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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 GSCE and A level vs IB
樓主: mky456

GSCE and A level vs IB

Rank: 4

發表於 19-10-22 22:08 |顯示全部帖子
v369234 發表於 19-10-21 18:37
AP 有分 AP (HKIS) 同 AP  (CAIS)...非常依賴學校支援...香港補習都 ...
AP <Alberta>

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-10-22 23:31 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 OLAF1023 的帖子

ICS 唔清楚...相信係AP (HKIS)...CAIS 在申請IB當中..將來話2樣都有...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 00:07 |顯示全部帖子
v369234 發表於 19-10-21 18:37
AP 有分 AP (HKIS) 同 AP  (CAIS)...非常依賴學校支援...香港補習都 ...
唔係好明,AP 係college board 嘅公開試,唔應該有學校之分。不過唔同學校提供嘅科目可以有唔同。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-10-23 02:15 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 heebo 的帖子

查下ap vs ap abertla...我都係其他家長話比我知佢哋唔係同一樣...呢個先係重點...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 22:19 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 heebo 於 19-10-23 22:21 編輯
v369234 發表於 19-10-23 02:15
回覆 heebo 的帖子

查下ap vs ap abertla...我都係其他家長話比我知佢哋唔係同一樣...呢個先係重點... ...

根據CAIS網站資料,學校提供AP科目給G11&12班學生選讀,另外G12學生亦可選讀一年制AP International Diploma 課程,合格便多一個APID的qualifications。Alberta省的學校也有提供APID課程,我相信是這個原因令人以為有一種課程叫AP(Alberta)。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
IB 不難升三大

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 23:17 |顯示全部帖子
yaijing 發表於 19-10-10 21:12
有無數據可以睇到點解 DSE 較易入? 因為我一直認為ib較易

同意,視乎什麼學科,如果不是超級神科( medic and Law), IB 易啲

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 23:19 |顯示全部帖子
IB 是最flexible , 港英加澳都ok, 去美國要考多個SAT or ACT.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-23 23:36 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 heebo 於 19-10-24 22:48 編輯
OLAF1023 發表於 19-10-16 18:48
我上網搵過少少資料,話IB要寫成40 ...

其實AP不只考MC, 亦有short answers 和 free response questions (document-based and long essay),以US History 為例,MC 只佔總分40%,short answers 和FRQ 共佔60%。
美制的好處是除了必修科外,學生可以按自己的興趣和能力選科,有興趣或希望more challenging的科目才選AP,選讀AP的話,在五月考公開試後便完成。如果考到3以上(最高5)有機會取得大學第一年該科的學分(豁免),尤其是美加的大學。AP 等同大學第一年程度,所以並不容易。本地大學,例如USTHK要求三科AP 3或以上的成績為最低入學要求。

AP International Diploma 要求最少五科考3以上,五科須來自不同content area,例如 English & World languages,  Global perspectives, Math and science, History and social sciences。

另亦可選AP Capstone Diploma ,要求四科AP考3以上,並必須修讀AP Seminar 和 AP Research, 做group project, presentation, 寫四五千字論文。HKIS,ICS 和 AISHK 有offer Capstone Dip. 課程。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-10-24 15:59 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 v369234 於 19-10-25 04:55 編輯

回覆 heebo 的帖子

親子王 492 期 有cais 幼小及學制介紹可以睇下..2021 推出IB DP 課程...

Rank: 4

發表於 19-10-24 21:49 |顯示全部帖子
heebo 發表於 19-10-23 23:36
其實AP不只考MC, 亦有short answers 和 free response questions (document-based and long essay),以U ..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-27 00:51 |顯示全部帖子
OLAF1023 發表於 19-10-24 21:49
唉⋯⋯不過我又擔心IB仲唔適合我 ...
唔好客氣!美國嘅大學一般最低入學要求並沒有訂明AP的要求,但AP 的成績可以代表你能夠master該科目,讀幾多科由學生自己決定,G11&12 一年讀一兩科又得,四五科都得,冇規定,當然如果你target某大學學系就要先check清楚要求,再在選科時鋪排,特別是其他國家例如英國和香港的大學,因是test-based system, 會指明讀美制學生的AP和SAT/ACT的最低成績要求。ICS去年畢業生36%入美國大學、20%加拿大、16%英國、16%香港、6%澳洲,而AP有97%學生考3以上(global 只有61%),我覺得又唔需要太擔心。

Rank: 4

發表於 19-10-27 13:17 |顯示全部帖子
heebo 發表於 19-10-27 00:51
唔好客氣!美國嘅大學一般最低入學要求並沒有訂明AP的要求,但AP 的成績可以代表你能夠master該科目,讀幾 ...
AIS其實口碑好唔好?STUDENTS MIX方面?師資?學生學習態度?校內設施?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-10-27 15:14 |顯示全部帖子
OLAF1023 發表於 19-10-27 13:17
AIS其實口碑好唔好?STUDENTS MIX方 ...
Sorry I don't know AIS well enough to comment.  You can find some factual data from its website, eg student profile. The grad requirements of both schools are similar, both aligned with those of the US.  However, ICS requires 4 years bible which AIS doesn't.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 19-10-27 16:14 |顯示全部帖子
https://fridaymagazine.ae/life-c ... education-1.2304919

What students, and parents, need to know about an IB education
Sanjeev Verma Oct 21, 2019

International Baccalaureate is often considered the epitome of education

There is no single ‘right’ curriculum. It is ultimately an extremely personal choice, unique to every student

Q: My son is in the 10th grade and we have been told by friends to consider the IB system. Can you shed some light on it especially compared to the AP system?

To begin with, each curriculum, be it American, British, Indian or French, has its own merit and there is no single ‘right’ curriculum. It is an extremely personal choice, unique to every student based on a host of issues, and can be different even between siblings. A lot depends on what your future plans are – what and where you want to study.

[Students at the crossroads: arts or technology?]

The International Baccalaureate is often considered the epitome of education and the greatest highlight of the programme is its international recognition and acceptance. It has three levels targeted to different segments that not only focus on academic achievement, but also on personal achievements.

The Primary Years is geared towards the youngest age group, ages three through 12. The Middle Years is designed for children 11-16. It teaches students to create connections between their studies in school and the real world around them, educating them about the real world applications for what they’re learning.

The most popular of the three IB programmes is The Diploma, created for students 16-19, that works to further develop those who exemplify a depth, interest and thirst for knowledge. It is a rigorous holistic programme best suited for students who seek education to help them thrive not only mentally but also help with their physical, emotional and ethical wellbeing. IB is broad-based, holistic education and while being academically strong it goes beyond academia to include community service, research and extracurricular activities.

Individuals who participate in an IB programme tend to perform better than their peers as they are encouraged to have a natural curiosity and interest in learning, making them independently-driven youngsters. The IB offers students plenty of opportunities to participate in international educational programmes, facilitating admissions to top universities around the world.

Both IB and Advanced Placement courses look good to college admissions officers, as it shows one’s dedication to learning and excelling. Both may earn college credits, allow you to skip some intro courses, and even graduate early. But if a student is looking to apply to colleges other than the US the IB course has a definite advantage, as it is internationally recognised.

AP courses are also very singularly focused, while IB is a complete, rounded curriculum. It nurtures important skills including research, critical thinking, writing, and time management.

Rank: 4

發表於 19-10-27 19:24 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 OLAF1023 於 19-10-27 19:26 編輯
heebo 發表於 19-10-27 15:14
Sorry I don't know AIS well enough to comment.  You can find some factual data from its website, eg  ...

Yes⋯⋯my daughter doesn't want to study Bible!
But we prefer AP rather than IB