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CityU Gbus or CU BBA ?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 19-9-11 19:22 |顯示全部帖子
lovelovebb 發表於 19-8-10 15:40
請教: 分數唔夠入三大Gbus, 請問以下點揀 :

CUHK BBA Dual Degree Program

由CUHK website節錄的:

CUHK and IE Business School in Spain Collaborate in Bachelor of Business Administration Dual Degree Programme

The first intake is expected to be admitted into CUHK and IE Business School in the academic year 2019-20. Students admitted into CUHK will study at IE Business School during the second and third academic years. Students admitted into IE Business School will spend the first two academic years there and continue their studies in CUHK in the third and fourth academic years (i.e. 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years). Students who complete the programme and meet the graduation requirements of both universities will receive Bachelor of Business Administration degrees from CUHK and IE Business School. As an international institution, IE Business School places much emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship, and its MBA programme was ranked 31st worldwide by the Financial Times in 2019.

CUHK and Cass Business School of City, University of London Collaborate in Business Administration Dual Degree Programme

The first intake is expected to be admitted into CUHK and City, U of London in the academic year 2020-21. Students will study in the partnering university in their second and in the fourth academic years. Upon successful completion of graduation requirements, students will be awarded with Bachelor of Business Administration in Integrated Business Administration and Bachelor of Science in Business Management by City, U of London. City, U of London was ranked fifth in the UK in the Financial Times Business School Ranking 2018.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 19-9-11 19:28 |顯示全部帖子
ChiChiPaPa 發表於 19-9-11 19:22
CUHK BBA Dual Degree Program

由CUHK website節錄的:

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