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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 加拿大公立中學Canada Public School Boards & Priviate ...
樓主: 小時了了

[加拿大] 加拿大公立中學Canada Public School Boards & Priviate Boarding School  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-24 15:34 |顯示全部帖子
crosslinkkk 發表於 20-3-24 08:33

~~ 說安慰話的舌頭是生命船; 奸惡的舌頭使人心碎 ~~

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-24 15:37 |顯示全部帖子
Eviema 發表於 20-3-24 10:43
想問那邊的mobile phone and data plan 每個月約幾錢? 有學生plan 嗎? thx

多倫多呢邊手機上網plan 比香港貴
我仔用Rogers 4G plan C$45/月 + 稅
~~ 說安慰話的舌頭是生命船; 奸惡的舌頭使人心碎 ~~

Rank: 2

發表於 20-3-24 16:07 |顯示全部帖子
yy13 發表於 20-3-24 07:11
因為喺安省讀少過4年high school 要考ielts

聽聞去陪讀可以申 visitor record ,咁就可以唔使半年走一次,係唔係真係可以?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-3-24 23:52 |顯示全部帖子
crosslinkkk 發表於 20-3-24 16:07
聽聞去陪讀可以申 visitor record ,咁就可以唔使半年走一次,係唔係真係可以?

冇聽過visitor record
喺另一個post 有家長話申請時可講明係陪讀

~~ 說安慰話的舌頭是生命船; 奸惡的舌頭使人心碎 ~~

Rank: 4

發表於 20-4-19 21:15 |顯示全部帖子


請問你地有子女係加拿大讀緊嘅,佢地第一次到加拿大機場搞  visa ,有冇印象要搞幾耐. agent說要幾個鐘,真係要甘耐嗎?同埋你地多數買單程機票定學生機票

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-7-30 15:52 |顯示全部帖子
想小朋友出年2021 入讀G8和G10.  想找public school, 請問全部public schools 是否都係由school boards 派位?Langley in BC, Edmonton or Calgary in Alberta 或Ontario 都在考慮中。但我好迷惘,唔知點開始找學校,請問有冇媽咪可以教吓我

Rank: 4

發表於 20-7-30 19:02 |顯示全部帖子
NT-1 發表於 20-7-30 15:52
想小朋友出年2021 入讀G8和G10.  想找public school, 請問全部public schools 是否都係由school boards 派 ...

我小朋友係calgary,所以我只提供到calgary既小小資料,要先向school board申請,school board收左後,會根據你提供既住址派就近既學校,但先要那間學校仲有位,若果無位就可能會派就近既校區,同埋留意返有d學校唔收國際生的

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-7-30 19:49 |顯示全部帖子
我冇Calgary 地址,諗住搵homestay。咁是否要有homestay 地址才可以找board 搵學校?另年紀輕是否很難找homestay.  

Rank: 4

發表於 20-7-30 21:47 |顯示全部帖子
NT-1 發表於 20-7-30 19:49
我冇Calgary 地址,諗住搵homestay。咁是否要有homestay 地址才可以找board 搵學校?另年紀輕是否很難找hom ...


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-7-31 10:19 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-8-2 14:08 編輯
NT-1 發表於 20-7-30 15:52
想小朋友出年2021 入讀G8和G10.  想找public school, 請問全部public schools 是否都係由school boards 派位?Langley in BC, Edmonton or Calgary in Alberta 或Ontario 都在考慮中。但我好迷惘,唔知點開始找學校,請問有冇媽咪可以教吓我

NT-1 發表於 20-7-30 19:49
我冇Calgary 地址,諗住搵homestay。咁是否要有homestay 地址才可以找board 搵學校?另年紀輕是否很難找homestay.  

個人建議, 首先你可以係 EK 爬吓文做吓功課先, 睇吓前輩有關加拿大最近期嘅 post 了解吓 e.g. https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=292&filter=typeid&typeid=180&page=1

而最少你睇2個 post (1) 加拿大Calgary中學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3753551&fromuid=1539350 (2) 依家呢個 post 內十幾頁, 你問嘅問題 e.g. 1) 找 homestay 已有前人分享咩野情況自己搵 homestay, 咩野情況(絕大部份~99%) 係 public school board 幫你搵; 2) 找學校: 唔係每個 School Board 會收國際學生, 只有少量 School Board 收. 另外, 收國際學生嘅 School Board 亦只有非常非常少嘅指定學校收國際學生.

