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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 初中英文
樓主: Nov2012

初中英文   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-12-27 12:57 |只看該作者
回覆 1998Ruby1998 的帖子


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-12-27 13:03 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 cornelius 於 19-12-27 16:57 編輯

本帖最後由 cornelius 於 19-12-27 13:14 編輯


Mrs. Buell (by Jean Little)

For years and years, for what seems like forever, I’ve gone to BUELLS when I had a dime to spare. It’s a run-down, not very clean, corner store. Kids go there mostly, for licorice and bubble gum and jawbreakers and Popsicles and comic books and cones. She only has three flavours and the cones taste stale. Still, she’ll sell you one scoop for fifteen cents. It’s not a full scoop but it’s cheaper than anywhere else. It’s the only place I know where a kid can spend one penny.

Mrs. Buell is run-down too, and a grouch. She never smiles or asks how you are. Little kids are scared to go in there alone. We laugh at them but really, we understand. We felt it too, when we were smaller and had to face her towering behind the counter.

She was always the same except that once. I tripped going in, and fell and scraped my knee. It hurt so much that I couldn’t move for a second. I was winded too, and I had to gasp for breath. I managed not to cry out but I couldn’t keep back the tears.

Mrs. Buell is big but she moved like lightning. She hauled a battered wooden chair out from behind the curtain that hung across the back. Then, without a word, she picked me up and sat me down on it. We were alone in the store but I wasn’t afraid.Her hands, scooping me up, had been work-roughened; hard but kind.

She still didn’t speak. Instead, she took a bit of rag out of her sweater pocket, bent down, and wiped the smear of blood off my knee. The rag looked grayish but her hands were gentle. I think she liked doing it. Then she fetched a Band-Aid and stuck it on.

“Does it still sting?” she asked, speaking at last, in a voice I’d never heard her use before.

I shook my head. And she smiled. At least I think she did. It only lasted a fraction of a second. And I wasn’t looking straight at her.

At that moment Johnny Tresano came in with one nickel clutched in his fist. He was so intent on the candies he hardly noticed me. He stood and stood, trying to decide.

“Make up your mind or take yourself off,” she growled.

She had gone back behind the counter. I waited for her to look at me again so that I could thank her. But when he left she turned her back and began moving things around on the shelves. I had meant to buy some jujubes but I lost my nerve. After all,everybody knew she hated kids. She was probably sorry now that she’d fixed my knee. I slunk out without once opening my mouth.

Yet, whenever I looked down and saw the Band-Aid, I felt guilty. As soon as one corner came loose I pulled it off and threw it away. I didn’t go near the store for weeks.

She was terribly fat. She got so hot in summer that her hair hung down in wet strings and her clothes looked limp. In winter she wore the same sweater every day, a man’s grey one, too big, with the sleeves pushed up. They kept slipping down and she’d shove them back a million times a day. Yet she never rolled up the cuffs to make them shorter.

She never took days off. She was always there. We didn’t like her or hate her. We sort of knew that selling stuff to kids for a trickle of small change wasn’t a job anybody would choose – especially in that pokey little place with flies in summer and the door being opened all winter, letting in cold blasts of cold air. Even after that day when she fixed my knee, I didn’t once wonder about her life.

Then I stopped at BUELLS one afternoon and she wasn’t there. Instead, a man and woman I’d never laid eyes on were behind the counter sorting through stacks of stuff.They were getting some boxes down off a high shelf right then so they didn’t hear me come in. I was so amazed I just stood there gawking.

“How ma stood this cruddy hole I’ll never know!” the woman said, backing away from a cloud of dust. “Didn’t she ever clean?”

“Give the subject a rest, Glo,” he answered. “She’s dead. She won’t bother you any longer.”

“I tried,Harry. You know I tried. Over and over, I told her she could move in with us.God knows I could have used a bit of cash and her help looking after those kids.”

I think I must have made a sound then. Anyway, she whirled around and saw me.

