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教育王國 討論區 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 深旺道St.Margaret 的優點與缺點??
樓主: 展朗

深旺道St.Margaret 的優點與缺點??

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-3 16:50 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 HKQQbaby 於 09-3-2 09:00 發表
我仔仔在SM P1, 返了大半年學, 發覺他進步不少, 尤其學了中文拼音後, 現讀有拼音注音的中文書時,遇有不會讀的字 會償試用學到的拼音拼字. 此外, 對在課外活動裡學過的木球及粵劇, 他尤其感興趣.

他們比那些天天為應 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-4 11:42 |顯示全部帖子



原帖由 sara 於 09-2-28 10:48 PM 發表
我個女係讀宏福幼兒園,係d印巴藉老師教既!反而那時我個女唔太出聲! 之後讀一間大部分時間中文教學既幼稚園,but反而佢就好似開竅咁,識得講野&問野.......
有時覺得讀邊間幼稚園和考到邊間小學未必有好 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-6 01:50 |顯示全部帖子

我覺得你對這間學校非常之怨恨, 有d好似男女拍拖比人飛!你係咪就係果個師生戀既主角????有什麼十怨九仇?????
你都唔係由細養大, 又唔係親生女(小學升上去)你都係出面比人掉出街d學生!係stm鬼un眼收左你, 真係替校長不值!
我以前讀果間中學都係普普通通, 不過我從未抺黑過!講到底自己都係果度長大, 到家陣我三十幾歲, 在街見到校長(佢退左休), 我都親自同佢say hi! 不知幾開心可以回憶下中學時既事, 你仲細, 當你將來大個有小朋友你回想下你所做既事!!你現在所講既事同態度咪就係無家教!!!!
其實我只係上來睇下stm間學校, 都唔會因為你所講既事而放棄, 我都會親身去學校看看, 其實老師有問題, 好多學校都有, 好似油天, 有個老師攪大左個學生, 到上庭學校先至知, 但係band 1, 又如何!!!大把人想入!!!
原帖由 sky_pan2000 於 06-11-27 12:21 發表
唔緊要~我都係分享下~中學同小學同一間校舍~同一個校長~而且校舍是一棟過的~你相信可以有band 1至band 3既分別嗎?

老實講~我都鐘意呢間學校自由度大d~呢間學校既老師都其身不正~有資格教人嗎?你知道好多老師同學生 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-3-6 10:13 |顯示全部帖子
G_MA.... & 其他媽咪....


越黎越覺得, 想囡囡入sm 真係遙不可及...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-3-6 12:58 |顯示全部帖子

唔好咁灰, 你bb仲細, 要培養佢有好多方法, 我地只係講一d最容易直接既, 但係條條大路通羅馬, 世事無絕對, 唔試過又點知唔得呢.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-6 22:04 |顯示全部帖子
16 K3 STUDENTS from Learning Habitat has already been accepted by St.Margaret for 2009/2010 school year.  May be this is a good path to get into SM school.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-6 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
According to the 2008 presentation slides, http://www.smcesps.edu.hk/documents/20080712p1briefing.pdf

There are around 30 students in a class from P1-P2 and then 34 students from P3-P6 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-11 16:09 |顯示全部帖子
其實SMCESPS真的是放了很資源在外語部....因為外語部HEAD TEACHER - MR. ADAMS精通多種語言.  而P.5/P.6的同學已經可以參加由學校外語部安排之交流團, 如今年有去法國(MAR'09) 及日本 (JUL'09). 值得一讚是法國交流團, 團費非常實惠, 如今年只收機票HK$6,561 + SKI SCHOOL FEE EUR430.- 包足10天行程. 相信與其他名校相比, 價錢絕對平宜. 重要是可以與當地HOST FAMILY同住. 所以此校都著重實踐, 活學活用.

原帖由 kakaloklok 於 09-2-19 13:12 發表
好多謝你的意見 !

上年已參觀過ST. M之OPEN DAY及聽過學校的教學理念, 他們對於外語, 都好著重, 所以問一問就讀生的媽咪情況如何.
至於基本的SUBJ當然不會忽略, 希望今年阿仔可以入讀啦 !

