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教育王國 討論區 選科選校 主修數學出路
樓主: YolandaTam

主修數學出路   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 20-5-25 23:07 |只看該作者
kaion 發表於 20-5-20 15:06
去外國有幾個好處1: 外國讀書真係易d,我係外國讀,客觀講外國學嘅嘢係淺過香港
你睇英國名校牛劍以至普通學 ...
coz lots of yr1 drop out so first hon rate high
in fact cu also has 15% first hon rate.

btw science is very hard with not so good prospect. Overpriced.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-5-25 23:10 |只看該作者
youma 發表於 20-5-25 22:49
Risk/ Stat 怎會無用?

熱門工種 AI / big data/data science/ data mining / deep learning 等, 其實都是 ...
ibank睇你個人多過睇你讀咩risk 四不像
stat: science 不評論
qfin: under business school, 一定多啲機會

btw ibank 而家冇咩香港人了

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-25 23:36 |只看該作者
888iphone4s 發表於 20-5-25 23:10
ibank睇你個人多過睇你讀咩risk 四不像
stat: science 不評論
qfin: under business school, 一定多啲機會
risk major / qf major 其實讀好多STAT courses.
i-bank 請不同範疇的尖子, 例如
M&A/IPO 多數請海歸/大陸,
wealth management / PB 多數請富二,
front desk/risk man/bond/quan analyst  一定要請數底好(stat, programming, engine, math, actuary),
research 多數請ivy league/名U/global business,
custodian 請叻人/富二...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-26 08:31 |只看該作者
回覆 youma 的帖子

請問讀actuarial有冇機會入ibank big 4 做?quanfin定actuarial前景好D?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-26 08:48 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 stillgood20 於 20-5-26 08:52 編輯
youma 發表於 20-5-25 22:49
Risk/ Stat 怎會無用?

熱門工種 AI / big data/data science/ data mining / deep learning 等, 其實都是 ...

Risk/Stat vs B.data/AI.點選擇呢?

首先, 我不是專家,只靠個人認知.所以,有錯誤,請指導一下.
兩個都是相關, 應該系統有別,sampling取樣率 ,運用有別.

好似玩HiFi, 聽歌用音樂平台,全数碼化,音频(所有音樂)都是数据.不同裝置都使用数碼分析互相存放.
隨著科技進步, 音頻取樣已升至16 bit. 更高的24bit,比CD級數更高的錄音室母帶/或升频. 音樂細節完全展視.

由於器材高级.音响調節,  得到聆聽人仕的接受.


同一首歌,行24bit. 會發覺音源的全面表現.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-5-26 09:36 |只看該作者
youma 發表於 20-5-25 22:49
Risk/ Stat 怎會無用?

熱門工種 AI / big data/data science/ data mining / deep learning 等, 其實都是 ...

Oxford 的 經管,LSE 的Management 和中大科大的 QFin/RM, 不計學費,怎樣比較?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-5-26 20:45 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 kaion 於 20-5-26 20:55 編輯
888iphone4s 發表於 20-5-25 23:07
coz lots of yr1 drop out so first hon rate high
in fact cu also has 15% first hon rate.

Drop out rate is higher because the students in UK/US are less prepared vs HK students. Grade inflation is a well known trend in UK/US. % of first hon and average GPA are way higher than local universities. Dropout rate at top 10 UK universities are <5% adding this 5% to 15% is still far below 25-30% first hon % from most UK universities

Also, the upper end of HK unis are skewed with Chinese students who are ranked top 100 in their province so this is not a fair comparison

I went to Ivy and I have taken both DSE/GCE/SAT 2. I would say DSE is less broad but questions are way more sophisticated

外國易入難出 is just an urban legend.

HKU failed half of its students in mathematical analysis, with 2 students getting A range out of 40+. This curve is harsher than princeton which is known as the harshest ivy.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-5-26 20:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 kaion 於 20-5-26 20:54 編輯
youma 發表於 20-5-25 23:36
risk major / qf major 其實讀好多STAT courses.
i-bank 請不同範疇的尖子, 例如
M&A/IPO 多數請海歸/大陸 ...

M&A/IPO 多數請美歸大陸人/大陸大陸人

wealth management / PB 多數請靚女

No such thing as front desk unless you are talking about receptionistFront office includes M&A/IPO (aka IBD), S&T (markets) and Research

Sales does not require any mathematical knowledge

Maths for trader is not that sophisticated. Basic programming knowledge + mental math is enough. Just read through john hull + a few books on option strategies.