所以, 你要搵肯收國際學生  係 Langley in BC, Edmonton or Calgary in Alberta 或 Ontario 嘅 Public School School Board

e.g. Edmonton or Calgary in Alberta 肯收國際學生所有 School Board 資料 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3789614&extra=page%3D1&page=6

#124 另一間 Calgary 地方收國際學生嘅 Public School School Board

e.g. Langley in BC https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3789614&extra=page%3D1&page=2
Langley School District #35, British Columbia http://www.studyinlangley.com/schools/high-schools/ (School List)

e.g. Ontario https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3789614&extra=page%3D1&page=3
Ontario All School Board http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/sbinfo/boardList.html (要自己再逐個 school board 睇及搵邊間會收國際學生, 邊間唔收)

Ontario Search for a secondary school by 1) town/city; or 2) school name; 3) school board https://www.app.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/sift/indexSec.asp?schoolCount=under >>> 呢個網站資料幾有用,可以逐間學校學術 vs Ontario省嘅全省學術水平。

最後, 建議你睇埋呢個 post >> 加拿大讀書,財政証明 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3807237&fromuid=1539350, 好有用嘅 post, 因為關係到申請學生簽證批唔批的

Rank: 4

發表於 20-7-31 16:59 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

小時了了, 唔好意思, 我爬咗幾篇EK 都唔係好知自己應該點做我係普通在職媽媽 一家無加籍, 因為Ontario Mississauga 有個朋友可以俾我地暫住, 打算嚮佢屋企附近揾間公校過去讀G10  我都有打算陪讀。朋友話St. Francis近佢屋企,  不過我唔知點樣申請?
學校既網頁有講收international student 但點樣申請又唔係好清淅, 所以想請教你正確既申請途徑應該點做?
我唔需要安排住宿, 係咪都要先揾school board 申請派位....還是直接向學校申請?  

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-8-2 11:22 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-8-5 12:38 編輯
helencarl1314 發表於 20-7-31 16:59
回覆 小時了了 的帖子

小時了了, 唔好意思, 我爬咗幾篇EK 都唔係好知自己應該點做我係普通在職媽媽 一家無 ...

唔緊要,大家一齊研究探討吓。如果怕煩的話,係第1頁#1内有agent 資料,不妨揾agent 問及格價(有agent 指定佢代理嘅school board 係免費,但亦有agent要收費),交俾agent 幫你, agent 會全程幫你小孩報名申請學校、或者要面試安排、visa 申請……

如果你自己處理到就可以全部自己攪(自己直接向學校school board 自行報名申請學校、面試、visa 申請…………)

Rank: 4

發表於 20-8-2 12:37 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 20-8-2 11:22
唔緊要,大家一齊研究探討吓。如果怕煩的話,係第1頁#1内有agent 資料,不妨揾agent 問及格價(有agent 指 ...

唔該晒!對我哋呢啲全職媽媽來講搵agent真係煩少啲 (emoji)

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-8-2 23:45 |顯示全部帖子
NT-1 發表於 20-7-30 15:52
想小朋友出年2021 入讀G8和G10.  想找public school, 請問全部public schools 是否都係由school boards 派 ...

ontario, d 人 通常會搵York region,  Toronto.  其他省我唔清楚.

通常做法都係你去region school board嘅website , 佢會講明 關於international students 要求, 程序.  通常佢哋會列明有冇限制邊啲學校先至收國際學生.  成績比較好比較出名都要盡快去申請. 有啲school board , eg. York,  對於接受 申請home stay 安排嘅學生係有quota. so 就算 受歡迎各學校有位, 但係  homestay quota full, 咁佢都可以照收學生不過你自己要homestay.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-8-3 00:34 |顯示全部帖子


fsshongkong.com  佢哋專做加拿大留學.  好多school board 佢都可以幫你申請,不過會叫你首先自己上去唔同嘅網站自己揀下. 幫你申請唔收手續費收費主要係幫學生申請visa, etc.  一頭霧水嘅家長 可以諗下搵agent幫手.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-16 09:30 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-11-22 22:54 編輯

加拿大移民局11月12日官方資料 Measures to support Hong Kong residents, including youth, to come to Canadahttps://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2020/11/measures-to-support-hong-kong-residents-including-youth-to-come-to-canada.html

As part of the whole-of-government response, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is implementing a number of measures that will allow Hong Kong students and youth to quickly come to Canada on work and study permits as well as new pathways to stay permanently. The new permanent residence pathways will also benefit people from Hong Kong already in Canada under existing work and study permits.

