School Annual Report 2023-2024 (English version) (p.3)
i. Different subjects responded to the internal assessment data and public
exam results positively. In HKDSE 2024, there was a significant increase in the percentage of Level 2 or above in the three core subjects, indicating the effectiveness of the core subjects’ remedial measures. In terms of enhancement, there was a notable increase in the percentage of Level 5 or above in English Language. As for twelve elective subjects, the percentage of Level 2 or above in ten of them was higher than the territory-wide average. Eight subjects achieved 100% of Level 2 or above, demonstrating the effectiveness of the remedial strategies across various subjects. Additionally, seven subjects had a percentage of Level 4 higher than the territory-wide average, indicating the success of some subjects’ enhancement strategies.
In the past three years, due to the impact of the pandemic, students were unable to attend regular classes for some time. Nevertheless, it did not hinder our students from achieving excellent results in DSE. The number of students entering university has reached a new high, with a JUPAS Degree Offer rate of nearly 45%. Among them, nearly 30% were admitted to the three major universities (HKU, CUHK, and HKUST), which is truly encouraging. It is hoped that all “St. Joe boys” who have become university freshmen can continue to uphold the belief of “Ad Astra” in our school motto and shine in different fields.