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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 中三不妨考慮中四考IGCSE或兼讀OSSD/申請加拿大大學資料 ...
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中三不妨考慮中四考IGCSE或兼讀OSSD/申請加拿大大學資料   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-5-18 20:06 |只看該作者
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1) OSSD 成绩組成比重 :70%校内功課分數(呢嗰就係OSSD 非常優越嘅重要優勢) 及30%校内考試. 功課分數係由上堂教你嗰科嗰個老師俾分的

2) 坊間傳聞外國教育係搵學生 "亮點"去加分, 而亞洲或者香港教育係搵學生"錯處"去扣分. 純個人以孩子 OSSD 該2科功課成績結果而論, 外國老師真係會俾功課分數 100%的, 縱然是英文語文科目, 我都係第一次見語文科科目可以有 9X% 什或 100% (雖然得到100%成績嘅功課唔多, 但係語文科原來都可以有這分數); 數學更加唔洗講, 計啱答案係可以有100%

另一間香港提供 online OSSD 課程機構 Futura Academy https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063886939766
呢間機構有加拿大實體中學, 間實體加拿大中學係呢間 https://www.canaanacademy.ca/  (School Number  665306), 可能符合英國蘇格蘭 The University of Edinburgh https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/international/country/americas/canada
大學對OSSD 嘅要求.

OSSD 加拿大Ontario 安省政府官方網站 Private schools (excel file "download")  有其他 online school, 大家不妨自行參考比較學費 (有網校喺睇錄影 video, 亦有網校喺 Live 真人教書)https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/private-school-contact-information

  School  Name  School Number  School Website
  ASK Online Canada  668910  www.askonlinecanada.ca
  Ace Acumen Online School  668878  www.aceacumenonlineschool.com
  Amethyst Online Academy  883302   
  Apex Academy Online  885063  www.apexacademyonline.com
  Blyth Academy Online  669675   
  Brighter Dewey Online School  885664  www.brighterdeweyedcuation.com
  Canada Online Academy  666015  www.coastudy.com
  Canada Online  Education  667959  www.canadaonlineeducation.com
  Canada Online  School  886512  www.canadaonlineschool.com
  Christian Virtual School  669600  https://www.christianvirtualschool.com/
  Deran Online Academy  669544  www.deranacademy.online
  Deran Online  School  883176   
  EduOnline  665214  https://eduonline.ca/
  FH International High School  Online  668794   
  KCS Online Learning  665510  www.kcsonlinelearning.com
  Merit College Online  882564   
  Metro Virtual Academy  669884  https://www.metrovirtualacademy.com/
  Ontario Online Schools  885338  www.ontarioonlineschools.ca
  Ontario Virtual School  665804  www.ontariovirtualschool.ca
  Ontario  eSchool  882694  www.ontarioeschool.com (香港嗰間網校)
  Ontario  eSecondary School  667186  www.oeshighschool.com
  Royal Online School  668049  www.royalonlineschool.com
  Stanford Online Academy  668603  https://shop.stanfordonlineacademy.ca/
  Toronto Eschool  886520  torontoeschool.com
  Toronto International Online  School  665471  www.tioschool.com
  UFuture Virtual Academy  889219   
  Virtual Elementary School  883303  www.virtualelementaryschool.com
  Virtual High  School  665681  www.VirtualHighSchool.com
  Virtual  Teachers.com  668969   

Online Braemar College https://braemarcollege.com/braemar-online-academy/about/


cmir    發表於 22-5-19 10:40

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 22-5-19 10:41 |只看該作者
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

OSSD 全個Gr 12課程大概幾錢?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 22-5-20 13:09 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 22-5-18 20:06
可以階段性 update 一下如下:

1) 上星期六第一次考了IELTS, 總成绩6.5 (2年內唔洗再考了)


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-20 09:11 |只看該作者
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** 留意: University of Toronto 由 2022年開始, 唔可以用 SAT Subject Tests 代替 Calculus prerequisite, 即是 DSE 要修讀 M1 或 M2 才能符合申請以下 table 的 degree 課程

University of Toronto https://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/future/ready-apply/admission-requirements/other-international-schools
Admission CategoryRequired High School Courses
Computer Science English, Calculus
Humanities English
Life Sciences English, Calculus
Mathematical and Physical Sciences English, Calculus
Rotman Commerce English, Calculus
Social Sciences English
Hong Kong Minimum Admission Requirements: Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE): the completed diploma, including at least 2 elective subjects from Categories A and/or C. Subjects should include prerequisites for intended programs. Mathematics Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) or Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) is required for programs with the Calculus prerequisite.  Applicants who are not completing Module 1 or 2 may present Advanced Level Mathematics or AP Calculus as an alternative.   For admission requirements to the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, refer to Engineering.

