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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见 ...
樓主: 猴子爸

施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-21 15:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意

此外,想问问K3总毕业人数有多少?看到busyparent所写的,有15个被KTS accepted,其他的出名学校也不少,成绩真的很不错。

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-21 16:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见


"點解 busyparent 你咁清楚" : -
It's because there're only 3 classes & small group last year in K3 & my child was full day student.  They spent longer time than at home.   Sometimes, we had parents gathering e.g birthday party/ school picnic/function.  So our parents met together & discussion.  
Our child was 2K kid, there's keen competition for P.1 last yr.  More than 1700 for only 100 places.  So all our parents were worried as before.
It's was so happy when you knew yr. /others child got the places.  I only wanted to share the good mark to you. :

"你係未學校派嚟架": -
I also want.  I can get the discount for the school fee$$ if I am.  :cry:  :cry:

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-11-21 17:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意


創價的口碑十分好, 尤其徳行方面, 學校透明度高, 你可以參考下創價的網頁及入面既視學報告Click here, 而且學費相宜, 但競爭非常激烈, 據聞去年1,200人爭180個位.

我認為施徳福有既優點創價都具備, 不過施徳福既高英文程度創價就未必有.  不過其實我知道的都係好表面既印象, 希望其它人都講下你地既意見   

猴子爸 寫道:

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-21 17:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

elysemama 寫道:
Don't worry!   Before I sent my child to Stafford, I loved they had "Net" + "full day" ==> good/happy enviornment to learn the English & others.

After I joined, they told me about "劍橋" which I don't as before. Some children got the lesson & didn't take the Exam.  School are welcome for that & will not give any pressure.  I didn't practice exam at home because I' m not "Net".  At the end, I also got good result & my child loved to learn the language -English.
"Letterland" +"honic" are a good tool to let the child to learn English & helpful for him in the future.

Agree with "cheungmp", now P.1, they will not afraid "Net" & always "主動".  It's better than others children (from others Kinder.)  No matter for outside interview or their life are also good.

"劍橋" not all their school life & it's only bonus for them/you.  "They enjoy their Kinder time & can learn & play together under good environment."  That are the most important for them.  


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-21 21:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

hi busyparent,
Your child also study "full day" last year?? Then our child should be classmate. Am I know you? Can you PM your child's name to me??

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-21 22:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

Hi, cheungmp

係你仔仔現在需唔需補習呀?除咗英文外,其他嘅功課佢自己跟唔跟得上?因為我有個朋友個仔仔之前係讀Stafford,佢話比我聽d功課比較淺,仔仔去考咗四間小一無一間收,好彩佢派到去Kowloon Tong Government School (唔知有無打錯,唔係錄色書包果間),不過,佢話個仔讀得好辛苦,仲要補習,連英文都要補???真係唔知邊度出問題.不過,當然每間學校都會有d成績唔係太理想嘅學生.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-21 23:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

hi fannyycm,
我仔仔唔洗補習呀, 我只係同佢補普通話說話,拼音, 中文閱讀理解係無問題架, 中英電腦每日一篇都係佢自己做
佢所有功課都係自己做, 有時我會幫佢解題, 改少少錯咁...
KTS 嘅英文係教高一級(即 P.1 教 P.2嘅書), 但係佢啱啱測驗都係 above average. G.S. 仲 100分
我仔仔讀得一d都唔辛苦, 測驗嗰個 week 仲可以玩..

fannyycm 寫道:
Hi, cheungmp

係你仔仔現在需唔需補習呀?除咗英文外,其他嘅功課佢自己跟唔跟得上?因為我有個朋友個仔仔之前係讀Stafford,佢話比我聽d功課比較淺,仔仔去考咗四間小一無一間收,好彩佢派到去Kowloon Tong Government School (唔知有無打錯,唔係錄色書包果間),不過,佢話個仔讀得好辛苦,仲要補習,連英文都要補???真係唔知邊度出問題.不過,當然每間學校都會有d成績唔係太理想嘅學生.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-22 01:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

fannyycm :

Pls. tell yr. friend don't worry, although he need “補習” & it's not bad thing.  Some children only listen to outsider, it's hard to teach by parents.“補習” is better & efficient.  So friend can enjoy more family time with her child.  
“Not all the children are the same”  I believe there will have sunshine after the heavy raining.  Sometime you can see the beautiful rainbow in the sky.  Ask yr. friend to find her child's rainbow.  It'll come very soon.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-22 01:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

Stafford 功課比較淺, :
I think it's OK la.  Not so hard & not so easy.  The most important is how to teach.  Although there're only simple word on their homework, not meaning 比較淺.  

