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教育王國 討論區 備戰大學 DSE (JUPAS) vs 自修或兼讀 IAL/GCEAL/OSSD (Non JUPAS) ...
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教育局的生涯規劃資訊網站 https://lifeplanning.edb.gov.hk/tc/

大家及早知道及了解將來考大學嘅方法及要求, 對於大家係高中選科方面, 我自己認為係幾重要的.


小學: 小五小六呈分,大家跟住呈分試分數計算比重, 去追去趕自己小朋友擠進 B1/B2/B3組別。
中學: 大家目標一致,就係向著S6 時的 DSE公開考試,各人拼命去追去計夠分數入大學。


& http://nwcps.edu.hk/it-school/php/webcms/files/upload/tinymce//06/p5_1520825190.pdf
中文、英文、數學、常識、音樂、視覺藝術各佔比重不同(中文:9、英文:9、數學:9、常識:6、音樂 : 2、視覺藝術 : : 2)

每間大學 Subject Weighting 加權分數、收生分數 Admission Score 都不一樣 >>> pls refer to 香港資助/自資高級文憑/副學士/學士Admission Score & Weighting

而我, 過去一年係 GCEAL 資料搜集方面搵到及記錄咗唔少資料, 以下分享我比較實惠及平民化少少嘅讀 GCEAL 不同方法俾大家參考吓

http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/gce/ & https://www.itseducation.asia/UK-faqs.htm & https://www.itseducation.asia/UK-faqs.htm#ugs
Q1: What is the difference between Edexcel International Examinations and Cambridge?  
Edexcel and CIE are both examples of UK exam boards. They both provide a range of internationally recognized qualifications. The boards are 100% equivalent. It makes no difference which version you take.

Q2: What is the difference between Edexcel and CIE I/GCSE's?
There is no difference in the level or degree of difficulty between the IGCSEs offered by Edexcel and CIE. The differences are only in the way questions are asked and the format of the exams.

Q3: How many times per year are the exams offered?
IGCSE exams are offered twice a year. Edexcel in January and in May/June and CIE in November and June.

Q1: What is the difference between GCE A-level and International A-level (IAL) ?  
The GCE A-level is a linear qualification taken over two years by students at school in the UK. International students can still take it but they should note they will take regional versions and will sit papers at slightly different times. The examinations take place in June. GCE A-levels carry UCAS tariff points.

The International A-level is especially for students studying outside of the UK. It follows a modular structure so you can build the qualification over time. Examinations take place in January, June and October. International A-levels can be used to access university courses.

Q2 What do A-level, AS and A2 mean?  
A-level means Advanced level and refers to the overall qualification.

In GCE A-level one examination takes place at the end of the course. There are GCE AS-levels which count as "half" an A-level. University places are awarded on the basis of grades at A-level but AS awards also attract UCAS points and are often counted towards university entrance.

The International A-level consists of two stages called AS and A2. AS stands for Advanced Subsidiary level. Students who complete the correct pattern of AS level units (usually 2 or 3 units at this level, depending on the subject) will be awarded an AS-level certificate or can continue the subject at A2.

A2 refers to the final stage of International A-levels. Students who have successfully completed AS units in a subject move on to do A2 units, which are of a higher standard. Completing the correct sequence of units at both AS and A2 level means you have finished a full International A-level in a subject. University entrance is at the discretion of the university based on your AS and A2 grades.

Q3: What is the difference between the exam boards offering GCE/International A-level (IAL) subjects?
There is no difference in the level or standard of the A-level offered by different exam boards. There are differences in emphasis and also some differences in the format of the papers. The Joint Committee on Qualifications (JCQ) ensures that all the boards offering A-levels offer them at the same standard.

Q4: How many times a year are the GCE/International A-level exams offered?  
International A-levels are offered in January, June and October. However, not every module in every subject is offered in every session.

免費 IAL Exams Past papers (Edexcel Exam Board) https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html & https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html?Qualification-Family=International-Advanced-Level

GCEAL (Cambridge International Education - CIE) https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/ & https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-international-as-and-a-levels/subjects/

IAL/GCEAL只考3科, 其中一科係中文, 英國大學是否都計3科AL

中三,大家不妨考慮吓中四考 IGCSE https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3817578&fromuid=1539350

IELTS ONLINE REGISTRATION(Academic Module) (UKVI Academic) https://ielts.britishcouncil.org.hk/iorps/html/registration/showExamSessionListServlet.do

主頁 > 香港中學文憑 > 考務安排 > 考試報名及費用 > 考試報名 > 自修生

香港中學文憑考試網上服務。你可以使用不同的網上服務,如考試報名、提交校本評核分數、申請特別考試安排等 https://www.hkdse.hkeaa.edu.hk/webcenter/portal/HKEAA?_adf.ctrl-state=a9jt7bruu_4
電話: (852) 3628-8860
[email protected]
2021年9月13日電話問過考評局, 如唔夠19歲報自修生, 必須以 "書面" (email) 向考評局申請, 考評局批准後才可以網上以自修生報名. 而 "書面" 申請必須包括以下考生資料:
1) 中及英文姓名
2) 出生日期
3) 身份證號碼及影印本
4) 報考年份要報考科目
5) 學校信證明係最後一年
6) 成績表
7) 電話號碼
有齊上面資料, 然後 e-mail [email protected] 申請
P.S. 唔可以獨立申請 M1 or M2, 必須 Core Math + M1 兩科一齊申請