We are making enhancements to, and increasing promotion of, existing programs and pathways to support Hong Kong residents who want to study, work, stay or live permanently in Canada, once the travel restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19 are lifted.

IRCC is also speeding up processing of documents for Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents living in Hong Kong, so they can come back to Canada at any time. Family members in Hong Kong of Canadians and Canadian permanent residents may also travel to Canada provided that they meet the exemptions to the travel restrictions. All persons coming to Canada are reminded that they must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

These measures complement the actions being taken by Canada’s international partners.
New temporary and permanent pathways for Hong Kong youth

•Canada will expedite the processing of permits for young people from Hong Kong who are eligible and want to come to Canada to work or study. We have already seen an increase in study permit applications in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019, and the government will continue to promote this opportunity.

•In addition to the existing work and study options for Hong Kong youth, a new work permit initiative specific to Hong Kong youth will provide open work permits of up to 3 years in duration, with eligibility criteria centred on post-secondary education in Canada or abroad completed in the last 5 years. Eligible spouses or common-law partners, as well as dependent children, can also apply for a study or work permit, as appropriate. This initiative is expected to launch soon.

•For those who come here to either study or work, 2 new pathways to permanent residence are being created, which will be available in 2021:

◦The first will target former Hong Kong residents who have gained a minimum of 1 year of authorized work experience in Canada and meet other criteria such as minimum language and education levels.

◦The second pathway will be for those who have graduated from a post-secondary institution in Canada. These individuals can then apply directly for permanent residence.

For both these pathways, principal applicants will also be able to include in-Canada spouses, partners, and dependent children in their application.

•Canada will benefit from these new measures, which will ensure these former Hong Kong residents have the skills and education to integrate well and contribute to our economy.

Additional measures being implemented
•We are waiving application processing fees for Hong Kong residents in Canada on a temporary basis who apply to renew their status to extend their stay.

•IRCC is increasing promotional and recruitment efforts to attract Hong Kong youth to study in Canada and in other program areas, including International Experience Canada. IRCC will resume processing International Experience Canada applications for Hong Kong youth, which has been paused due to COVID-19. Approved International Experience Canada participants can already travel to Canada under the current travel restrictions, provided they have a current and active job offer. Youth-focused programs are important gateways to gaining experience needed to qualify for permanent residence.

•IRCC is also increasing promotion of super visas, which are visas for parents and grandparents that allow for multiple entries to Canada for up to 2 years at a time over a period of up to 10 years.

•As part of business resumption priorities, IRCC has allocated resources to speed up processing of permanent residence applications, including for family sponsorship. This will benefit Hong Kong applicants. Spouses or common-law partners who have applied for permanent residence from within Canada can apply for an open work permit.
For individuals at risk of persecution who are in Canada or in a third country

•Canada supports the right to peaceful protest, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. Taking part in peaceful protests is not considered an offence in Canada. Arrests and convictions outside Canada for actions not considered an offence in Canada are not grounds for inadmissibility.

•Foreign nationals in Canada, including Hong Kong residents, continue to have access to our asylum system. All eligible asylum claims are decided based on the individual merits and evidence presented to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB), an independent administrative tribunal. The IRB is constantly evaluating conditions in asylum-seeker-producing countries and is updating research material to include the latest developments in Hong Kong and ensure that decision makers have access to the most recent information.

•Due to the worsening conditions in Hong Kong that could put some individuals at risk, we have implemented an exemption to the 12-month bar on a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) for Hong Kong residents. A PRRA examines the risk an individual may face if they are returned to their home country. Normally, individuals who receive a negative decision on their refugee claim from the IRB or the Federal Court, or on their previous PRRA application, are not eligible to apply for a PRRA for at least 12 months from the date of their decision. With this exemption, some individuals who were previously ineligible may now be eligible for another assessment before being removed from Canada.

•Hong Kong residents at risk of persecution who have fled to another country may also be eligible under Canada’s existing resettlement programs, including the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program and the Government-Assisted Refugees Program.