New for 2022 admission: Prerequisite subjects should be presented at Senior Year/Grade 12 level or as AP/IB. SAT Subject Tests cannot be used to satisfy Senior Year/Grade 12 level prerequisites.  Pre-Calculus cannot be used to satisfy the Calculus prerequisite.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 22-6-20 17:24 |只看該作者
小時了了 發表於 22-6-20 09:11
** 留意: University of Toronto 由 2022年開始, 唔可以用 SAT Subject Tests 代替 Calculus prerequisite, ...

因為SAT subject test執笠嗎?

AP calculus係咪AB同BC卷都接受?

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-24 09:42 |只看該作者
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考評局宣布2024年起接納內地學校及學生參加文憑試 HKDSE https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3868552&extra=page%3D1

2024起接納香港境外學校參加DSE https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3868590&extra=page%3D1

2024 DSE 疑難 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3868645&extra=page%3D1

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-24 09:42 |只看該作者
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Comparison between HKDSE and International A-level - Maths
The Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics has a very flexible framework with options for candidates with different backgrounds and requirements. While the standard IAL in Mathematics consists of four modules - two compulsory modules (C12 and C34 together with two other modules of the candidate’s choice), it is also possible for candidates to pursue the qualification of IAS Mathematics with only two modules – in this case, the compulsory C12 with one more of the candidate’s choice. Alternatively, candidates may opt for the qualifications of A-level in Mathematics and A-level in Further Mathematics (2 A-levels’ worth), where candidates are examined in ten modules – where candidates must choose either F2 or F3 (or both) in addition to the compulsory modules C12, C34 and F1.
The 12 modules are divided into different areas of mathematics: Core, Further Pure, Mechanics, Statistics and Decision Mathematics. Each module is examined in one examination paper where calculators are allowed and most modules are examined in both January and June, with the modules F2, F3 and S3 being the exceptions. The core modules are worth twice as much as the other modules, so that each core module is worth one third of an IAL while other modules are each worth one sixth. Correspondingly, the examination time for the Core modules is 2.5 hours, as opposed to 1.5 hours for all other modules.
Candidates may choose option modules from one area (S1+S2) or across different areas (M1+S1) depending on their mathematical background and aspirations.

The following table illustrates the approximate proportion (in teaching time) of each IAL module taught in the HKDSE.

As an example, a HKDSE candidate who chooses the DSE option module M1, can pursue the IAL in Mathematics with options S1 and S2 – where over 50% of the topics for the IAL has already been learnt. (1/3*85%+1/3*40%+1/6*70%+1/6*25%)

In a different example, a HKDSE candidate who chooses the DSE option module M2 can pursue the IAL in Mathematics with options F1 and F3 – where over 60% of the topics for the IAL has already been learnt. (1/3*85%+1/3*75%+1/6*35%+1/6*20%)

Note: IAL modules must normally be chosen “in order” so that M2 can only be chosen if M1 is, while M3 is also dependent on M2. The same is true for S1, S2 and S3, but, in the case for the Further Pure modules, F3 is only dependent on F1 and not on F2.

If you have further enquiries, please contact ITS at +852 2116 3916 or by email at
[email protected]. ITS Education Asia is a full Edexcel academic centre in Hong Kong (Centre Number 92885). Further consultation is completely free of charge. You might also refer to the following FAQ page from ITS Education Asia http://www.itseducation.asia/UK-faqs.htm

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-24 09:43 |只看該作者
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Comparison between HKDSE and International A-level - Economics
The Edexcel International Advanced Level in Economics comprises four units. Based on experience here at ITS Education Asia, HKDSE syllabus overlaps with 80% of Unit 1, 70% of Unit 2, 50% of Unit 3 and 30% of Unit 4. A breakdown is listed below on the areas that are in International A-level, but not in the HKDSE syllabus.