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考 DSE 入香港嘅資助大學,我個人認為絕對係 "求學只是求分數" -- 但求 DSE 考到大學過去最近嗰年嘅收生分數。

考生們出盡法寶去計算及策劃自己 DSE 要考幾多分數才有大機會考入心儀大學及心水學系,我個人心水及秘笈係選修科可以的話修讀日文呢科去增加考入香港資助大學機會,詳情請看 課程淺奪A易 DSE日語(日文) 考大學成救星

考DSE其中 3 個大好處及福利:
1) 指定自資學士學位有 “免入息審查資助計劃” (NMTSS) 2019年 $31,300 資助 (2021年 $ 32,100 資助) https://www.cspe.edu.hk/tc/nmt/index.html

2) “內地高校招收香港中學文憑考試學生計劃https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/edu-system/postsecondary/policy-doc/index.html & https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/edu-system/postsecondary/policy-doc/pilot-scheme.html

3) 申請台灣大學, DSE 有另外一條隊排 https://www.highwise.org/jointapp
聯合分發為臺灣海外聯合招生其中一個報名管道,根據當年度所有申請人之香港公開考試(HKCEE / HKAL / HKDSE)外國考試(A-LEVEL / SAT Subject Test / IBDP / 外國中學最後三年成績),按成績高低排名依序分發至臺灣各大學。​
​(2) 所需資料:
•資料檢核表1份 (報名系統自動產出)

•申請表1式4份 (報名系統自動產出)





•聲明書/切結書1份 (報名系統自動產出)

•報名收據單 (報名系統自動產出)

外國考試(A-LEVEL / SAT Subject Test / IBDP / 外國中學最後三年成績)成績申請者,須於報名時已具備相關考試成績。


(3) 錄取方式:


以上呢3個著數只有 DSE 考生才可以享受,其他學制 e.g. GCEAL/IB .... 係得唔到呢啲福利的。

有關 1) 自資學士學位有 “免入息審查資助計劃” (NMTSS),香港DSE考生考唔入8大都仲有機會讀非常有"錢途" 科目 https://www.twc.edu.hk/tc/Programme_cat
e.g 職業治療學(榮譽)理學士、放射治療學(榮譽)理學士、醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士... 如果唔讀 "有錢途" 科目,自資學位都仲有非常多課程俾學生以平實學費讀, 呢個福利及好處係非常之好的。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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然而,本地香港學生除咗考 DSE 用 JUPAS 途徑入香港嘅資助大學外,另外可以考GCEAL / IB .....經 Non JUPAS 入.

公帑資助的高等教育 https://www.legco.gov.hk/research-publications/chinese/statistical-highlights_1620.htm ISSH16/18-19  公帑資助的高等教育  (2019.01.23) https://www.legco.gov.hk/research-publications/chinese/1819issh16-publicly-funded-higher-education-20190123-c.pdf


立法會二十二題附件一: http://gia.info.gov.hk/general/201807/04/P2018070400714_287504_1_1530701707786.pdf -- P.4, 8間資助大學本地生經 non-Jupas 人數 GCEAL 考入

2013-14: 324人
2014-15: 333人
2015-16: 328人
2016-17: 290人
2017-18: 254人

https://www.fhb.gov.hk/cn/press_and_publications/otherinfo/health.html & 《2021 年醫生註冊(修訂)條例草案》www.fhb.gov.hk/cn/press_and_publications/otherinfo/210500_amendments_mro/index.html 立法會參考資料摘要 (fhb.gov.hk)  https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/210500_amendments_mro/c_legco_brief.pdf (立法會文件編號 檔案編號: F H C R 1 / F / 3 2 6 1 / 9 2  立法會參考資料摘要 《醫生註冊條例》《2021 年醫生註冊(修訂)條例草案》) P.4 二零一六至二零二零年期間,經大學聯合招生辦法 (聯 招 Jupas 縮寫為 J) 和非聯招 (Non Jupas 縮寫為 NJ)錄取的醫科生人數如下2016

港大: 166 (J)(69%) & 74 (NJ)(31%)

中大: 141 (J)(61%) & 90 (NJ)(39%)

Total:  307 (65%) (J) & 164 (35%)(NJ)


港大: 169 (J)(72%) & 66 (NJ)(28%)

中大: 131 (J)(56%) & 105 (NJ)(46%)

Total:  300 (64%) (J) & 171 (36%)(NJ)


港大: 112 (J)(46%) & 131 (NJ)(54%)

中大: 155 (J)(67%) &   76 (NJ)(33%)

Total:  267 (56%) (J) & 207 (44%)(NJ)


港大: 138 (J)(50%)    & 137 (NJ)(50%)

中大: 237 (J)(81.4%) &   54 (NJ)(18.6%)

Total:  375 (66%) (J) & 191 (34%)(NJ)


