料可在有關的web site找到 (please check pm),我的孩子也是在這間agent幫助下到Australia讀書的。他們是不收取費用的,所以很多人到這裹辦手續,不妨找你的爸爸到這agent 處找職員傾談一下。


我孩子讀的是大學的Foundation progamme (Fast Track) ,只讀10 months,學費約是AUD17xxx全期 (未計共他費用)。



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-10 18:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書



可以做part time,不過好似有DD限制,但我孩子未試過。


學費我諗每年都會調整,因為香港都會啦。學校會要你先交全年或一個semester嘅學費,然後要求你confirm住宿,有呢兩樣先至可以申請student visa架。因為學校可以做你個監護人嘛,唔可以冇得住就叫你過去ga。

我地都係冇朋友親人在Aussie ga,唔驶驚,可以要求學校安排airport pick-up。我地都係咁咋。
:idea:  :idea:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-12 02:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

唔該晒你...咁你個仔有冇係果邊讀過High School ar~ 不過我係煩緊我姐姐幫我係canada報名時係一次比晒十科錢...而家讀o左6科倒...你個仔係澳洲邊個地方(e.g 悉尼...) 加埋稅係入面都好D 同埋澳洲錢對港幣係幾多o架!! 如果萬一屋企人想探我又未去過 咁點算好ah 可ng可以同我住ka!!同埋澳洲D英文係咪同香港差不多架...... 因為我有D日本同越南o既同學同我講果d都唔同 有時唔知佢地講咩野...因為大家D英文都係唔太好 剛剛去...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-12 17:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書


Please check pm.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-13 06:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

If you are already settle down in Canada, I suggest you not to think moving around. I was studied in Australia before and now I am in Vancouver, I can tell you the racism in  Australia is a big problem once you are in university. Or it is the same everywhere as local students will not like to mix with overseas student anyway.

Regarding on the spirit of the school, if you dont like the current one, I suggest you to look for another one rather than changing to new country. It is too much money involves as well as time consuming.

Go out and practing your english more and this is the only way to help you out. If you dont understand your overseas classmates, try to talk to the one who has better english or listen to the radio. Please dont make the excuse that those ovseas student dont speak good english due to their accent. We are all the same from the native speakers' eyes.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-13 18:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

Thanks for your sharing. Are you studying in university? My boy had studied a Summer English Program in Vancouver last year. He was delighted to study in there.

我的孩子不曾在澳洲讀過high school,所以沒有這方面的資料。
澳幣的對換率约是AUD1= HKD6.1xx (please check with bank)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-14 00:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

yes, I have finished university in Melbourne and I can tell you that, no local students like to mix with overseas student as they assume we have poor English. Racism is very high in Australia and that's why I dont choose to settle there.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-14 20:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書


Thanks for asking me the different between Aussie and UK. But i'm telling you the true--I really have no idea because my boy decided to go Aussie.

He maybe considered about 學費、生活費、交通費(incl flying between HK and Aussie)、還有可以早一年上大學,我認為他考意慮了多方面的問題。

由於我們任由他選擇,所以沒有與其他地方比較過。We have relatives in Canada and USA, he chose Australia, he chose study alone....

I would like you to talk over here, sharing your confusing, your thinking.... 其他的朋友或能给你更多的意見呢!    

By the way, are you a student? What level purposed you are going to?  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-14 20:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書




是否這就是你轉到Vancouver study? living? 的原因呢?    

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-15 00:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

I graduated my university and went back to HK. I met my husband in university and he came to HK to marry me. As he is english native speaker(Indian origin), he doesnt like to live in HK as well as HK people racist him, so we chose to migrate to Canada.

Yes, racism exists everywhere, but I compare the life in Canada and Australia, I can tell you Australia is the worst! To give you an example, you rarely see any managment positions in Australia are NON-white. In Canada, people dont judge you by accent and many poliiticians are actually Asian. My ex-landlord still speak english with strong accent after over 25yrs, he is working a supervisor level at the hospital and making decent pay. My BIL is Aussie and he told me that people look him down as he married Asian. In Canada, mix marriage is very common and no one really cares as most people are immigrants anyway. 3 years in Australia, people always asked if you speak English? This is very offened to a non-native speaker and no one in Canada will ask this questions as we all try to understand due to accent.