In regards to the assessment methods of IAL exam, ITS would suggest HKDSE students to work on data response questions in all units, multiple choice questions that require explanation in unit 1 and unit 2 and long essay questions in unit 3 and unit 4, as those techniques are not honed in the HKDSE system.

If you have further enquiries, please contact ITS at +852 2116 3916 or by email at
i[email protected].
ITS Education Asia is a full Edexcel academic centre in Hong Kong (Centre Number 92885). Further consultation is completely free of charge. You might also refer to the following FAQ page from ITS Education Asia http://www.itseducation.asia/UK-faqs.htm

Outstanding topics in IAL and not in the HKDSE
Unit 1 : Markets in Action
Income Elasticity of Demand
Cross Elasticity of Demand
Market Intervention
Buffer Stocks
Market Failure
Information Asymmetry
Commodity markets
Labor Markets

Unit 2 : Macroeconomic Performance and Policies
Cyclical Unemployment
Structural Unemployment
Frictional Unemployment
Government Policies
Multiplier effect
Interventionist Supply-side
Market-Oriented Supply-side
Monetary policies
Economic effects of household debt

Unit 3 : Business Behaviors (assuming student has completed Elective Part 1 in DSE)
Perfect Competition
Graphical illustration
Profit dissipation
Natural Monopoly
Economies of Scales argument for Monopoly
Interdependency and Game Theory
Price Rigidity & Kinked Demand
Non-price competition
Price Wars
Monopolistic Competition
Short Run equilibrium
Long Run equilibrium
Alternative business objectives
Revenue Maximization
Sales Maximization
Welfare Maximization
Contestable markets
Government intervention
Policies to increase competition
Policies to increase contestability

Policies to deter anti-competitive behaviors
Public-Private partnership

Unit 4 : Development in Global Economy (assuming student has completed Elective Part 2 in DSE)
Advanced Government policies
Automatic built-in stabilizers
Accelerator Effect
Crowding out effect
Quantitative easing & liquidity trap
Use of subsidies (diagram)
Administrative obstacles
Voluntary Export Restraints
Product standards requirements
Economic Integration
Preferential Trade Agreement
Free Trade Area
Customs Union
Common Market
Currency Union
Barriers to Economic Development
Strategies to Economic Development
Other Strategies

New Skills for taking IAL Exam
Unit 1 & 2
Multiple Choice
Supporting explanation for answers
Data Response Questions
Long extended Stimulus
Data interpretation and Analysis
Extended response questions

Unit 3 & 4
Essay Response
Long essays
Data Response Questions
Long extended Stimulus
Data interpretation and Analysis
Extended response questions

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-24 09:43 |只看該作者
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Comparison between HKDSE and International A-level - Business Studies and Accounting
The HKDSE Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) syllabus is a comprehensive course covering Business skills as well as Bookkeeping and Accounting. It is Hong Kong centric, and it largely omits relevant content that may be examinable in other subjects (such as Economics.) It consists of a compulsory part and a choice of one (out of two) elective units. It maps poorly with the Edexcel International Advanced Level in both Business Studies and Accounting.

The following matrix highlights the overlap in the subjects concerned
CompulsoryAccounting ModuleBusiness Module
Business Studies Unit 15%0%5%
Business Studies Unit 210%0%50%
Business Studies Unit 35%0%10%
Business Studies Unit 40%0%0%

Accounting Unit 125%65%0%
Accounting Unit 20%4050%

The breakdown is listed below on the areas that are in International A-level, but not in the HKDSE syllabus.

In regards to the assessment methods of IAL exam, ITS would suggest HKDSE students working towards the IAL in Business Studies to work on data response questions in all units, multiple choice questions that require explanation in Unit 1 and Unit 2 and long essay questions in unit 3 and unit 4, as those techniques are not honed in the HKDSE system. Furthermore, HKDSE students working towards the IAL in Accounting should focus on evaluative techniques which are not honed in the HKDSE system.