港大: 149 (J)(50%) & 145 (NJ)(50%)

中大: 184 (J)(68%) &   85 (NJ)(32%)

Total:  333 (59%) (J) & 230 (41%)(NJ)

註: 我們沒有現存資料可顯示上述經非聯招錄取的醫科生是來自非本地高校的學生, 還是沒有報考香港中學文憑考試的本地學生。

立法會二十二題附件二: http://gia.info.gov.hk/general/201807/04/P2018070400714_287505_1_1530701707791.pdf

PolyU Admission Figures for GCE and IB Qualifications http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/non-jupas/admission-figures-for-gce-ib-qualifications

Source: 請教non-jupas 報名安排 + 攻略 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3516250&fromuid=1539350

大學:非聯招冒升快 但無優勢 http://ubeat.com.cuhk.edu.hk/%E6%B8%AF%E7%94%9F%E8%BD%89%E6%88%B0%E5%A4%96%E5%9C%8B%E8%A9%A6/3/

關於大學「非聯招」問題的事實與意見 https://www.hkptu.org/51053

聯招,還是非聯招,that is the question http://www.bauhinia.org/index.php/zh-HK/analyses/786

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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Non JUPAS Admission

1) CU http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/nonjupas/docs/Admission_Requirements_2019.pdf / http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/nonjupas/docs/Admission_Requirements_2020.pdf /  http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/requirements.html  / http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/nonjupas/docs/Admission_Requirements_2019.pdf
http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/faq.html Telephone:(852) 3943 8949 / 3943 1520
> 3 AL passes or 2 AL +2AS passes in one sitting (All grades must be obtained from examinations taken within a twelve-month period.), with an average of grade C
> For candidates who have completed only GCE‐AS / International‐AS with outstanding results, they may be considered for admission under special circumstances
on individual merits case‐by‐case.
>   Chinese Language Tests http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/requirements.html
GCSE/ IGCSE: C/ Grade 4
Waiver of the Chinese language admission requirement may be granted, at the discretion of the Faculty Deans concerned, on the condition that the non-JUPAS applicant concerned should have pursued a curriculum leading to a recognised non-local qualification at secondary or above level prior to admission.

2018, 2019 and 2020 GCEAL admission score http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/nonjupas/docs/Reference_Scores.pdf

Scotland: Scottish Advanced Highers - Passes in three SQA Advanced Higher subjects

2) HKU https://aal.hku.hk/admissions/international/admissions-information?page=admissions-standards / https://aal.hku.hk/admissions/international/admissions-information?page=admissions-standards#B
>   HKU GCE AL 2020 Intake Admissions Standards:
>   HKU GCE AL 2019 Intake Admissions Standards: https://aal.hku.hk/sites/default/files/Admissions%20Standards%202019_181030.pdf
>  HKU Admissions score 2016 - 2018: https://aal.hku.hk/sites/default/files/AdmissionsStandards_2016-18_percentile_190130.pdf ---- UCAS Tariff points for Best 3 AL subjects: 160 – 168
Since September 2017
A  -Level: A*-56 ; A-48 ;  B-40 ; C-32 ; D-24 ; E-16 ;
AS-Level:  A-20 ; B-16 ;  C-12 ; D-10 ; E-6
> Candidates should present at minimum of 3 A-level subjects, excluding English and Chinese language.
>   Second Language Requirement: You require a qualification in a language other than English to be considered for admission to HKU. If you have difficulties in fulfiling the second language requirement, please apply for a waiver.

2021年 https://admissions.hku.hk/apply/international-qualifications
Step 1 : Admissions Standards 你揀 GCE AL,

step 2: Please type your interested programm 再揀你想知道嘅 GCE AL 成績收生要求 Program ,網站會顯示出來

Scotland: An overall UCAS tariff points of 152 for Advanced Higher subjects and BBB or better in best three subjects, both not including Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) language subject

3) HKUST https://join.ust.hk/admissions/international-qualifications/#n-s
•Passes in at least three Advanced Level (AL) subjects in the GCEAL / International AL examinations; or
•Cambridge Pre-U Diploma; or
•BTEC National Level 3 Extended Diploma
Applicants may present Cambridge Pre-U Principal courses in place of Advanced Level (AL) subjects
Mid 50% Score Range for 2018 Intake: 144 – 168 (i.e. 3A to 3A* in terms of grade)
Note: GCEAL predicted grades from the school, IGCSE / GCSE / GCEOL results, GCEAS Level results will be useful information for preliminary assessments

Scotland: Passes in three SQA Advanced Highers.Note: For applicants with reasons, two Advanced Highers plus an additional Higher may be considered.

4) CityU https://www.admo.cityu.edu.hk/intl/international/entreq/
Grade E or above in three GCE A Level (or A2)/International A Level subjects. Two AS subjects are considered to be equivalent to one AL subject. The same subject cannot be counted at both the A Level and AS Level;
Grade C/Grade 4 or above in GCSE English Language or English Literature, or a TOEFL score of 79 (Internet-based test), or an IELTS overall band score of 6.5.

