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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten
樓主: HHMomB

St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-5 23:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Dear Ciz,

Thank you for your info. and it definitely give me a thorough picture between these two kindergartens, regarding the English standard.

Honestly speaking, if you feel Victoria's English standard is somehow higher than SC, why not let your little son to stay in Victory for K1-K3?

Anyway, thank you again for your info.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-6 22:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Because from all I heard (and as seen from friends and their kids who'd studied in CCKG) the English standard in CCKG is highest amongst the 3.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-7 10:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Ciz 寫道:
Because from all I heard (and as seen from friends and their kids who'd studied in CCKG) the English standard in CCKG is highest amongst the 3.

CCKG都是我的目標學校, 但所知不多, CCKG要K2才收生, 所以可以挑選一些頂尖幼稚園中的尖子, 所以, 平均而言, 理應較其他的好, .. 我想知道的, 是CCKG除了收了基礎好的學生, 該校有什麼過人之處, 請賜教

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-7 12:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

May I ask - what is the full name of CCKG?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-7 12:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

CCKG: 基督堂幼稚園

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-7 16:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

CCKG會唔會好難入?  有d家長話CCKG專收daddy or mommy做doctor "ge" 子女.  如果係咁, 咪即係揀"頂尖"家長, 而唔係揀"頂尖"學生囉.  咁呢間學校都有少少discrimination喎.

再講, St. Cat K2 都只係教梗 Victoria PN 套英文書, 咁我就更加唔明點解咁多家長話St. Cat d 英文好同咁出名?   



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-7 21:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

I think all things are relative.  I don't mean that SC is all that bad.  They do have a systematic approach (and to be honest a rather effective one) to teach phonics and I can see my son progressing well even if he's the really unattentive type.  But in terms of oral Eng, you can imagine the difference between 20 mins and 1.5 hours each day.  And of course having the same set of books may not mean much as it also depends on the quality of their teaching.  Only that overall speaking, Victoria gives me a better impression.

CCKG is hard to get in because they have very few places.  Just like any other 'famous' kg, I think they will consider various things including whether the child is bright and outgoing and of course the family background.  Chance is slim, it's true, but some of the kids I know who got accepted do not have parents who are doctors or professionals.  Their Eng is good because Eng is their medium of instruction (this is what I heard, correct me if I'm wrong) except for the Chinese lesson, and naturally their Chinese standard is not as good as some others.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-7 23:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

老實講, 論校舍, 論師資, 有好多學校都比 st. catherine/cckg 強 (e.g. Victoria, 學之園), 但係點解仲有咁多人想比仔女讀 st. catherine 或  cckg? 原因不外乎係為考小學舖路. 始終呢2間學校名氣大, 比人印象係去考小學會有幫助, 而且又確實有好多畢業生入名小學, 所以呢2間學校就變成了好多家長的 ideal schools.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-8 00:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Hi all 靚靚 mums,
My girl is now studying in Victoria, and I'm not a pro-Victoria parent. But like  other mums know more about Victoria.
Since she started in last Aug PN class, I found a very great improvment in many aspects. She knows how to manage herself afterschool, like take off her shoes and put it away, take off her own school bag ( coz in Parent nite, the vice-principle asked parents or maids not to help the kids to carry school bags, becoz it can train thier muscles and problem solving skills). She also knows when facing the foreign teacher, she will talk Eng and when facing the local teacher , she will talk Cantonese with her. And from Aug until Mar, school already hold 2 parent days, and teachers were all willing to answer the questions and pointed out what kind of problem your kids having in school.
For some parents, may think that the school fees and other charges many cost $$$. Honestly, school fee already nearly 4000/m (12 installemts) and the uniforms not cheap as well (but the quality is good). And 書簿 fee for 1st semster was approx around 700 and 2nd was around 500. They will give you the whole set of it and let the parent to teach and play with their kids at home. I also really appreciated is that I can download my girl school life's photos in their website.
Regarding the curriculum for each semester, school will give parent a leaflet to let us know what will they teach for this week. Becoz I dont know other school's curriculum, so I cant critize on it. But for me it's reasonble, and my girl enjoys shcool every much.
As a parent, I just want my girl to enjoy school life, and I think Vic can do it.


發表於 06-3-8 10:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-8 20:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Hi mmmfamily10091009,

No, mine is on Hk side, just within 10 mins walking distance. Therefore I choose Victoria. For me, firstly I really thought that PN class only dont need to hurry to choose or decide which k1 for, but then found out Vic in not bad, so I will leave her at Vic for K1. And I like the idea of I.B as well.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-10 15:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

好開心呀, 終於同Victoria made appointment to visit the school.  係電話度, 個副校長都表現到好nice好helpful.  聽佢講原來佢地行雙副校長同雙班主任制 (即一中一英).  都好似幾好咁.