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 20-11-16 09:34 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-11-23 00:14 編輯

加拿大政府11月19日官方公佈特別俾香港居民移民嘅詳細資料 Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/service-delivery/hong-kong.html?fbclid=IwAR3gbFAJQeO5Rje2Q8_g2iaKJrFXO4qSY3z_eqgoeEqY4qz0ojBuIEn9O1k

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

These instructions provide guidance to officers on the following:
•the administration of temporary and permanent residence measures for Hong Kong youth
•facilitative measures to support family reunification for those who meet the eligibility criteria
On this page

Under these facilitative measures, the following clients may be eligible as a principal applicant or an accompanying dependant:
•Canadian citizens, persons registered under the Indian Act, Canadian permanent residents or protected persons in Hong Kong and their immediate and extended family members living in Hong Kong regardless of nationality
•immediate family members of Hong Kong residents. Footnote * who will be working or studying in Canada
•residents of Hong Kong, who may be living in Canada, the United States or abroad, and who hold a passport issued by either of the following: ◦the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China, as defined by paragraph 190(2)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR)
◦the United Kingdom to a British National Overseas (BNO), as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong, as per paragraph R190(2)(e)

* Hong Kong “residents” are presented in these instructions as defined under paragraphs 190(2)(d) and (e) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations as foreign nationals who hold a passport issued by
•the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; or
•the United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas), as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong.

Fee waiver
The following applicants may have their fees waived under these special measures:
•HKSAR and BNO (Hong Kong) passport holders who are temporary residents in Canada wishing to extend their stay in Canada
•applicants for an extension of authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident ($100) [R305(1)]
•applicants for an extension of authorization to remain in Canada as a worker ($155)
•applicants for an extension of authorization to remain in Canada as a student ($150)

Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents
All passport applications for Canadian citizens residing in Hong Kong will be prioritized. For more information, contact the Passport Program.

Canadian permanent residents residing in Hong Kong who require a permanent resident travel document (PRTD) will have their paper applications prioritized at IRCC Hong Kong.

Temporary residence - e.g. Work Permit
All temporary residence applications for HKSAR or BNO passport holders should be processed following the  Temporary residence: COVID-19 program delivery instructions.
Holders of HKSAR passports are visa exempt and may apply for an electronic travel authorization (eTA) should they wish to come to Canada.
Priority processing instructions:
Family reunification
International Experience Canada (IEC)

Family reunification
IRCC will give priority processing to temporary residence applications from immediate and extended family members (as defined in the Orders in Council) of Canadian citizens, persons registered under the Indian Act, permanent residents and protected persons in Canada who have applied for permanent residence, if their family members abroad hold a valid passport and have remained in, or have departed, Hong Kong. These measures apply to new and existing applications.
Learn more: Travel restriction measures: COVID-19 program delivery

Priority processing should be given to all study permit applications received from HKSAR and BNO passport holders.

Officers should process all Hong Kong study permit applications and finalize those that are for designated learning institutions (DLIs) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/prepare/designated-learning-institutions-list.html on the list of DLIs with COVID-19 readiness plans https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html approved by their provincial or territorial authority. If their DLI is not on the list, officers should still process their application but not finalize it until their DLI is on the approved list.

Until further notice, officers may continue to request any necessary additional documents or impose regulatory requirements for processing in relation to study permit applications, including police certificates, biometric enrolments, passports and medical examinations,, as follows:
•When additional documentation is required to make a decision on the application, processing officers should send a request letter and allow 90 days for the applicant to respond.
•If a request for additional documentation was previously sent but the applicant was unable to comply within the deadline, processing officers should bring forward the deadline and allow an additional 90 days for the applicant to respond.
Until further notice, applicants will not be refused for non-compliance.

International Experience Canada (IEC)
Prior to closing the program’s 2020 season on November 12, International Experience Canada (IEC) invited a number of Hong Kong youth in the IEC pool to submit an application. Hong Kong youth will not be able to enter Canada unless they have
•a valid port of entry letter of introduction
•a valid job offer, which includes a written note from an employer in Canada that says ◦their business is continuing to operate (whether essential or not)
◦they will start work after the 14-day mandatory quarantine
•proof of adequate health-care coverage
Applications in processing will not be closed or refused for lack of documentation or inability to complete the application process in time, such as giving biometrics  or completing a medical exam.

Permanent residence
Permanent residence applications from family members of Canadian citizens, persons registered under the Indian Act, permanent residents or protected persons residing in Hong Kong that are in processing should be prioritized where feasible. However, in some circumstances, the most expeditious option for these clients may be to apply for an eTA or TRV.