Scotland: Scottish Certificate of Education at the Higher Level (4 subjects)

5) PolyU http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/non-jupas/general-entrance-requirements & http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/international/guidelines-on-non-local-qualifications
For those who are applying on the basis of A-Level qualifications#:
•E in 3 A-Level subjects OR E in 2 A-Level and 2 AS-Level subjects;
•Satisfy the English Language Requirement http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/non-jupas/english-language-requirements
•Applicants who gain admission, typically, attain at least 1A2B in 3 AL subjects.

Scotland: 5 passes in Scottish Highers

6) BU http://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/international.html & http://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/international.html#sectionContentQualification https://iss.hkbu.edu.hk/amsappl_nj/
- GCE Advanced Level (AL)/ International Advanced Level (IAL):
Grade E or above in three AL/ IAL subjects; or
Grade E or above in two AL/ IAL subjects plus two Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects
(Not including Chinese and English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL.)

There are a few programmes which set out their own Chinese language requirements. Applicants who wish to apply for such programmes should possess one of the following Chinese qualifications:http://admissions.hkbu.edu.hk/en/international.html#sectionContent29
Chinese qualifications:
GCE A/ AS Level Chinese: Grade E
GCSE/ IGCSE/ GCE O-Level Chinese/ Chinese Language: Grade C/ Grade 4

Scotland: Scottish Certificate of Education (Higher Levels/ Advanced Higher Levels) with an average of grade C in five approved subjects at the Higher Level

7) Lingnan https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/nonjupas/index.php / & https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/nonjupas/grades.php & https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/overseas/General_Admission_Requirements.pdf
GCE Advanced Level /International Advanced Level
Passes in three AL/IAL subjects or passes in two AL/ IAL subjects plus passes in two Advanced Supplementary (AS) subjects, excluding Chinese and English language subjects.  The same subject cannot be counted at both the A Level and AS Level.

Minimum English Language Requirements: https://www.ln.edu.hk/admissions/ug/nonjupas/requirements.php
One of the following:
•Grade E in GCE AL / IAL or AS / IAS Level English
•Grade C in GCE O-Level / GCSE / IGCSE English / English Language / English Literature
•Grade 4 in reformed GCSE English Language / English Literature
•Grade 4 in reformed IGCSE English / English Language / English Literature

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-4-28 23:07 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 21-8-13 10:13 編輯

A) GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ IAL 2 個香港考試中心 Exam Center
1) ITS (私營機構):https://www.itseducation.asia/exams &
https://www.itseducation.asia/Edexcel-january-exams.php & https://www.itseducation.asia/services

2) 香港考試及評核局 (公營機構)
- 國際及專業考試 > GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ IAL

- General Certificate of Education (GCEAL) Exams http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/gce/

- International Advanced Levels (IAL) Exam: http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/ial/

B) GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ IAL 2 個 考試局 Exam Board
1) Pearson Edexcel (簡稱 Edexcel) 免費 IGCSE 及 Edexcel Past Papers https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html & https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers/past-papers-information-for-students.html & https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html

2) Cambridge International (簡稱 CIE) &免費 IGCSE 及 CIE Past Papers

C) ITS (私營機構) 只提供 Edexcel exam board GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ IAL 考試
International A-level (IAL) & GCE A-level (每年辦 3 次考試)
January session
May/June session
Oct/Nov session

International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) & GCSE (每年辦 2 次考試)
January session
May/June session (聞說, Language subjects 只有5/6月呢個 session 有得考, 1月無得考)

D) 香港考試及評核局 (公營機構)可以提供 Edexcel 及 CIE exam board GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ IAL 考試
i) GCEAL (Edexcel 及 CIE exam board)http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/en/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/gce/
(Edexcel 每年只有5月考期, 每年只辦 1次考試)

(CIE 每年只有10月及5月考期, 每年辦 2次考試)
(A) Pearson Edexcel (Edexcel), GCE
Examination PeriodRegistration
Summer SeriesMay - JunLate Nov - Early Dec

(B) Cambridge Assessment International Education (CIE), GCE
Examination PeriodRegistration

Winter Series

Oct - NovLate Jun - Early Jul

Summer Series

May - JunLate Nov - Early Dec

ii) IAL (Edexcel exam board) (每年有1月及 5-6月考期, 每年辦 2 次考試):

Exam PeriodRegistration Period
Winter Series


Early - Mid Sep

Summer Series

May - Jun

Late Nov - Early Dec

iii) GCSE (Edexcel exam board)(每年只有5月考期, 每年只辦1次考試)(只提供一科 GCSE Chinese):http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/gcse/

iv) IGCSE (Edexcel exam board) (每年有1月及 5-6月考期, 每年辦 2 次考試) : http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/IPE/gce_gcse_igcse_ial/igcse/

Exam PeriodRegistration Period
Winter SeriesJanEarly - Mid Sep
Summer SeriesMay - JunLate Nov - Early Dec

E) ITS 可以提供 IAL Predicted Grades (PG) 俾學生申請大學 (如果本身係香港 DSE 考生而想自修 IAL , 自修 IAL 考生想要有 IAL PG 用作申請香港嘅大學經 Non JUPAS 途徑或海外大學, IAL PG 比 DSE PG 成績或者可能更有利) https://www.itseducation.asia/ucas.htm & https://www.itseducation.asia/services.htm

