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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 有 Canada passport, 用 DSE 成績報 加拿大大學 ...
樓主: 小鹿揀學校

[加拿大] 有 Canada passport, 用 DSE 成績報 加拿大大學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-23 17:24 |只看該作者
nicolemummy 發表於 20-4-23 17:21
lui, neee your advice again.

Ironically, we know nothing about UT. We are not Ontarians.  ...

There are 3 campuses in UOf T. The main and major one is St George campus. UTM is a smaller campus . I think you should choose SG as it’s more popular. They have colleges which your gal was allocated one ( it’s like house system in secondary school).  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-23 18:01 |只看該作者
lui 發表於 20-4-23 17:24
There are 3 campuses in UOf T. The main and major one is St George campus. UTM is a smaller campus  ...
Heard of New college, something like that. Thanks for your tips.

Actually, so far, the scholarship was given from UTM.

It is understandable.

Not sure if SG will give us any later... I think we are given only 1 choice in OUAC, right?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-23 18:09 |只看該作者
nicolemummy 發表於 20-4-23 18:01
Heard of New college, something like that. Thanks for your tips.

Actually, so far, the scholarship ...

You can wait a bit until 1 may to see if SG will give you scholarships. I think u can accept only 1 choice in OUAC? I am not sure cos we are accepting UBC .

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-23 18:15 |只看該作者
lui 發表於 20-4-23 18:09
You can wait a bit until 1 may to see if SG will give you scholarships. I think u can accept only 1 ...
Congratulation to UBC. My girl is also considering UBC because the degree is with Master. Let's see what is final decision later. Perhaps our girls shall meet.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-23 22:33 |只看該作者
nicolemummy 發表於 20-4-23 18:15
Congratulation to UBC. My girl is also considering UBC because the degree is with Master. Let's see  ...

They join the ubc2024 in Facebook and instagram

Rank: 4

發表於 20-4-24 17:33 |只看該作者
三個Campus排名係1 St George 2 Scarborough 3 Mississauga, OUAC at any one time 只可hold 1個offer only, 如果offer冇mention要乜嘢grade,通常= maintain your current academic standing =考和predicted grades差不多就可以了

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-24 19:16 |只看該作者
lui 發表於 20-4-23 22:33
They join the ubc2024 in Facebook and instagram

I need to check if the master degree last for 5 years. if that is the case, it will be ubc2025... Thanks a lot.

But let's complete DSE chem first. This is the most important elective among DSE candidates because most of important degree programs requires Chem.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-24 19:17 |只看該作者
486 發表於 20-4-24 17:33
三個Campus排名係1 St George 2 Scarborough 3 Mississauga, OUAC at any one time 只可hold 1個offer only ...

Thank you very much


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-25 10:43 |只看該作者
nicolemummy 發表於 20-4-24 19:16
I need to check if the master degree last for 5 years. if that is the case, it will be ubc2025... T ...

In any case your gal settles in Ubc , just let me know I will let them  touch base.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-4-25 17:04 |只看該作者
lui 發表於 20-4-25 10:43
In any case your gal settles in Ubc , just let me know I will let them  touch base.

Found out the master degree with science + management is 4.5 year. Not sure what class it may call.

We can always touch base no matter if she comes or not. Since even she do her prof degree here, she shall fly back afterwards. Lets be friends  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 00:34 |只看該作者
picnic03 發表於 20-3-15 20:31
回覆 小鹿揀學校 的帖子

My son is a holder of a Canadian passport and he has just received an offer  ...

he is 18yrs old? he can open a hsbc premier account,  then open HSBC Canada overseas account for free.  he can anytime make global transfer from his hk HSBC to Canada.  1mill balance.taking into account of all overseas HSBC account

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 00:40 |只看該作者
小鹿揀學校 發表於 20-4-18 21:15
好似有沒有享用加國福利並非重點,關鍵是你和加拿大有沒有”連系“,有未滿十八歲直系親屬在加生活, 這當然 ...

tie 有分primary , secondary. 有tie係potentially 有可能 要交稅但唔一定.  depends  個小朋友 父或母係咪都係加拿大人 佢嘅父母主要嘅收入來源來自邊個地方 同埋佢長期居住嘅地方喺邊度. 即係稅局會overall去睇, 而唔會話單一因為你有一個加拿大戶口就代表要 收你tax.