“This place is closed,” she snapped. “Harry, I thought I told you to lock the door. What did you want?”

I didn’t want anything from her. But I still could not believe Mrs. Buell wasn’t there. I stared around.

“I said we’re shut. If you don’t want anything, beat it,” she told me.

The minute I got home I phoned Emily. She said her mother had just read it in the paper.

“She had a daughter!” Emily said, her voice echoing my own sense of shock. “She died of a heart attack. Kate, her whole name was Katharine Ann Buell.”

“Katharine,”I said slowly. My name is really Katharine although only Dad calls me by it. “I just can’t believe it somehow.”

“No,” Emily said. “She was always just Mrs. Buell.”

I told her about Glo and Harry. After we hung up though, I tried to imagine Mrs. Buell as a child. Instead, I saw her bending down putting the Band-Aid on my knee. Her hair had been thin on top, I remembered, and she’d had dandruff. She had tried not to hurt me. Glo’s voice, talking about her, had been so cold. Had she had anyone who loved her? It seemed unlikely. Why hadn’t I smiled back?

But, to be honest, something else bothered me even more. Her going had left a hole in my life. Because of it I knew, for the first time, that nothing was safe – not even the everyday, taken-for-granted, background of my being. Like Mrs. Buell, pushing up her sweater sleeves and giving me my change.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 19-12-27 17:30 |只看該作者
cornelius 發表於 19-12-27 13:03
本帖最後由 cornelius 於 19-12-27 13:14 編輯



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-12-28 00:59 |只看該作者
1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-12-27 17:30

本帖最後由 cornelius 於 19-12-28 01:03 編輯


我們分析事情要知道context,這是家長日等待見班主任期間,看回各科的考試卷和自己小朋友的答題簿,在英文科Reading卷裡其中一篇閱讀理解的文章,相關問題也不少,其中一條阿仔答錯的,是問當作者知道Mrs. Buell去世時,作者的心情,對於當時12歲儍吓傻吓的阿仔要回答這種問題,真是有難度 (只答傷心便冇分,我估要答作者後悔沒有在 Mrs. Buell 在生時感謝她之類)。

考卷篇幅和題型也不少,摩打手是少不了。除了一些標準題目如 tenses, proofreading, cloze passage 等,有一條阿仔答alliteration 啱咗,原來佢哋都學咗幾多嘢

P.S. 回想以前讀郁達夫的一個人在途上,真的很難感受作者喪女之痛,直到自己當父母,就完全體會了。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-7 23:06 |只看該作者
我不大認同中學英文跟小學英文差不多,雖然我小朋友還在高小,但有參加一些補中學英文的班(可以說我小朋友跳了班), 我覺得中學補習班教的內容跟小學的很不同,小學學的多是關於普通的人生價值,例如要有勇氣呀、不要驕傲等,但中學補習班會提到財政報告呀、失業率呀,所以似乎中學要求的眼界闊很多,當然最直接的便是vocab 會很不同。
Grammar方面,tense 就大部份在小學會教,不過可能我自己水準不夠,我都不敢說小六英文卷我一定啱哂,所以我覺得小學後還有很多很多年要慢慢浸grammar.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-3-8 10:25 |只看該作者
1998Ruby1998 發表於 19-12-10 16:07
你話啊仔要考分辨 clause 嘛 (莫非我記錯?!)

DSE 模式即係好似啲補習社班咁,唔會教啲唔等洗嘅野 (寫 b ...


發表於 20-3-8 14:46 |只看該作者
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 20-3-8 15:39 |只看該作者
YmOra 發表於 20-3-8 10:25
真心請教,我最近先知道原來DSE唔考Grammar,咁平時點裝備自己D英文才可以應付到DSE,無咗 ...