F) Understand our results and transcripts - Pearson Edexcel (IGCSE / IAS / IAL) https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/Services/progress-to-university/universities.html
Pearson Edexcel examinations take place at various times of the year, depending on the type of qualification:
Certificates issued
International A level (IAL)
October 2019
23 January 2020
23 March 2020
January 2020
5 March 2020
15 April 2020
May/June 2020
13 August 2020
November 2020
Pearson Edexcel examinations take place at various times of the year, depending on the type of qualification:




Certificates issued

International AS and A level (IAS and IAL)

October 2020

13 January 2021

22 March 2021

January 2021

4 March 2021

14 April 2021

May/June 2021

19 August 2021

November 2021

GCE AS and A level

May/June 2021

24 August 2021

November 2021

Extended Project Qualification Level 3 (EPQ)

May/June 2021

24 August 2021

November 2021

International GCSE

January 2021

4 March 2021

14 April 2021

May/June 2021

27 August 2021

November 2021


May/June 2021

27 August 2021

November 2021

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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英國 實惠價錢~廿萬港幣公立預科學校 >> 廿萬英國公立政府預科學校新西蘭/紐西蘭GCEAL課程留學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3699273&fromuid=1539350


1) 有開辦 GCEAL / IAL 直資中學
港青基信書院  ( GCE & IAL )
https://www.yhkcc.edu.hk/en/academic/school_curriculum/index.php  https://www.yhkcc.edu.hk/en/academic/subjects_offered/index.php

聖保羅書院 ( Edexcel IAL & GCE AL ) http://www.spc.edu.hk/content.php?id=49&mid=4-166 & http://www.spc.edu.hk/content.php?id=152&mid=4-203

http://spc.edu.hk/content.php?id=160&mid=4-140-210 & http://spc.edu.hk/upload_files/editor_image/f.3_parents_evening_2019.pdf (SPC IAL Result 2017-18)

香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 (Cambridge CIE GCE AL ) https://www.hkbuas.edu.hk/en/international-curriculum

Econ : https://www.hkbuas.edu.hk/s/s04_curriculum_e.html

Maths: https://www.hkbuas.edu.hk/s/s04_curriculum_e.html
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies https://www.hkbuas.edu.hk/s/s04_curriculum_e.html

拔萃女書院 (GCE IAL ) https://www.dgs.edu.hk/school-profile/academic-curriculum

匯基書院(東九龍)  ( Edexcel IAL ) https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3552895&extra=page%3D3&page=6 #114 帖
https://www.uccke.edu.hk/admission/admission-faq/ & https://www.uccke.edu.hk/s-4-admission-integrated-stream/

國際 IGCSE & IAL 課程
S4 (IGCSE subjects)
–Chinese *
–English *
–Mathematics *
–Physics *
–Chemistry *
–Biology/ Further Pure Maths *

S5 - S6 (IAL Subjects)
–Chinese (GCE Chinese – optional)
–English (IELTS)
–Physics *
–Chemistry *
–Biology / Maths *

2022 年加開商科

聖保祿學校  (GCE AL & IAL)  http://www.spcs.edu.hk/201819Prospectus.pdf & http://www.spcs.edu.hk/curriculum/department.htm

羅定邦中學 (聞說 GCE AL) http://www.ltpss.edu.hk/teaching-learning/curriculum/senior-form-curriculum/

培僑書院 (IAL)  https://www.puikiu.edu.hk/news.aspx?clid=134&atid=2441&lan=1

培基書院: 2021 年9月開辦 ( IAL ) https://www.spkc.edu.hk/non-local-curriculum/ / https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3865118&page=1&extra=#pid49062478

基督教崇真中學: 2021 年9月開辦 GCEAL

香港青年協會李兆基書院 ( IAL ) http://www.hlc.edu.hk/curriculum-overview/ / https://www.hlc.edu.hk/wp-content/uploads/News/2105/Introduction_to_International_Curriculum.pdf

SMC 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 (IAL) https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3862846&extra=page%3D1 / https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3860239 / https://www.smcesps.edu.hk/en/?p=ks3
An International Advanced Level (IAL) has been established at St. Margaret's to provide an extended learning experience for HKDSE students in Key Stage III to succeed academically, thereby preparing and facilitating them in pursing tertiary education.

