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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 剛做了 IQ TEST
樓主: loverbaby

剛做了 IQ TEST [複製鏈接]

發表於 06-9-7 11:15 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-7 11:50 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

雖然我對資優生好陌生, 但他們行為及對學習興趣, 做父母要幫他們找出正確出路, 相信他在成長中能夠發揮得最好.

其實我所擔心就是這樣, 因為我細仔同大仔成長方式好唔同, 大仔叫佢什麼就做什麼, 好似影印機咁, 要大多點先有如此創意, 細仔就唔同, 好有創意, 令我大吃一驚. 所以有咁架懷疑.
我細仔用邏輯法, 有條生活數學題佢自己想而後答的
(小qq bb係0歲, 我就係4歲, 咁小qq 到3歲呢, 我就7歲喇, 咁小qq係10歲呢, 我就14歲喇) le d問題係他3歲時答的, 我冇想過佢識咁計法. 佢自創的數學工作紙, 雖然好簡單, 但我想解釋是他的過程, 好難想像到一個3歲小朋友咁有條理能夠做得出. 也可能我真不清楚現在小朋友有幾叻, 因為我大仔學業都唔錯, 但沒有細仔經歷.

不過好多謝妳回應, 好讓我認識多一點!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-10 19:28 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-10 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

abc媽咪 寫道:
係囉, 不如savan分享下點解有這樣的comment, 是否好似Dr X 甘有內幕消息? 但Dr X 都係擔心唔係Ed Psy做無保證, 但是「越X堂」是Ed Psy做, 仲係HK Psychological Society 的 Associate Fellow. 如果唔得駛唔駛同個Society 反映下? 仲有, 其他BK Forum提醒大家再做可能會唔準, savan叫再做是否又有根據?
申報利益: 我在6月HKUGA個Talk先至認識這機構, 沒有認識人在那裡工作或持股.
daisychan 寫道:
savan 寫道:

[size=medium]你女兒151智商是"天才", 她應平日有超越平常的學術或多元智能, 讓你察覺到的![size=medium]若非如此,就需注意那間評估中心的"專業"手法了!是否在那間越x堂做呀?如果係, 呢間....ma ma 地, 不如找一些口碑好少少再做1次吧!

loverbaby quoted 的 www.potential.net.hk 就是「越X堂」   

請問 savan 為何一講就講中和點解有這樣的comment?

you can't carry out similar test within three years, check here:

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 06-9-10 22:01 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

祟真小學暨幼稚園, 9月22日夜晚7:15, 有一個資優兒童講座, 你地可以去聽下, 校外生既都可以去。我上年去過, 到場會有份問卷你填, 填完可以打返比個老師問。(填你點解覺得自己個細路資優, 分5種資優的)
或者你地聽左, 先決定去唔去做個資優TEST啦, 因為我唸都幾貴。
小兒而家讀緊祟幼k1, 我唸我都會去多次聽。因為我上次填完冇再打比個老師follow up

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-11 12:15 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

我昨天聽"爸爸媽媽坐下來"節目, 洪天明博士話, 5.5YRS 做TEST 先準, 之前做不能作準.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-11 22:57 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

Hi loverbaby ,
would you pls PM the IQ test information to me.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-17 20:50 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

IQ Test只是資優的其中一種標準,gifted child可包括小朋友某一方面的資優,例如運動、音樂、數學資優等,而資優的小朋友亦有部份連帶著情緒問題或讀寫障礙等,所以我們要好好協助我們的孩子發揮潛能,突破困難! 部份孩子就算不是資優,只要他/她是一個學習能力高的孩子,只要我們教導得宜,亦可使他們有更美麗的人生!

人算甚麼, 你竟顧念他;世人算甚麼, 你竟眷顧他......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-18 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

我囡囡 4 月時(差 3 個月 7 歲)在 Whole Person development Institute 做左,佢地都係用 Wechsler Intelligence Scale (韋氏)。個 test 係分 Verbal Subtest 同 Performance Subtest
有興趣可以 www.global-ican.net

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-19 04:28 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


我都想知你係邊到做test,pls pm me!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-19 11:29 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

我份報告出左了, 今天會掛號寄給我, 我問個職員份報告有無特別野, 佢地只係話我女係資優, 另 DR. CHOW 有其他建議, 但叫我睇左報告先, 有問題再約DR. CHOW 傾 (費用500大元), 其實我只想知份報告所講會否同當日測驗時有出入, 因我真不信女兒是資優.

P.S. 我係"越己堂"做.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-19 16:24 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


你女女如果有成151 IQ, 你卻唔係好相信佢係資優, 我感到你觀察佢平日既表現, 好似有距離。

所以我對資優測試既專家有保留, 因我聽聞家長感到自己既孩子係資優, 去check, 都係110+咋!同埋有d較commerical 既clincial psy or educational psy, 會將孩子分數評高一d, 取悅/滿足家長對資優既情意結, 事實上, 你覺唔覺真係身邊多左好多"資優生"呀

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-19 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

個人相信找專業+有經驗的教育心理學家做比較可靠. 做智能測驗目的是評估小朋友的強弱項,了解他的潛能所在,安排適當的培育計劃. 而不是期待一個>130的分數,要個資優標籤.

沈靖滔有129,但他是公認的音樂天才,much more than gifted.


Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-19 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-19 18:09 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

如果iq有150以上,唔單止係gifted,而係highly gifted,而他們所面對的問題(包括情緒和社交問題)比起moderately gifted會更多。

Parenting Highly Gifted Children
by Kathi Kearney

Andrew, age eight, has just completed his older brother’s algebra text. Lynn, age four, has been reading the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. Anna, age ten, is a full-time college student.