Rank: 4

發表於 09-3-11 17:00 |顯示全部帖子
[quote]原帖由 elizatyy 於 09-3-6 22:30 發表
More than 16 LH students. Some of them give up the seat.Actually, SMC is good at English, but not famour and a band 3 school with similar name- SMGC in HK Island. Some people has a bad image on SMC

[ 本帖最後由 bblaw 於 09-3-11 21:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-3-14 14:37 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bblaw 於 09-3-11 17:00 發表
[quote]原帖由 elizatyy 於 09-3-6 22:30 發表
More than 16 LH students. Some of them give up the seat.Actually, SMC is good at English, but  ...

I see...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-7 18:00 |顯示全部帖子

想請問如報 2010-2011 年小一,學校幾時開始接受報名,因學校網頁上的報名表是沒有註明是收那一年之學生

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-4-7 18:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 leil_girl 於 09-4-7 18:00 發表

想請問如報 2010-2011 年小一,學校幾時開始接受報名,因學校網頁上的報名表是沒有註明是收那一年之學生 ...

如無記錯, 係9月開始接受報名...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-7 20:22 |顯示全部帖子
When is the Open Day?

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-4-7 21:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 elizatyy 於 09-4-7 20:22 發表
When is the Open Day?

約8月尾會有briefing, briefing 後就可以參觀學校啦.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-9 15:57 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 一家三口 於 09-4-7 18:28 發表
如無記錯, 係9月開始接受報名...



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-4-9 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 一家三口 於 09-4-7 21:32 發表

約8月尾會有briefing, briefing 後就可以參觀學校啦.

Thanks, I am also "一家三口 "

Rank: 2

發表於 10-2-14 04:32 |顯示全部帖子
I saw that many family are interested in SMCE primary section. I think the primary section of SMCE is quite good, it language policy makes many family consider about the school. Nowadays the primary secion of SMCE is famous but the secondary section are that great.

The school has put a lot of resources
in the primary section, but comparing with the secondary section, i think the secondary section is not that good.

In the primary section, the teacher's English are good. But most of the teachers in secondary section English level is not that good. Most of them their pronunciation are Chinglish, I think it will affect children's pronunciation after they move on to secondary. Although using English for writing and teaching is not a problem for them. Also secondary should consider the public exam much, the result in public exam is also important for children.

The school has put a lot of resources in the primary section, that mean the school is neglected to the secondary development. At primary, there are lot of activities for kids to play, talent class, a plenty of sport games. But in secondary, there are not much activities for secondary students.

And I think when children growing up to teens, they should start to learn how to be a leader. Most of the schools put a lot of resources for traning students' leadership, but I think St. Margaret's is lack of this. Leadership traning is important in secondary, it will affect them when they going to university and working in the society. But I see that the leadership traning in SMC is weak and not forcus much on it. I think parent choosing SMC will also consider the secondary section, I hope when parent considering the primary, secondary is also important to think about it.

Children can speak different languages are good for them. But I agree that to have a good leadership traning and the experience of organising activities by students themselves are also important and meaningful when they are in secondary. I don't really like that SMC didn't train students to organising activities much such as drama show and christmas show etc. Those clubs and student association seems like a "teachers organising club", the students didn't really got chance to do it. I think this will affect their managing skills and the problem solving skills in the future.

Besides, the school campus is also small for a through-train school. There are not enough area for students to play ball games on the playground. Secondary students sometimes are not allow to play ball games on the playground because of primary section need to use it. Imagine children move to secondary section later on may lost the area of ball games and sport activities.

I think if parents and children love the school, parents should consider much more than now. Students may study in a same school for 12 years, a good secondary education is also important. I hope when parent choosing school for children, except cosidering the language policy in primary, enough area for sports, leadership traing for higher form is also important.

I hope my sharing can be helpful.

發表於 10-6-10 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-6-10 10:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jenny媽媽 於 10-6-10 00:05 發表
唔好意思~我想問吓各位家長我小囡而家o係崇真讀緊K2 o黎緊既9月佢會升上K3跟住就要報小一學校喇~...我想問吓我個女o係崇真呢間學校學到既嘢都唔淺o架...佢地呢間學校又係好注重英文語言o架...

咁St.Margaret收我個 ...

Hi : jenny媽媽

我細囡都係讀崇真幼稚園架. 不過今年會repeat k2, 等佢打好個底子才升小學....

收邊間幼稚園的學生真係好難講, 但我會幫細囡打好oral 和listening先, 對面試會有幫助.

我見過通告係聯於申請津貼, eg : 車船, 書簿...etc


發表於 10-6-10 11:40 |顯示全部帖子
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