Extremely few headcount for quant, typically experienced hire from NY/London. QF/AC (or even MFE programs) knowledge is far from enough. Just check the intern/full time grad scheme opening every year, I haven't come across such opening for several years.

Research does not hire mostly ivy league / global business. They hire mostly PRC who did big 4 audit. It is easy to verify because research reports are easily accessible through thomsonone / bloomberg terminal.

Custodian is not ibank and it hires mostly local university grads

Rank: 4

發表於 20-5-27 17:33 |只看該作者
youma 發表於 20-5-25 23:36
risk major / qf major 其實讀好多STAT courses.
i-bank 請不同範疇的尖子, 例如
M&A/IPO 多數請海歸/大陸 ...
所以如果做ibank嘅話 讀咩科冇咩所謂當然business school會有多啲career support than sci

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-30 13:30 |只看該作者
kaion 發表於 20-5-26 20:53
M&A/IPO 多數請美歸大陸人/大陸大陸人

wealth management / PB 多數請靚女
Front desk usually refers to dealers / brokers / market makers / prop traders in i-banks.
Research refers to equities firm research, econ research and consultancy. They hire mostly top u graduates mainly Ivy equivalent / PRC / UK G5 / HK Global Business.

Custodians do not mean mere clearing departments but generally refer to big global custodian banks/CCPs like State Street, HSBC, Euroclear, LCH, UBS, BOC, JPM etc offering whole custodian / wealth / investment services.  They hire elites and wealthy second gen.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-5-30 17:05 |只看該作者
888iphone4s 發表於 20-5-27 17:33
所以如果做ibank嘅話 讀咩科冇咩所謂當然business school會有多啲career support than sci

Career support 加埋一大班同學仔對搵ibank/big4 的渴求和準備, 朋輩之間的競爭氣氛先至最重要。
讀business school 的優勢之處(我指3大), 係因為佢地的faculty 有好多support, 會俾好多唔同的intern opportunities 去俾佢地apply, 自己當年Undergrad 讀工程, 工程系大部份的同學仔, 佢地無好似BBA 人的搵工心態, 狂做Intern 去刷CV, 所以自己當時即使想入呢D 公司做intern, 都會有心無力(係指job application 果度, 因為我唔係business school, 佢地係唔會nominate 我去In 呢D 公司), big4 有佢地專屬的student club/elite programme, 但呢D 活動/組織, 好多時都只係exclusive for Business school 的學生, 變相我就想做都無得做。在畢業後, 自己做engine 果陣曾經想過, 不如"認命", 老實講, 如果你自己唔太鍾意/唔擅長一個行業/工種, 長遠做落去, 都唔會做得精/專/叻, 做得差最終結果係會俾人炒。

耐何自己又無錢, 家庭又無support, 需要靠自己賺錢黎儲學費去讀master 洗底, 因為自己真係鍾意做返同business/analysis-related 的工種 (投行/券商都得)。而且在香港做engineer, 如果唔係做政府工, 在私人市場, 做3-5年後, 人工就好易到左樽頸位(30-35K 左右)。當年自己報大公司MT/GT, 去到final in 死左, 入唔到,我自己反思過的係, 自己在interview 方面係做得比較差, 因為當時自己沒有BBA 的朋友仔咁多MT/GT interview, 變相俾我"練好"/熟習的機會少左好多。之後當自己考入心儀的master 後, 我就重新花時間去重新刷CV, 當自己係一個fresh grad 咁去同人爭過。不過小弟都後悔聽D 長輩講, 話我應該要做夠一份長工夠3年先去轉工/行, 當時有呢個諗法都幾ON居. 因為年紀越大, 你的"價值"就會降低 (香港職場的年齡歧視比較重)。

FYI: 好多時讀QFN/GBUS 的人, 佢地有一個固定的CV template, 你只要跟住D 同輩去做, 有樣學樣, 衰極都有個譜, 唔會好似讀工程咁, faculty 零support, department 零support......(聽聞334 之後career support 好左, 但當年自己讀書果陣career support 做得好差)

小弟覺得讀數OK, 但在數學Major 裡要chur 高GPA 同時又能夠搵到好INTERN 的難度係極大, 除非你的子女係數學神人, 否則個人覺得Undergrad 讀QFN/AMPB/GBUS 呢D 係job-oriented 為主的科, 你可以買學校的配套/network 去幫你搵工, 學術反而唔太重要,搵工support 多D, 你

同埋有好多exchange, summer school/courses 的機會, 例如citibank banking course, 好多時佢地都係自己友優先, 結果非business school 的人, 想報呢D course/exchange, 好多時都要同整間大學一齊爭quota, 競爭大好多,呢D 係讀science/engineering 的不利之處 (指如果只係為左快畢業搵工入big4/投行), 當然如果你係有心做research , 讀PHD, 基本上你係唔會用任何的gap period 去做任何商業intern.