阿旦嘅情況係 據我了解 主要收入來源係佢 , 而成家人當中有一半人即係太太同個女都係長期喺加拿大住. 在當地 有house, 所以qualify significant tie.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 00:45 |只看該作者
櫻花公主 發表於 20-4-15 11:39

唔一定要經agent你絕對可以自己直接搵school board 溝通申請.  你主要需做嘅係你要搵啱你有興趣畀 你仔女讀嘅school board , 再睇返 佢有冇 接受埋你申請 homestay. 有啲school board 會係某啲月份cut數 ,就算接受你申請學位 但homestay申請已經滿額 需要自己安排.

有啲school board係分開申請 你自己安排homestay.

唔係所有school board, agent都可以幫你申請 如果你經agent佢都係免費幫你搞 你可能 佢覺得方便啲.

所以最緊要係你找啱school board先.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-23 01:19 |只看該作者
daisy17772 發表於 20-5-23 00:45
唔一定要經agent你絕對可以自己直接搵school board 溝通申請.  你主要需做嘅係你要搵啱你有興趣畀 你仔女 ...

感謝你詳細回覆,如直接同schoolboard搞,要交代用international student 身份入學嗎?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 01:31 |只看該作者
櫻花公主 發表於 20-5-23 01:19
感謝你詳細回覆,如直接同schoolboard搞,要交代用international student 身份入學嗎?

我自己試過問唔同school board , 其實你直接講你個情況畀佢聽  佢就會問你一啲 有關問題, 例如父母係咪加拿大人, 父母陪佢住?基本上佢都可以話畀你聽你係需要付費。 我睇過Ontario嘅documents,  基本上係 未成年 加籍學生, 必須要有school board approve嘅家人, 必須係加籍,陪佢住。 冇嘅就必須要有homestay. 監護人有啲school board 叫你搵公司搞, 有啲係可以接受唔係住喺同區嘅朋友親戚做 .所以會有機會個個school board 唔同

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 12:35 |只看該作者
daisy17772 發表於 20-5-23 00:40
tie 有分primary , secondary. 有tie係potentially 有可能 要交稅但唔一定.  depends  個小朋友 父或母係 ...
算唔算 significant tie 真係由得佢點講,可以今天的我打倒昨天的我,甚至秋後算你既賬…
反正比 inter student tuition,英/美/澳 有更佳選擇,何必冒這風險?…..

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 13:53 |只看該作者
小鹿揀學校 發表於 20-5-23 12:35
算唔算 significant tie 真係由得佢點講,可以今天的我打倒昨天的我,甚至秋後算你既賬…
反正比 inter stu ...

本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 20-5-23 21:44 編輯

揀得加,就有一定原因。以public school system計,英澳無加咁好,而independent school 計,又英好D,但又貴D。

有識加tax accountant問下。另外又唔難预計,得一個家庭成員,又有俾錢讀,無樓無其他人。 其實 好多加拿大人 離開加拿大 都仲有個戶口,keep driving license,Ohio card 都已經establish 左 secondary tie.

咁我又同意 如果 英國都有independent schools 有興趣,咁又真係唔一定中學返加拿大。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 14:56 |只看該作者
daisy17772 發表於 20-5-23 13:53
揀得加,就有一定原因。以public school system計,英澳無加咁好,而independent school 計,又英好D,但 ...
唉,加拿大大城市的 public school, 好果d就滿是大陸人,聽普通話仲多過英文….次一級果d,學校/學生質數可能還及不上現在香港讀開果間…..

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-5-23 21:48 |只看該作者
小鹿揀學校 發表於 20-5-23 14:56
唉,加拿大大城市的 public school, 好果d就滿是大陸人,聽普通話仲多過英文….次一級果d,學校/學生質數可 ...

咁呢樣嘢 幾個主要西方大國都係咁㗎啦。 分別在加拿大 個education system主要係公立學校, 英國仲有好多 independent school, 澳洲 杜街乎於加拿大同英國之間。 簡而言之中國人揀得的學校 都因為名氣好, 如果見得多 內地有學校就梗係因為佢出名囉。

我自己個女就被去咗一啲好細好細嘅city,  咁就好多白人。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-5-28 12:54 |只看該作者
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