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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 VEO聲稱上過VPP會好大機會升讀N/K,真係咩? ...
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Rank: 1

發表於 23-2-23 15:05 |顯示全部帖子


同囝囝上咗VPP半年,之前VEO邀請咗啲有讀VPP而又申請左N/K嘅家長去學校school tour, school tour其中一part有個講座,內容有提及讀過VPP嘅學生有8成機會獲取錄讀N/K.

我哋平時上VPP都有同其他家長交流下,曾經有聽過其他家長分享當時有school tour負責人講過,讀VPP嘅小朋友就算1st interview表現唔好,都會俾多次機會2nd in見多次. 呢個說法係幾位來自不用分校嘅家長都有聽講過

但事實係,上個月1st interview之後,除咗我囝囝之外,無論我哋讀緊嗰班,定係其他班嘅家長都表示小朋友冇得2nd interview,而比例係絕對超過所謂嘅2成!(因唔同班都有家長問自己嗰班嘅其他家長)

其實囝囝1st interview當日表現唔錯,老師叫佢做嘅嘢佢都做到,跳舞又投入,整個過程亦分別有幾位老師讚佢:好乖喎!做得好好!

真心覺得佢嘅表現好唔錯,但卻連2nd interview嘅機會都冇,如果照學校喺school
嘅說法,就算表現唔好都會俾多次2nd interview機會,咁點解表現得好卻沒有2nd interview機會?


我哋覺得,學校會記低學生平日上playgroup嘅表現係好正常,但如果係咁嘅話VEO就冇理由同啲家長講「有上我哋playgroup就算1st in表現唔好都會俾多次機會佢2nd in」!

我哋反而覺得,以我哋嘅小朋友當日面試表現,冇上過VPP反而可能會有2nd in,因為小朋友平時上playgroup偶爾都真係會唔專心/扭下眼瞓(which is好正常其實咁細嘅小朋友)



面試當日只有大概半個鐘,大部分時間都係要小朋友坐低玩玩具然後老師埋嚟同小朋友傾計, 跟住又係圍圈坐低聽老師講故事,過程中唯一有少量郁動就係老師唱一陣歌等小朋友跟住郁,唔似其他in過嘅學校有較全面啲嘅interview, 會請小朋友行下平衡板、捐山窿等大肌肉活動,感覺上學校只想揀選啲較靜態嘅學生

VPP師生比例唔高,部分老師不太caring (當然都有啲好老師),最大最吸引嘅Playpark反而唔係堂堂有得玩,性價比低,又唔係真係優先取錄N/K, 比嘅學費好大部份係落咗去名氣同包裝…


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-2-24 09:51 |顯示全部帖子
會唔會係唔需要2nd interview, 直接俾offer? 我地個時係咁...

Rank: 4

發表於 23-2-24 14:30 |顯示全部帖子


本帖最後由 Adiezz 於 23-2-24 14:31 編輯


我當時報CWB時係會問你有無讀art plus,但VEO由頭到尾都無問過,所以我一直覺得讀VPP無乜優勢,唔排除而家有改變


Rank: 1

發表於 23-2-24 23:49 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 ellytt 的帖子

你小朋友有冇兄姊本身都讀緊?VEO話有兄姊讀緊可以豁免2nd in

Rank: 1

發表於 23-2-24 23:54 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Adiezz 的帖子


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-2-25 01:14 |顯示全部帖子
rttyk0522 發表於 23-2-24 23:54
回覆 Adiezz 的帖子




另外你覺得讀VPP是減低被取錄的機會,我覺得這也不是全對,veo老師係超級有經驗,基本上一眼就睇得到,你小朋友係唔係佢哋要嘅類型,同你有冇VPP係冇關係的,只係多左誠意,同埋印象分,所以如果你真係想入,早d收call waiting, 我建議你這幾個月都唔好quit VPP,雖然最後結果點樣冇人知,但你盡咗力,比足誠意。


Rank: 1

發表於 23-2-27 18:15 |顯示全部帖子
我小朋友無join VPP, 而且問過VPP啲staff, 佢地電話答我話VPP對升N班無直接幫助.

我拍條first in片, 自問都唔差, 點知second in都無

Rank: 1

發表於 23-3-1 04:54 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Leira 的帖子

不過於我哋而言,上咗VPP一段時間,亦上過其他playgroup, 我哋都覺得VPP名過於實,坊間有更多真正啟發並鼓勵小朋友自主探索嘅辦學機構,而不是只揀選一啲方便佢哋管理嘅學生類型。

當日我係同囝囝一齊面試的,我覺得佢表現好係因為佢真係做到曬老師嘅要求,跳舞唱歌等等都好開心投入,而唔係因為老師讚佢所以我覺得佢表現好~唱歌跳舞時投入,circle time聽故事亦全程專注聽足而且有反應,應該都算係「收放自如」吧?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-3-1 12:29 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 rttyk0522 的帖子