而且讀工程所需要的溫習/做功課 or project 的時間係遠超過讀BBA/QFN 的科, (除非你想燃燒你的GPA) GPA 低分, 莫講話搵工, 就連你想用它黎報Master / 2nd degree 都有難度。當年自己為左chur GPA 同埋chur FYP, 搞到自己無哂時間去準備報MT/GT, 而且自己又無在grad 之前做過投行/big4/business-related 的intern, 得D 垃圾Technical-related intern, 搵工結果變成污點, 想轉field 都唔易。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-30 22:07 |只看該作者
ladysasa 發表於 20-5-26 09:36
Oxford 的 經管,LSE 的Management 和中大科大的 QFin/RM, 不計學費,怎樣比較?
若不計學費, 社會事件後, [size=20.8056px]Oxford 的 經管>LSE 的Management >  [size=32.4028px]科大QF > [size=20.8056px]中大的 QFin/RM。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-30 22:15 |只看該作者
BS129 發表於 20-5-26 08:31
回覆 youma 的帖子

請問讀actuarial有冇機會入ibank big 4 做?quanfin定actuarial前景好D? ...
[size=20.8056px]讀actuarial有機會入ibank (mid office), big 4 (consulting department)做, 但更多人入insurance.

[size=20.8056px]quanfin定actuarial前景好D? qfin 可博10幾年快錢, actuarial 較穩定長遠。

[size=32.4028px]兩者都競爭大, 要考牌。個人覺得qfin 機會多一點。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-6-1 19:47 |只看該作者
youma 發表於 20-5-30 22:07
若不計學費, 社會事件後, Oxford 的 經管>LSE 的Management >  科大QF > 中大的 QFin/RM。


Rank: 4

發表於 20-6-1 20:18 |只看該作者
HL7646 發表於 20-5-30 17:05
Career support 加埋一大班同學仔對搵ibank/big4 的渴求和準備, 朋輩之間的競爭氣氛先至最重要。
讀busine ...
cant agree more
engine faculty 零support

bus scl優勢:
2. exchange
3. career support
4. Peer competition/support

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 20-6-21 01:19 |只看該作者
888iphone4s 發表於 20-6-1 20:18
cant agree more
engine faculty 零support

點解大陸人好似搵ibank工易過香港人, 如果以同等資質計算, 大家都係無家底(或者內地人所講的"資源")。大陸人易搵到呢D 工的原因係, 成個大陸生的搵工/學習氣氛, 佢地好興會一齊搵工, 一齊做app test, 砌CV, 有intern 都會refer 俾自己人先, 加上佢地幾乎每間大學, 甚至每個省份都有自己的"港漂"組織去教佢地搵工, 你在呢個環境下, 自然都會容易搵到好工。佢地好鍾意分享好工俾朋友仔, 呢樣野, 個人覺得香港學生搵工, 個個都係各家自掃門前雪, 大家唔敢教大家咁........好似怕對方搶左你份工都無咁慘.......


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-6-21 22:15 |只看該作者
HL7646 發表於 20-6-21 01:19
點解大陸人好似搵ibank工易過香港人, 如果以同等資質計算, 大家都係無家底(或者內地人所講的"資源")。大陸 ...

It depends on the client base of ibank. In recent 5-10 years, most of the big IPOs and sizeable transactions are China related, good connection and language ability are critical. Mainlanders, esp those educated from abroad, not only command both fluent mandarin and English, but also understand the China culture well , which are crucial attributes.

Rank: 4

發表於 20-6-28 09:56 |只看該作者
YolandaTam 發表於 20-5-15 15:30
請問各位,除咗做老師或者當普通大學生做一般職位(例如 sales, admin) 之外,主修數學有何出路呢?


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-7-2 18:25 |只看該作者
Charlotte_mom 發表於 20-5-19 09:49
順帶一提,如果first degree不是教育,係要讀完degree再讀postgrad diploma in education簡稱PGDE至可教書 ...


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-7-2 18:29 |只看該作者
YolandaTam 發表於 20-5-19 11:17
數學係水泡而已,唔會放 Band A.

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