My child always teach me how to write the Chinese word which using the Traditional Chinese term  e.g. -; `;\ etc. . (Sorry, I don't how to say in Eng., but no Penpower at home.)

“中英電腦每日一篇自己做" -my child also.  Sometime, my child can hear the Eng phonic sound which better than me.  For Chinese word, I always forget how to write.  So I'm always the last one inside the house.
:  :

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-22 07:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

你好奇怪, 點解你要用新 account ? 又唔肯講你係邊個 身份有d可疑

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-22 08:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意

cheungmp 寫道:
你好奇怪, 點解你要用新 account ? 又唔肯講你係邊個 身份有d可疑


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-22 10:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意

为何用新account和不告诉你他的真实姓名,就一定有可疑呢?如果他是现在才有兴趣留言,当然现在才会有新account。至于真实姓名,我自己也不大想给任何人知道我的真实姓名,但不代表我所说的话不真实。 :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-22 12:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意

猴子爸 寫道:
为何用新account和不告诉你他的真实姓名,就一定有可疑呢?如果他是现在才有兴趣留言,当然现在才会有新account。至于真实姓名,我自己也不大想给任何人知道我的真实姓名,但不代表我所说的话不真实。 :

Agreed with 猴子爸 . If you find it "可疑",  just ignore it. There are lots of views posted in BK daily, I think we can just treat them as information sources and judge if u would take the comments/ advice.

Just my personal comments. No offence. It's because I did share my receomendation somewhere in BK (in quite details as I know it well) and challenged me as a "Mui". I was so upset as I just shared the truth I know.   

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-22 12:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见


fannyycm 寫道:
Hi, cheungmp

係你仔仔現在需唔需補習呀?除咗英文外,其他嘅功課佢自己跟唔跟得上?因為我有個朋友個仔仔之前係讀Stafford,佢話比我聽d功課比較淺,仔仔去考咗四間小一無一間收,好彩佢派到去Kowloon Tong Government School (唔知有無打錯,唔係錄色書包果間),不過,佢話個仔讀得好辛苦,仲要補習,連英文都要補???真係唔知邊度出問題.不過,當然每間學校都會有d成績唔係太理想嘅學生.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-22 12:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意


elysemama 寫道:

創價的口碑十分好, 尤其徳行方面, 學校透明度高, 你可以參考下創價的網頁及入面既視學報告Click here, 而且學費相宜, 但競爭非常激烈, 據聞去年1,200人爭180個位.

我認為施徳福有既優點創價都具備, 不過施徳福既高英文程度創價就未必有.  不過其實我知道的都係好表面既印象, 希望其它人都講下你地既意見   

猴子爸 寫道:

Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-22 14:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见



Rank: 2

發表於 06-11-22 14:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

猴子爸 寫道:

fannyycm 寫道:
Hi, cheungmp

係你仔仔現在需唔需補習呀?除咗英文外,其他嘅功課佢自己跟唔跟得上?因為我有個朋友個仔仔之前係讀Stafford,佢話比我聽d功課比較淺,仔仔去考咗四間小一無一間收,好彩佢派到去Kowloon Tong Government School (唔知有無打錯,唔係錄色書包果間),不過,佢話個仔讀得好辛苦,仲要補習,連英文都要補???真係唔知邊度出問題.不過,當然每間學校都會有d成績唔係太理想嘅學生.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-22 15:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

KTS 係綠色學校, 書包, 校服...乜都係綠色架

fannyycm 寫道:


Rank: 1

發表於 06-11-23 01:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见


I knew this site only for few months.  At office, I can't play the Internet.  As before I only read.  It's because I don't know how to type Chinese.  Play ICQ or SMS.  You can find I only type in Eng & copy yr. Chinese word.  I feel scare because my Eng is not good   I also need to OT & go back to home so late.  I only have " my own feel time" at mid-night after complete the housework & my children go to bed.

"Stafford + full day class" which can let me to continue to work in the past.  My child become good + very good result.  Although I worked so hard & tried at that time, I felt very surprise after receive the result.  Also found the child studied very happy.  

Recently I found "施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见", I really wanted to share my feeling/experience only.

I'm the "busyparent" & I created this name.
All above is my feeling only if you find it "可疑", just ignore it.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 06-11-23 09:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 施德福(Stafford) - 请给些意见

Welcome on board!