Topics in IAL Business Studies and not in the HKDSE
Unit 1 : Business Enterprise (Assuming Business Management Module)
Motivation (must be reviewed)
Stakeholders (must be reviewed)
Opportunity cost
Researching a business opportunity
Supply and demand
Measuring business performance
The wider business environment
Done from a Hong Kong perspective.
Must be revised for a global context

Unit 2 : Business Structures and Processes (Assuming Business Management Module)
Marketing mix: BCG growth-share matrix
Price elasticity of demand
Income elasticity of demand
Managing operations
Productivity and efficiency
Product or service design
Capacity utilization

Inventory control (review)
Lean production and quality management
Managing finance
Budgets: variance analysis
Sales forecast
Why businesses fail
Managing people
Motivation of staff: Taylor & Mayo

Unit 3 : Strategic Business Decisions (Assuming Business Management Module)
Corporate objectives and strategy
Corporate objectives
Stakeholder influences on corporate objectives(revise)
Corporate culture
Corporate strategy
Making strategic and tactical decisions
Decision making models: Ansoff matrix
Decision trees
Critical path analysis and project management
Business contingency planning
Assessing competitiveness
Human resource competitiveness (revise)
Company growth
Nature of company growth
Effects of growth

Unit 4 : Business in a Global Context (Assuming Business Management Module)
International markets (Not covered in BAFS)
Changing global economy (Not covered in BAFS)
Business location (Not covered in BAFS)
Other considerations before trading internationally (Not covered in BAFS)
Global marketing (Not covered in BAFS)
Multinational corporations (Not covered in BAFS)

New Skills for taking IAL Business Studies Exam
Unit 1 & 2
Multiple choice
Supporting explanation for answers
Data response questions
Long extended stimulus
Data interpretation and analysis
Extended response questions

Unit 3 & 4
Essay response
Long essays
Data response questions
Long extended stimulus
Data interpretation and analysis
Extended response questions

Topics in IAL Accounting and not in the HKDSE
Unit 1 : The Accounting System and Costing
Principles of accounting
Accounting concepts and conventions (revise)
Final accounts of organisations
Departmental accounts
Clubs and societies
Introduction to costing and decision making
Valuation of inventory (stock)
Accounting for labour costs
Evaluation of accounting statements
Social accounting

Unit 2 : Corporate and Management Accounting
Limited companies
Capital structure
Merger or purchase of limited company
Cash flow statements
Cash flow statements
Capital budgeting and appraisal
Capital budgeting and appraisal
Cost behaviour and break-even
Cost behaviour and break-even

New Skills for taking IAL Accounting Exam
Unit 1 & 2
All Questions
New topics to be examined (see above)
Evaluation style questions

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 22-6-24 13:24 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 losoco 於 22-6-28 10:14 編輯
小時了了 發表於 22-6-24 09:42
Comparison between HKDSE and International A-level - Maths
The Edexcel International Advanced Level  ...

期間Edexcel IAL改左spec



Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-24 13:42 |只看該作者
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losoco 發表於 22-6-24 13:24
期間Edexcel IAL改左spec

多謝資訊更正及 updated.
可以試吓問問 ITS 有無最 updated   comparison HKDSE vs IAL

*留意:有英國大學唔承認 Online 網校嘅OSSD課程*
The University of Edinburgh https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/international/country/americas/canada
Ontario Secondary School
We accept the Ontario Secondary School Diploma for entry with a number of conditions:
•We do not generally accept the Ontario Secondary School Diploma where it has been taught online only, through a virtual or online school, without a formalised partnership.  

2022 年6月29日, University of Edinburgh email 覆我讀緊嗰間 online school 大學是否接纳:

Unfortunately we would not normally be able to consider an application from a qualification taken online in this case unless there is a formalised partnership in place.

原本打算UCAS 會報呢間英國大學,依家知道佢唔承認及唔接納孩子讀緊嗰間 online OSSD eschool, 咁我唔報呢間了

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 22-6-29 21:24 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 23-5-25 15:40 編輯

纯估計,以我及孩子自己了解及信心,如果孩子考DSE成績大约全部6科 level 4左右,極其量中文作文這部份或者可能level 5,如果以這樣成绩,绝對報唔到依家我報英國嗰 5 間大學及香港嘅科大及中文大學。所以,以我孩子為例,暫時可算係成功個案,但最终要等今年尾至明年初大學出 Conditional Offer 结果才能定論。