Source: EK熱門不派位直資中學 DSE 高中選修科資料 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3741693&fromuid=1539350

2) 開辦 GCEAL 嘅國際學校

KOREAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (呢間唔洗買債券,只需俾每月萬鬆啲學費而已, 仲平過讀赤柱聖士堤反書院學費+住宿, 呢間國際學校價錢非常實惠)https://www.kis.edu.hk/is/curriculum_exam_results.asp & https://www.kis.edu.hk/gp_bus.asp & https://www.kis.edu.hk/is/admission_fees.asp & https://www.kis.edu.hk/is/contact_faq.asp & https://www.kis.edu.hk/is/curriculum_secondary.asp

啟歷學校 (呢間, 如果Sixth Form 才入讀, 可以選擇買最平不可退款 $48,000 債券) https://www.schooland.hk/is/kellett & https://www.kellettschool.com/admissions/fees & https://www.kellettschool.com/admissions/debenture-capital

Sear Rogers International School https://sris.edu.hk/curriculum/

香港墨爾文國際學校 https://www.schooland.hk/is/malvern

哈羅香港國際學校 https://www.schooland.hk/is/harrow

Discovery Bay International School https://www.dbis.edu.hk/

3) 開辦 GCEAL 嘅私立中學

Tai Kwong Hilary College https://tkhc.edu.hk/frequently-asked-questions-faqs/

漢鼎書院 https://www.hanacademy.edu.hk/

崇正牛津國際中學 https://www.facebook.com/ttmshk/

Excel London College http://www.excellondoncollege.edu.hk/en/index.html

Invictus Secondary School https://www.invictus.edu.hk/chaiwan/primary-curriculum?locale=en

California School https://www.californiaschool.edu.hk/curriculum/

4) 坊間開辦全日制 GCEAL 課程私立機構

ECA Education http://eca.hk/lincolnminster-hkcentre/

EStudy Education Centre http://www.estudy.edu.hk/one-year-ial-progra/

CANA Academy http://www.canaelite.com/en/IAL

Magna Education Centre http://www.magna.edu.hk/site/index.php/course/igcse-gce-a-level/gce-a-level-elite-program

ARCH ACADEMY http://www.arch-education.com/1-year-fast-track-level-program

5) GCE AL 補習社
First Class https://firstclass.com.hk/tuition/  

Alpha Academy http://alphaacademy.edu.hk/

NTK: https://www.ntk.edu.hk/zh-tw/

A Square: https://asquare.edu.hk/courses/gce-ib/

Think Ahead: http://thinkahead.asia/courses/

All Round Education https://www.allround-edu.com

Past Papers:
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels (IAL) https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-topics/exams/past-papers.html & https://www.pearsonglobalschools.com/index.cfm?locator=PS1nLz

Cambridge International AS and A Level subjects https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-advanced/cambridge-international-as-and-a-levels/subjects/


私立中學概覽 https://www.schooland.hk/ss/private

在香港的國際學校 https://www.schooland.hk/is/ & https://www.schooland.hk/is/list-ss

留學 Agent 介紹 GCE AL 補習社資料 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3632240&extra=page%3D1&page=3

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hold 5


呢個網站 Association of Cambridge Schools in NZ INC http://www.acsnz.org.nz/acsnzschools.cfm, 有~40間新西蘭/紐西蘭中學開辦 GCSE 及 GCE AL 課程.

Huanui College
http://www.huanuicollege.school.nz/ & https://huanuicollege.school.nz/curriculum/senior-college & https://huanuicollege.school.nz/curriculum/cambridge-curriculum & https://huanuicollege.school.nz/admissions/application-forms-and-fees
Springbank School http://www.springbank.school.nz/

ACG Parnell College
ACG Senior College http://www.acgedu.com/nz/senior
ACG Strathallan http://www.acgedu.com/nz/strathallan/
ACG Sunderland http://www.acgedu.com/nz/sunderland/
Auckland Grammar School http://www.ags.school.nz/
Avondale College http://www.avcol.school.nz/

Carey College https://www.careycollege.com/ & https://www.careycollege.com/away-from-home & https://www.aucklandhomestay.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4aXiBRCRARIsAMBZGz9X3nH5Ar0kq9RBD-jLnwo7Eh6D9bTPG0v72sCntKI2VHkct4M6BB4aAhOKEALw_wcB & https://www.careycollege.com/enrolling  prospectus
https://www.aucklandhomestay.org/ & https://auckland.homestaybay.com/zh & http://www.homestayin.com/Auckland & http://www.hostfamilies.co.nz/ & https://www.aucklandnz.com/visit/stay/homestay & https://homestayfinder.com/SearchHost.aspx?country=NZ&city=auckland#.XErEc1J7mr8

City Impact Church School https://www.cityimpactchurch.school.nz/
Destiny School
Eden Christian Academy
Ficino School http://www.ficino.school.nz/

King's College https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/ ; e-mail 問咗學校, "an Offer of Place that is dependent on the IELTS result" -- 申請時要交 IELTS 成績及之後要 skype interview.
- Tuition $45,000 NZD
- Boarding $13,995 NZD*
Additional Fees
- Application $275 NZD
- Acceptance Fee $1,500 NZD
- Incidentals $5,000 NZD Incidentals Fee includes:
> Uniform $1,200 NZD
> Alumni Fee $759 NZD
> Trips per annum $2,000 NZD
> Contingency $1,041 NZD
All Total: ~ 65,770 NZD**
* Homestay option is offered at $280/wk
** College appointed Guardian for boarders $3500 p.a
*** Fees are effective for enrolments received from December 2018 to December 2019