What would you do if you were the parents of Andrew, Lynn, or Anna? What should you do? How does having such a child impact a parent’s life?

The most extraordinarily gifted children – those with extremely high I.Q.’s (usually in the 150 to 170+ ranges, Stanford-Binet L-M scores); child prodigies in such areas as mathematics, music, and chess; and children with extremely highly developed special talents in unusual areas – have, surprisingly enough, been the least-studied children in the field of gifted education. Nationwide, many school programs exist for moderately gifted children, but very little work has been done to develop appropriate educational programs for the highly gifted, or to adequately research the psychology and needs of this special population.

For families of highly gifted children, the practical consequence of this situation is that the parents and children themselves often must use their own resources to seek out information about extreme giftedness and its impact on schooling and family life. We find that many times parents and children are unnecessarily isolated from other families in the same situation, and unaware of the resources and basic information that would help them. This results in part from the common, but mistaken belief that highly gifted children are so statistically rare as to warrant little attention from educational systems. Upon taking test scores to school officials, it is not uncommon for parents to be told that “Since this school will probably never see another child at this level for the next twenty years, there isn’t much we can do.” However, the actual incidence of highly gifted children in the population is probably much higher than statistics would indicate-perhaps six to ten times higher (Dunlap; Robinson).

Parents, then, can assist themselves and their children as they gain an understanding of the etiology of extreme giftedness, its impact on family systems, and how to help their children with the difficult issues of school placement, discrepancies in development, social adjustment, and advanced ethical development.

What are highly gifted children like? No single set of characteristics identifies the highly gifted, for “Within the top 1% of the I.Q. distribution...there is at least as much spread of talent as there is in the entire range from the 1st to the 99th percentile” (Robinson, p 71). Highly gifted children may indeed be as different from each other as they are from the norm. Furthermore, in addition to high-I.Q. children, the term “highly gifted” also encompasses those children who are considered child prodigies in a specific area. Prodigies face a slightly different set of developmental tasks. (See David Henry Feldman’s book, Nature’ s Gambit, for further information about prodigies.) However, the characteristics most often mentioned by parents and teachers of the highly gifted include the following:

• Extremely advanced development in one or more cognitive areas;
• High energy level;
• High degree of sensitivity;
• Advanced ethical sense;
• Discrepancies between physical, social, and intellectual development.

As might well be imagined, the practical consequence of these characteristics in the home can be wonderfully positive at some moments, and less desirable at others.

The seven-year-old child who is able to read, understand, and discuss Einstein’s theory of relativity is a delight to watch in action (albeit a surprising delight). When that same child gets into an argument over who got the biggest piece of cake, the parent may be tempted to tell him to act his age-which he is doing!

The 3-year-old child who cries bitterly while watching the evening news because she has seen a report about homeless children on the streets of New York is able to comprehend intellectually and ethically what she cannot deal with emotionally. Her reaction is all the more difficult for her parents, who, like the rest of us, have no good answers to a national tragedy.

When parents understand these unique characteristics and discrepancies to be a normal part of the development of exceptionally gifted children, and teach the child ways to cope with these discrepancies, they will go far toward assuring the child of a strong sense of self.

誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-19 18:14 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


Developed by Dr. Linda Silverman:

Parents are excellent identifiers of giftedness in their children: 84% of the children whose parents say that they fit &frac34; of the following characteristics score at least 120 IQ (the superior range). Over 95% show giftedness in at least one area, but are asynchronous in their development, and their weaknesses depress their IQ scores.

Compared to other children, your child's age, how many of
these descriptors fit your child?
  Reasons well (good thinker)
Learns rapidly
Has extensive vocabulary
Has an excellent memory
Has a long attention span (if interested)
Sensitive (feelings hurt easily)
Shows compassion
Morally sensitive
Has strong curiosity
Perseverant in their interests
Has high degree of energy
Prefers older companions or adults
Has a wide range of interests
Has a great sense of humor
Early or avid reader (if too young to read, loves being read to)
Concerned with justice, fairness
Judgment mature for age at times
Is a keen observer
Has a vivid imagination
Is highly creative
Tends to question authority
Has facility with numbers
Good at jigsaw puzzles

誰會直率地說出所認識的真實?有所認識的少數人,愚蠢地不隱蔽自己充實的心,向愚民們說明他們的感情和見識,他們總是被人磔死或燒死。 歌德 <<浮士德>>入來做下test,不同的人對事情有不同的看法和感受﹗

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-20 10:56 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

想問下大家, "韋氏"同"學前韋氏"分別係咪好大, 邊個 TEST 比較準確呢?

另我當日去做 TEST 係本著想更了解女兒強弱, 然後再重點培育, 並不是一開頭就認為佢為資優, 所以當聽到佢有15X 分時亦不禁問係咪"撞彩", 再加上女兒平日表演不是太特出, 所以到現在也不信她是資優, 再講佢係吾係資優, 我一樣愛佢.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-20 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


我明白你係為左了解女兒的發展潛質, 所以去測試.

但我對咁高既分數, 有些迷思同好奇. 因為2000幾人先會有1個150+既人時, 佢有呢個分數, 理應非常突出, 甚至一間小學都甚少呢類人才, 但如果平日唔多似, 咁那test係有問題嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-20 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST

我有向有關機構反映我的諗法~可否測多次因吾覺女兒有這樣表演, 佢地就叫我收左份報告睇左先, 再有問題先找果位 DR 傾.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-20 14:40 |只看該作者

Re: 剛做了 IQ TEST


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