咁就等囡囡去呢兩間度feel 下, 睇下佢鍾意係邊間讀PN先.  不過就安排黎講, Victoria細心d, 佢地會俾我地睇下PN上堂實況, 同俾囡囡同佢地班老師接觸.  而我就會睇下佢地校舍環境, 外籍老師同本地老師比例...etc.



Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-10 15:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten


CCKG名氣大係因為佢地English standard真係超班.  據我呢段時間做research, 好多佢地學生可以上到英基(EFS).  但St.Cat, 我就抱存質疑, 因聽各方, 佢地英文一般, 又唔係全程用英文教授, 相對外籍老師教授時間少...我就真係唔明佢地點解出名囉

本來St. Cat都係one of my choice.  But now...I may change my mind lor~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-10 21:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

CCKG 學生係唔係多數都入到 ESF, 我就唔係太清楚. 反而我聽到d 學生多數入男女小拔, 所以好多 st. catherine, kentville 的家長, 會在k2幫仔女轉去 CCKG.

至於 ESF, 雖然要考小朋友的英語應對能力, 但係小朋友本身係咩國藉, 1st language係咩, 有冇siblings 在果間 ESF 學校讀書, 都好有關係....... 因為實在勁爭好大. 最近, 還聽講,如果小朋友係香港人, 冇外國 passport, 冇siblings在 ESF, 1st language 係  chinese, 入到 ESF小學的機會很細.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-10 23:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten


哦, 原來係咁.  我清楚好多喇.  TQ.

請問你小朋友係邊間kindergarten讀?  你覺得好唔好呀??  交流下呀.  


Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-10 23:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Hi Noelmama,

我都知Victoria會行IB, 請問你知唔知佢地係咪由primary school開始推行?  我hubby都話IB將會係大趨勢, 請問你知唔知仲有邊間local小學都會行IB?? 如DBS會唔會???...嘻...sorry for many questions


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-11 11:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten


I also read some posting in BK members that they "heard" thd DBS, DGS, St paul co-ed will be moving /planning to move to IB.

But I am unable to verify this news.  I searched IBO official web sites (www.ibo.org) -- they include a list of HK schools that are applying the IB, but cannot find the above schools.

I also searched the websites of the above schools, no info saying anything about IB.

I also wanna know if this news is true or not.  Bcos now, only international school offer IB, i wonder if it is safe to let my kids to study IB school, as I wan them to study university in HK.  However, if even traditional famous local schools (like DBS, co-ed) also run IB, then I am much more comfortable with IB.

HHMomB 寫道:
Hi Noelmama,

我都知Victoria會行IB, 請問你知唔知佢地係咪由primary school開始推行?  我hubby都話IB將會係大趨勢, 請問你知唔知仲有邊間local小學都會行IB?? 如DBS會唔會???...嘻...sorry for many questions


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-11 12:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten


Yes, Victoria Shanghai Academy is 推行 IB - PYP. Since I have some questions regarding VSA, I wrote an e-mail to the principle. And the principle replied to me, and I can just pointed out some issues to u:

1) The Victoria Educational Organization strongly believes the IB framework and philosophy would be suitable for all schools and intends to implement the PYP programme in all campuses in due time.

2) Belcher Garden was a pilot school .

3) According to the IB, in order to become fully authorized the children must be above 3 years of age, and the school must offer three consecutive programme"

4) We have decided to continue with the IB programme using Homantin and Causeway Bay as our next candidate schools.

And we may also see from the IBO website as well. Or u can just like me write an email to the principle, she is willing to answer parents questions.

Dont know if DBS will  推行 IB, coz like the above said the IBO need the school to give them and show the result of three consecutive programme"

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-11 17:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

我仔現時在學之園讀緊 pre-nursery, 由一中一英文老師做班主任. 老師有耐性, 盡責, 時常打電話比家長報告小朋友的進度. 另外, 又有好多親子習作. 阿仔好 鐘意返學.

至於大家討論的IB 課程, ESF 應該會好快 (可能已)實行. 雖說IB是大勢所趨, 但在我來說, 我會比較著重小朋友早期的語文發展 & 思維能力. 我覺得, 小朋友在這兩方面打好基礎之後, 對日後學習非常重要. 所以我在考慮幼稚園/小學時, 個別學校是否行IB, 不是我的重要考慮.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-3-12 02:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: St. Cat Vs Victoria Kindergarten

Dear HHMomB,

I also have the same problem with u, my daughter is my 1st girl n dont know which kindergarden is better, coz my most of my colleages baby study in st Cat or Kenville..but dont know its really good or not..

Can u tell me where is Victoria(HMT) one coz my mom living in HMT also, then I can visit there n have more choice for my baby..

thanks alot

TungTung mom