Kings School
Macleans College http://www.macleans.school.nz/
Manukau Christian School http://www.manukauchristian.school.nz/
Pinehurst School https://www.pinehurst.school.nz/admissions/application-and-fees/ ; https://vimeo.com/94649385 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TFqyppN8j4
Pukekohe Christian School http://pcschool.co.nz/
St Peter's College, Epsom https://www.facebook.com/spcnow/
Wentworth College http://www.wentworth.school.nz/ & http://www.wentworth.school.nz/college/curriculum/years-12-and-13/ & http://www.wentworth.school.nz/international-programme/application-and-enrolment/
Westlake Boys' High School https://www.westlake.school.nz/

Fraser High School
Hamilton Boys' High School http://www.hbhs.school.nz/
Hillcrest High School http://www.hillcrest-high.school.nz/international-students-high-school
St Paul's Collegiate School https://www.stpauls.school.nz/page/fees-international
St Peter's School, Cambridge http://www.stpeters.school.nz/

Central North Island
ACG Tauranga
Hastings Boys' High School http://www.hastingsboys.school.nz/
Saint Dominic's College, Wanganui http://dominicansisterswanganui.blogspot.com/
Western Heights High http://www.whhs.school.nz/
Wanganui High School http://www.wanganui-high.school.nz/

Chilton Saint James School
https://www.chilton.school.nz/international/ & https://www.chilton.school.nz/international/international-fees/
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School http://www.marsden.school.nz/
Silverstream Christian School http://www.nzchristianschools.org/silverstream-christian/school/
Wellington College http://www.wellington-college.school.nz/ContentPages/default.aspx

South Island
Burnside High School
Cashmere High School http://www.cashmere.school.nz/
Christchurch Boys' High School http://www.cbhs.school.nz/
Kings High School http://www.kingshigh.school.nz/
Nelson College http://www.nelsoncollege.school.nz/
Shirley Boys High School http://www.shirley.school.nz/
Southland Girls http://www.southlandgirls.school.nz/
St Kevins College http://www.stkevins.school.nz/

Source: 廿萬英國政府公立學校 & 新西蘭/紐西蘭CIE GCEAL留學 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3699273&fromuid=1539350

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Non-Jupas Conditional Offer 及留位情況 - GCE AL / IAL考試

中大 Non-Jupas 出 Conditional Offer 及留位情況 http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/faq.html Telephone: 3943 1520 , 中大接電話職員回覆:
1) 中大可以最多出考生 3 個 preference choice 嘅 conditional offer, 以課程出 conditional offer, 不是 Faculty 出 conditional offer.
例如: 我女心儀 Social Sciences Faculty 內嘅課程 i) 心理學; ii) 社會學, 呢兩個課程可以同一時間出 conditional offer 俾女, 但我只可以選其中一個課程俾留位費, 唔可以hold 2 個 位俾 2 個留位費

2) 考生係中大留位只可以有1個留位, 唔可以3個

港大 https://www.hkunyou.com/guideline-for-accepting-an-offer-1
HKU 是不同院校分開岀,分別問你是否接受offer (最多5個 conditional offer ,HOLD 5個位但只需要俾一個留位費)

科大: https://join.ust.hk/admissions/international-qualifications/
Step 2: Choose your program ...... On the application form, you can select up to 2 choices and the first choice will be considered as your highest priority.

City U:

PolyU http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/ug/non-jupas/faq#Q17
24.    Will I be given offers by more than one programme choices for my application?
No. Each suitable applicant will receive only ONE offer for his/her application.

Source: 想將來入大學神科的揀中學策略

non-jupas 留位費 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3746669&fromuid=1539350

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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JUPAS 出 Offer 情況 - HKDSE 考試


遴選程序 video 講解 https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/page/detail/648/

公佈正式遴選結果 (Main Round Offer Results) https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/results-of-application/main-round-offer/

補選結果 https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/results-of-application/clearing-round-offer/

第二輪補選結果 https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/results-of-application/subsequent-round-offer/

JUPAS 8 大 Bachelor’s Degree 所有課程及 Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)https://www.jupas.edu.hk/tc/search/?page=1&study_level=Bachelor's+Degree

2018年文憑試放榜 新聞稿:

2017年文憑試放榜 新聞稿:

2016年文憑試放榜 新聞稿: http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/Media/press_release/press_release.html?2016

2015年文憑試放榜 新聞稿:

2014香港中學文憑考試放榜 新聞稿:

大學教育資助委員會 https://www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/ugc/index.htm

大學教育資助委員會核准學生人數: https://cdcf.ugc.edu.hk/cdcf/searchStatSiteReport.action

EK 討論帖


大學選科: https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3677223&fromuid=1539350
#8 樹熊MA
到宜家為止,我總結出你唔想讀嘅科唔好擺入去,唔系一定要填滿20個選項的。將最心儀的擺A組和B組已經好好。特別是出成績之後,根據考評局的整體成績分析重點的建議,看自己分數在哪個範圍,幾乎只填A/B,已夠,保險可以填埋C組,不過如果填了C組,而又在C組取錄了,即是等於已經有JUPAS取錄結果。如果不是想讀的,就毫無意義了。反而冇填,等於失落了A/B選項,但由於你沒有得到取錄,就可能有機會在補錄或第二輪補錄時入到A/B組。   不過這樣可能補錄也失落的風險也比較大,所以最好有一個想讀的自資在後備。預左A/B唔得就去讀自資。