Family class applications
Priority processing should be given to family class applications received from legal residents of Hong Kong (whether they are currently in Canada or outside of Canada or in the US).

Existing applications
Existing complete family class permanent residence applications under section R10 will be processed on a priority basis while taking into consideration the additional processing guidance outlined in these instructions.

Use the organization ID to track all applications received from Hong Kong nationals. If the application is still incomplete in 90 days, officers should request the missing documents with an additional 90-day deadline.

New applications
If a new application is missing supporting documentation (associated fees are required) due to COVID-19 circumstances, the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) or Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) may promote the application, and it can be reviewed in 90 days. Officers should associate the organization ID to track all applications received from Hong Kong nationals. If the application is still incomplete in 90 days, officers should request the missing documents with an additional 90-day deadline.
Applications found to be incomplete with no explanation provided, or for reasons unrelated to the disruption of services associated with impacts of COVID-19, may be rejected as per section R10, and all fees associated with the application should be refunded to the applicant. The reason for rejection should be unrelated to the disruption of services.

Officers should consult the current Permanent residence: COVID-19 program delivery instructions for more information on processing applications that have been affected by the disruption in services as a result of COVID-19.

加拿大政府官方 Work Permits 資訊 https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/apply-who-permit-result.asp?q1_options=1i&q2_options=2c&q3_options=2c_ii
Regular open work permit
You may be eligible for a regular open work permit if
•you’re applying or have already applied for permanent residence under the spouse  spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, or
•you’ve applied for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate and your application has been approved in principle

You also need to meet the general eligibility  requirements for a work permit.

加拿大政府官方 Temporary residence --- e.g. Work Permit 資訊 https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/service-delivery/coronavirus/temporary-residence.html

Canada Announces Work Permit, Permanent Residence Options For Hong Kong Residents https://www.immigration.ca/canada-announces-work-permit-permanent-residence-options-for-hong-kong-residents Last Updated on November 12, 2020

Canada has announced a new open work permit and two pathways to permanent residency aimed specifically at Hong Kong residents.

The move comes in response to China’s imposition of a controversial national security law earlier in 2020, giving it broad new powers in Hong Kong.

Canada is also enhancing existing programs to help people from Hong Kong already here to stay, and those who want to make plans to come when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino said Canada continues to support the people of Hong Kong and to stand up for democracy and human rights.

“The people-to-people ties between Canada and Hong Kong are strong and deep, and these new measures celebrate those long-standing relationships,” he said.

“Newcomers from Hong Kong, including students, have made outstanding contributions to Canada, and the changes we’re announcing today will strengthen our relationship with the people of Hong Kong and bring us closer together.”

Open Work Permit
The new open work permit, valid for up to 3 years, is aimed at students who have completed post-secondary education in Canada or abroad in the last 5 years. Spouses or common law partners and dependent children will also be eligible for a study or work permit. The initiative is expected to launch ‘soon’, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) said.

Pathways to Permanent Residence
For Hong Kong residents who come to Canada to study or work, 2 new pathways to permanent residence are being created, available in 2021.

Spouses, partners, and dependent children are included for both pathways.
1.The first will target former Hong Kong residents with a minimum of 1 year of work experience in Canada and meet minimum language and education criteria.
2.The second will be for graduates of a post-secondary institution in Canada, allowing them to apply directly for permanent residence.

Expedited Processing
Canada will expedite the processing of work and study permits for eligible young people from Hong Kong.

Processing Fees Waived
Canada will also waive processing fees for Hong Kong residents in Canada on a temporary basis applying to extend their stay.

How To Apply For Canada Immigration From Hong Kong https://www.immigration.ca/how-to-apply-canada-immigration-from-hong-kong

Open Work permit in Canada – Work in Canada https://www.immigration.ca/open-work-permit-in-canada

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-16 14:14 |顯示全部帖子
我哋最近都直接幫阿女同Ottawa Carleton School Board直接申請,出年過去讀G10, 到時會住響朋友屋企;有關當地公立學校嘅資料唔係咁多(emoji)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 20-11-16 14:15 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 20-11-17 18:00 |顯示全部帖子
ing2004 發表於 20-4-19 21:15
請問你地有子女係加拿大讀緊嘅,佢地第一次到加拿大機場搞  visa ,有冇印象要搞幾耐. agent說要幾個鐘,真 ...