暫時肉眼可見用 OSSD課程(途徑) 提升咗我孩子能申請好啲嘅大學一大層次,但當中家長要額外支付6位數字金額嘅OSSD 學費,而孩子這2年同一時間讀2個課程及要做大量功課,尤其是孩子又要繼續應付依家讀緊嘅中學日常學習 (包括功課, 小測, 大測, 考試), 另一方面要交 OSSD 大量功課, 壓力真係都唔少, 世界上無免費午餐的。所以,大家真係要衡量自己家庭經濟負擔能力, 以及孩子是否承受到同一時間兼讀2個課壓力及時間管理分配。


2023 年1月為止, 孩子 OSSD 成績如下:

1) Grade 12 必修科 ENG4U - University English ( 大學英語 ) (70%功課分, 30%考試分) : 90%

2) Grade 12 必修科 MHF4U Advanced Maths ( 高等函数 ) (70%功課分, 30%考試分): 93%;

3) Grade 12 選修科 MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors ( 向量微積分 ) (70%功課分, 30%考試分): 97%

4) Grade 12 選修科 CGW4U - World Issues: A Geographic Analysis(世界問題:地理分析)(100%功課分):88%

5) Grade 12 選修科 MDM4U - Mathematics of Data Management ( 數據管理學 ) (70%功課分, 30%考試分) : 94%

6) Grade 12 選修科 HSB4U - Challenge and Change in Society ( 社會的挑戰與變革 ) (100%功課分) : 95%

會報明年 2023年大學如下:
英國 UCAS 會報 Geography 科目:
1) University of Durham : A*AA https://www.durham.ac.uk/study/courses/l702/
OSSD: An average of 88% across 6 Grade 12 4U or 4M courses (including 88% in Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U-C), or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U-A), or Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U-B) for programmes that require A level Maths).

5* 5 5 in three subjects from any combination of Group A Electives, Core Mathematics, and Core English Language.

2) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) AAA

OSSD: Standard offer for AAA degrees: Average of 93 per cent in five grade 12 courses

HKDSE AAA, AAB Obtain at least 555 in your electives, 5 in English and Mathematics, and 3 in Chinese and Liberal Studies

3) King's College of London (KCL) AAB
OSSD: Achieve the Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an overall average of 83% in six courses, including five University Prep (4U) courses and one 4U or 4M (University/College Prep) course

HKDSE: Three elective subjects at minimum Levels 5, 5, 5 plus Level 4 in each of the four core subject (for non-Maths).

4) University of Leeds: AAB
OSSD:  75 - 85%

HKDSE: 4, 4, 4 - 5*, 5, 5

5) University of Manchester: AAB


HKDSE AAB = 5, 5, 4 in 3 elective subjects plus 4 in compulsory Maths and 4 in compulsory English. Chinese Language and Liberal Studies are not accepted.

英國 Conditional Offer 情况如下:

1) University of Leeds: Conditional offer OSSD 80%
2) University of Manchester: Conditional offer OSSD 85%

3) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): reject offer

4) King's College of London (KCL) :Conditional offer OSSD 83%, English  Band B= IELTS 7

5) University of Durham:  Conditional offer OSSD  86% 6 科; 65% in English

加拿大,最後都係報埋 4 間, 截2023 年3月27日為止
1) University of McMaster
OUAC Choice 4:Business 1 > Conditional offer average six grade 12 U/M courses min percentage of 84% (January 30, 2023)

OUAC Choice 5:Social Sciences 1 > Conditional offer average min percentage of 70% (January 30, 2023)

2) University of Alberta: Bachelor of Arts Major: Undeclared ; Minor: Human Geography
> Conditional offer OSSD 70% Grade 12

3) University of Waterloo: 3 Offers
> Conditional offer average six grade 12 U/M courses min percentage of 75% (May 8, 2023)
OUAC Choice 1: Environment and Business, Honours, Co-operative Program

OUAC Choice 2: Arts and Business, Honours Co-operative Program

OUAC Choice 3: Geography and Environmental Management, Honours, Co-operative Program

4) McGill University:
無任何 Conditional Offer
Choice 1: Bachelor of Arts
Choice 2: Bachelor of Arts and Science

2023 申請加拿大大學討論區 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3872936&extra=page%3D1