DSE 考 Comprehension,其實都冇乜野裝備,你預計唔到佢出咩文章亦預計唔到裏面有咩生詞。
如果真係要裝備,咪睇多啲文章 (唔係書)。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-3-8 16:23 |只看該作者
1998Ruby1998 發表於 20-3-8 15:39
DSE 考 Comprehension,其實都冇乜野裝備,你預計唔到佢出咩文章亦預計唔到裏面有咩生詞。
如果真係要裝備 ...

本帖最後由 YolandaTam 於 20-3-8 16:24 編輯

推介: New Scientist, The Economist, Times, National Geographics, The Guardian

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 20-3-8 16:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 20-3-8 16:45 編輯
YmOra 發表於 20-3-8 10:25
真心請教,我最近先知道原來DSE唔考Grammar,咁平時點裝備自己D英文才可以應付到DSE,無咗 ...

唔知係边到睇到有个ek網友寫:从來語文係从应用中学习,而唔係讀或做練习学到番黎~(大致係禁意思)。我又好認同喎~當你將英文融入日常,用佢做学习工具(学科學地理历史哲学家政……)又或者娛樂(听歌睇戲打机吹水……)就自然会好。不过,若然要寫出好文章,就梗係要下功夫了。我两个女上左中学都未見佢地做过練习。細女总話上語文課好無聊,都唔知有乜可以教,有咩可以学……楼上啱呀……不过阿女只对National Geog有兴趣。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-3-8 19:39 |只看該作者
Yanamami 發表於 20-3-8 16:41
唔知係边到睇到有个ek網友寫:从來語文係从应用中学习,而唔係讀或做練习学到番黎~(大致係禁意思)。我又好 ...

我仔都有睇national geographic, 我見佢睇得好快,其實我真係會疑惑佢係咪睇完同睇得明,我問佢講咩又講到似層層咁,我英文差,首先無睇得佢咁快,其次係無理由篇篇都同佢睇㗎嘛,咁其實係咪由得佢睇就得㗎喇。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-3-8 19:42 |只看該作者
1998Ruby1998 發表於 20-3-8 15:39
DSE 考 Comprehension,其實都冇乜野裝備,你預計唔到佢出咩文章亦預計唔到裏面有咩生詞。
如果真係要裝備 ...


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 20-3-8 20:17 |只看該作者
S-Kwok 發表於 20-3-8 19:42

要多題材,好似啲 documentary 咁,講下動物、植物、歷史、時事、病毒等。

發表於 20-3-8 20:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-3-9 09:03 |只看該作者
IloveJJ 發表於 20-3-8 14:46
勁做練習,不就是grammar 嗎?還有什麼練習呢?


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-3-9 09:11 |只看該作者
1998Ruby1998 發表於 20-3-8 15:39
DSE 考 Comprehension,其實都冇乜野裝備,你預計唔到佢出咩文章亦預計唔到裏面有咩生詞。
如果真係要裝備 ...



Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-3-9 09:28 |只看該作者
Yanamami 發表於 20-3-8 16:41
唔知係边到睇到有个ek網友寫:从來語文係从应用中学习,而唔係讀或做練习学到番黎~(大致係禁意思)。我又好 ...


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

發表於 20-3-9 09:32 |只看該作者
YolandaTam 發表於 20-3-8 16:23
本帖最後由 YolandaTam 於 20-3-8 16:24 編輯



New Scientist應該幾啱阿女,適合高中嗎?thx.thx

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 20-3-9 10:08 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 20-3-9 10:13 編輯
YmOra 發表於 20-3-9 09:28
明白。好多謝你的意見指引。我都認同學習"語文"最好响日常生活中不知不覺間學習和吸收,現在總算有些方向 ...



話時話,我果時睇fashion magazine, Home & Decor, 婦女八婆雜誌添……边有Economist果d禁高級呀~

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 20-3-9 10:52 |只看該作者
YmOra 發表於 20-3-9 09:32

New Scientist應該幾啱阿女,適合高中嗎?thx.thx ...



YmOra    發表於 20-3-10 08:55
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