個人睇法, 一般名幼中意收坐定定,聽教聽話,+大B 小朋友, 其中一個原因係老師照顧時輕鬆D, 可以focus 教學, 節省管理課堂秩序時間

Rank: 1

發表於 23-3-1 17:35 |顯示全部帖子
rttyk0522 發表於 23-3-1 04:54
回覆 Leira 的帖子


個人分享下,我小朋友都有上VPP,亦好開心昨天知道有offer, 我都幾鍾意VPP 課程好多元化,遇到的老師們都非常有愛心,好鼓勵小朋友,最緊要係小朋友上得好開心好投入,好肯同老師講野。

我都有上過其他playgroup,相比下我覺得VPP 相對唔需要小朋友坐定定好耐,佢每星期分6 part 唔同既活動, 係有1 part story time 要坐定定聽比較耐,通常都係講短故事,大約幾分鐘就講完,我自己認為都係一個幾適當既練習,始終之後上學都有坐定定安靜既時間。

同意每間學校有自己收生要求同標準, VEO 應該都係幾多人報名既學校,我亦唔太清楚VEO點評分,做家長就想揀間適合既學校俾小朋友,希望你幫小朋友搵到適合的 :)

Rank: 1

發表於 23-3-14 14:25 |顯示全部帖子
如果係為咗上VEO 而讀VPP, 完全冇需要,入唔入到VEO亦都唔關事。
如果係純粹因為playgroup 質素而去讀VPP, 亦都唔需要因為質素唔係好好。

總結: 如果太多錢需要掉錢落海嘅話可以去讀

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-16 11:57 |顯示全部帖子
VPP doesn't guarantee any placement in VEO.  Does it help?  Perhaps, perhaps not.  But I know many students who didn't do VPP and still got into VEO.

On the other hand, for CWB Victoria, I heard that if you join their Artsplus program, there is a higher % who gets accepted to CWB Victoria.  Once again, not a full guarantee, but at least based on the probability %'s, it is in your favour.

I also don't really understand what the big deal is with CWB Victoria.  There is no "guarantee" they will get into VSA.  Is there a higher % that gets into VSA, yes perhaps.  But nothing is guaranteed, even at VEO.

Rank: 4

發表於 23-3-16 13:49 |顯示全部帖子
7jai 發表於 23-3-16 11:57
VPP doesn't guarantee any placement in VEO.  Does it help?  Perhaps, perhaps not.  But I know many s ...

Students in Artplus have higher chance to enter CWB. Artplus would send report to CWB to replace the 1ST interview, but I never heard that VPP can provide similar benefits to its students

For VSA Year 1 admission, 50-60% of CWB students can get offers. No guarantee but it is still a huge advantages comparing to other VEO campuses.

Only the best 3-5 VEO students of each class could obtain VSA offers. And the chance are lower now as VSA opens to give offer to brilliant students from non-Victoria group.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-16 13:57 |顯示全部帖子
Adiezz 發表於 23-3-16 13:49
Students in Artplus have higher chance to enter CWB. Artplus would send report to CWB to replace th ...

For CWB Victoria, most of them are not necessarily aiming at VSA as #1 priority.  Most of them are banking on getting into top local schools like SPCC, SPC, DGS, DBS, PLKCKY, etc...   In most of the families eyes, VSA is a "backup plan" for their child.   
Based on my VEO branches results, it seems like there is a high % that get admitted to VSA.  Just as high as the CWB Victoria % you shared.   Also, depending which VEO you attend, you may not want to necessarily go to VSA because it is very far (i.e.  HMT campus, HG campus, OP campus, etc...).  Most of them want to apply to schools along Kowloon side, let alone wanting to travel so far to the south of HK Island.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 23-3-16 14:22 |顯示全部帖子
For Victoria, its more on the background of the parents, socially and academically.

Even the child didn't perform during the interview, if the background of parents meet with their expectations, they will take the child in.

For CWB Vic, affiliations (alumni, siblings, teaching staff, xxx) definitely matter more than the performance of the kid.  


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-16 17:09 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 halvard 的帖子

I think the same can be said of most famous kindergartens - it’s a lot to do with the family background and parents. If parents come from a good school, their kids are more likely to be admitted as it gives these kids a better chance to get into the same primary schools as alumni. Basically primary one admission is like the scorecard for these famous kindergartens so why not admit those who will likely be accepted into good primary schools.
Of course the child’s performance helps too as well as parent involvement - I think veo like parents to be involved and take an active role in kids learning

I personally think going to vpp helped us get into veo but that’s just my opinion

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-16 17:10 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Adiezz 的帖子

Vpp also sends reports to veo during application process

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-3-16 17:13 |顯示全部帖子
halvard 發表於 23-3-16 14:22
For Victoria, its more on the background of the parents, socially and academically.

Even the child  ...
I've seen CWB Victoria, and the only advantage is really that they have the "prestigious brand" which increase chances for parents/students to get into a top local school.
One thing I found interesting was that the majority of the people who go to this school, their parents are very wealthy (or at least close to it).  I am not sure if there is a trend/pattern here or not....   I doubt it is a coincidence.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-3-21 14:32 |顯示全部帖子
rttyk0522 發表於 23-2-23 15:05
平時好少打長文發表意見,但今次實在睇唔過眼呢個機構嘅辦事手法,唔想有家長因為聽學校咁講而報讀VPP所以 ...

樓主一廂情願, 咁緊要既野, 一定係black and white , 唔係咩聲稱可以, 機會大d, 等講法