You never live there, you will never know how bad to be a non-white person there.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-15 10:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

redpocket 寫道:




Hi everyone,

I don't want to hijack this thread as it's supposed to be a discussion on education in Australia.  However, I do want to present my real life story so that prospective parents who are thinking of sending their children to study in Australia won't be put off or deterred by the comments on the severity of racism here.

I'm a Chinese from HK and came to Australia to marry a white Aussie.  Come April and I would have lived in Australia for 4 years.  

I find the people here in general are very friendly and tolerating of other cultures.  Australia is a land of migrants too .... Chinese, Vietnamese, Italians, Greeks (Melbourne has the largest Greek population outside of Greece) etc etc.  Of course, there are rude and obnoxious people but this happens every where.  

Mixed marriages is also pretty common ... my husband's nephew married a Filipina, his work mate married a lady from China not to mention the couples we saw on the streets.  

My husband's family and friends are all very warm and friendly to me and I have never experienced any unfriendly or hostile treatment from strangers because I'm a Chinese.

Racism exists everywhere ... even in HK, look at how we treat our compatriots from Mainland China, look at how we treat the Indians and Pakistanis.

We also have this problem in Australia but not severe enough for me to feel upset or threatened.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-15 10:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

生命從來都是喜樂参半,遺憾你們在Aussie or HK都感受到不快的事。



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-15 11:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

Nice to meet you here and thanks for your sharing too.
Glad to hear your positive thinking. Believed that your smart kid/kids is your whole world.




Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-15 11:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書


Nice to meet you too.

You are absolutely right ... it all depends on how you approach the matter and how you can turn it around.

Devlin is indeed my whole world ... looking after him is so all-consuming.  He's now 13 months going on to 14 next week.  Running everywhere, climbing everything, including our Golden Retriever (he treats the dog like a big toy)!!  It's very tiring especially he's going through the clingy stage at the moment.  However tired, a smile, a hug or a kiss from him will send every tiredness away.

You must be missing your son a lot.  Which uni is he attending?  Is he settling well into the study and lifestyle here?  My niece has just arrived earlier this year and will soon start her study at U of Queensland next week.

祝你和家人身體健康,心想事成。 新年快樂。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-15 12:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

HI Devlin媽媽/redpocket,

I dont mean all Aussie are racist, but I just feel so offended when they ask if you speak English just because of my accent. As I have lived in Australia for 3yrs and I know how it feels to be an overseas student.

Yes, generally western people are very friendly, but what I mean I dont like Australia is because the chance for my career development especially if I have to settle there for my life. My husband was also graduated there but couldn't get a chance for a job interview due to his status as overseas student. FYI, he was voted as Student of the Year in school. His friend was even finished his Master in Finance in Melbourne, it takes him 10yrs for him to convert it to residency after having his own business there. Now my husband got a semi-govt job and I also work in my field. No one question my accent anymore and I feel much confident to speak English.

Yes, my sister also married a white Aussie guy and she mix very well with their family, but the parent was against the marriage at the beginning. I left for almost 10yrs now, it may change as I never want to live there for life.

just for your information, Australia claims to be multicultural country, but it is not exactly. Australia doesnt get many immigrants such as Latin American, South Asian/Middle East or African. I dont want to say Canada is really great, but I really feel the whole world is here, from Asia to American, from African to Arabs, from European to Aussie.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-15 15:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 孩子在澳洲讀書

xother and Devlin媽媽,



我個大仔喺Melbourne 讀Foundation Study Program, hopefully 呢個七月可以入到 Uni 啦。佢舊年十月過咗去,都從冇主動打過電話返嚟,佢話冇乜嘢好講喎!   