截2023 年3月27日為止
1) 科大https://join.hkust.edu.hk/our-programs- BSc Environmental Management and Technology  (2022年12月有 Interview 機會, 但直至2023年3月27日仍未有任個消息)
2023 年3月31日科大終於出 unsuccessful offer reject 孩子申請了)

2) 中大 : http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/tc/
Choice 1: Social Science
Choice 2: Chinese Language Studies (B.A.) and Chinese Language (B.Ed.)
Choice 3: Geography and Resource Management

3) PolyUhttps://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/non-jupas
Choice 1: Aviation, Maritime and Supply Chain Management (Aviation Management and Finance / International Shipping and Transport Logistics / Supply Chain Management and Analytics) - BBA (Hons) Scheme > On Waiting List

Choice 2: Logistics and Enterprise Engineering (Logistics Engineering with Management / Enterprise Engineering with Management) - BSc (Hons) Scheme >Application being considered

*** 純以自己個案為例子,用OSSD報大學,香港的大學最為不利,孩子完全無收到任何一間香港大學的 CONDITIONAL OFFER / FIRM OFFER。***

直接向香港 IELTS institutes申請SEND IELTS 成績去加拿大大學嘅 web site https://ielts.britishcouncil.org.hk/iorps/html/registration/selectExamTypeServlet.do?vEngine=

我孩子讀嗰間網校只係以一間私人公司係香港註册(唔係香港教育局註册學校,香港教育局管唔到), 有 "倒閉" "執笠"  風險, 如果真係執笠,後果喺無 OSSD 畢業証明及成績,如果學生係香港日校退學只讀網校,又如果執笠的話學生無中學畢業,呢個風險大家要留意及衡量風險承擔,後果自負


PS: 因為我承擔唔到孩子有機會無中學畢業證明,故我無論如何都要孩子係香港間日校繼續讀至S6畢業為止

**** 最後,會用 BNO VISA 去英國 University of Durham Geography ****

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 23-5-20 10:59 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 23-5-22 13:56 編輯

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uccke-x-futura-academy-ossd-tickets-638655956157 << 登記報名


【誠邀參與】匯基書院(東九龍)UCCKE x Futura Academy 入學講座


地點:九龍觀塘利安里2號 匯基書院(東九龍)1/F Lecture Theatre


時間:7:30 - 8:45pm

究竟繼續考DSE還是去海外升學呢?Why not both? !升學前途不一定要二選一!Futura Academy 是一個為學生裝備知識和提供訓練課程的學習平台,提供中四銜接課程以及中五,六加拿大 OSSD 高中文憑課程,亦提供不同短期OSSD學分課程,為香港學生提供其他學習及升學出路。

今年Futura Academy與匯基書院(東九龍)攜手合作,為已在學的匯基同學,及其他本地的中四中五中六學生,提供一個本地課程及加拿大 OSSD 高中文憑課程並行的教學課程,給將會考DSE的同學多一個選擇!

UCCKE x Futura Academy Parent's Night

講者:創辦人Prof. Erwin Huang (黃岳永教授)




☑️UCCKE x Futura Academy合作






了解更多Future Academy課程資訊:http://futurahk.com/

另一間香港提供 online OSSD 課程機構 Futura Academy https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063886939766
呢間機構有加拿大實體中學, 間實體加拿大中學係呢間 https://www.canaanacademy.ca/
  (School Number  665306), 可能符合英國蘇格蘭 The University of Edinburgh https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/international/country/americas/canada
大學對OSSD 嘅要求.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 23-8-28 12:32 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 23-8-28 12:36 編輯

[澳紐] OSSD - 悉尼大學擬收緊中國學生入學要求

https://businessfocus.io/article ... _n3PI0S9p7guNSK8hgw

被發現學歷造假 大批澳洲中國留學生被遣返 悉尼大學擬收緊中國學生入學要求

Bloggers  Property

By Wendy全球樓行 on 25 Aug 2023






從悉尼大學的一份內部調查報告顯示,在2023年1至5月,悉尼大學發現了64名學生在學歷上做假。Photo from BusinessFocus





Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 23-8-28 12:35 |只看該作者
較早前有網友PM 我講, 明年開始 University of Manchester 亦開始唔承認 OSSD online course 嘅學歷.

越來越多大學唔承認OSSD online course 嘅學歷, 大家要留意, 考慮承擔風險
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