JUPAS後補位 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3668808&fromuid=1539350

香港資助/自資高級文憑/副學士/學士 Admission Score & Weighting

副學士 vs 自資 vs Top Up vs 海外大學但在香港讀的大學課程 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3635544&fromuid=1539350


升中選校考慮因素 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3781934&extra=page%3D1&page=7
A level有GCE A level, 同IAL。
IAL係1月,5月考。1月考完,就3月出成績。所以non jupas有一批學生3月收既係firm offer。
當然,IB, GCE A level係CO. 不過,IB好快就變firm offer.
至於A level, 就要8月15日先有firm offer. 不過因為之前有A level CO, 所以8月5日jupas firm offer, 其實已係A level之後既「賣淨蔗」。

non-jupas 留位費 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3746669&extra=page%3D1&page=3 & 我很想不通的 大學聯招 問題https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3688264&fromuid=1539350

Non Jupas神科有唔同要求 :-
Non Jupas applicant

HKU只容許你放BDS第一   or 放MBBS第一   or 放LLB第一   (否則 BDS or MBBS or LLB 唔考慮你

CUHK只容許你放MBChB 第一 or 放LLB第一   (否則MBChB or LLB 唔考慮你

Jupas 其實彈性大啲, 可以maximize  your  benefit最大限度地提高您的利益, 因為派左成績之後轉排位 , 你可以睇住上一年收生嘅成績排A1, A2, A3

A1可以博 , A2博小小,  A3放上年收生 low quartile分數, 好多人係咁跟DSE成績排位成功入到 Band A 選科 ; Jupas 夠分一定要收你

Non-Jupas你每間U獨立入 application form, 填3 個選科 Priority 1, 2,&3. 每間U 可以比一個 Conditional Offer 你 , 通常

Priority 1選科比咗 Conditional Offer (CO), Priority 2 & 3 唔比,
Priority 1唔比 CO, Priority 2才考慮,
Priority 1&2 唔比 CO, Priority 3才考慮

如果你報10 間 U 可以有 10個 CO , 如果間間 U 都俾 CO 你

唔好處 :
係你meet唔到CO 就 無學位畀你, 你冇得轉個排位,
出咗成績之後,  但係你meet唔到 CO, 你再問Priority 2 同3 (神科) 都唔會俾offer你 .

Priority 1放牙醫 ,
Priority 2放Law,
Priority 3放 BBA,

Priority 1放 Law,
Priority 2放BBA,
Priority 3放 Econ

結果meet唔到港大牙醫CO, 去咗中大讀 Law,

本來佢嘅成績應該入到港大Law,  佢同班啲同學, 考得差過佢都入到香港 Law,  

呢個就係 non jupas最致命最大嘅唔好處, 你冇得睇住自己嘅成績轉科轉排位


Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

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考GCEAL (Non JUPAS 考香港8大)但同時用自修生身份只考DSE 中文呢一科(目標只係考 Level 2,作為將來考政府工嘅中文語文嘅必要要求), 技術上係可行的

方法 1) 自修 中文 - HKDSE

http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/HKDSE/admin/exam_reg_fee/exam_registration/private_candidates/& http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/tc/HKDSE/admin/exam_reg_fee/exam_registration/private_candidates/entry_qualifications/
自修生 - 報考資格

(1) 但凡符合下列條件中其中一項者,均可以自修生身分報考2019年香港中學文憑考試:   

(a)     曾應考香港中學文憑考試,或相等考試,或    

(b)     以本考試年分之一月一日計算,已足十九歲,或

(c)     非修讀香港中學文憑考試課程,但於考試前一年已修畢或正在修讀等同中六之課程  

方法 2) 自修 中文 - International General Certificate of Secondary Education ( IGCSE )/ General Certificate of Secondary Education ( GCSE )/General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) ( GCE O Level ) 中國語文科  C 級成績以上

IAL/GCEAL只考3科, 其中一科係中文, 英國大學是否都計3科AL

公務員入職要求 https://www.csb.gov.hk/tc_chi/admin/appoint/35.html

公務員入 職 要 求職系及入職職級名單及所需綜合招聘考試成績https://www.csb.gov.hk/tc_chi/recruit/cre/files/common/List_of_grades_and_entry_ranks_requiring_CRE_results_Chi.pdf

政府職位 https://csboa1.csb.gov.hk/csboa/ais/JOS_003_submit.action

認可中文資歷 https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3642583&fromuid=1539350

未考dse就出國, 中文學歷點搞? https://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3749900&fromuid=1539350

助理文書主任 (ACO)入職要求 https://csboa1.csb.gov.hk/csboa/ais/JOS_004_show.action?jos004.rankId=1064

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-4-29 06:38 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 19-4-28 23:03
小學: 小五小六呈分,大家跟住 ...


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 19-4-29 08:57 |顯示全部帖子
很實用,一次睇到好多資料,希望post 能置頂,多謝小時了了。

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 19-4-29 09:03 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 19-4-29 00:56

考GCEAL (Non JUPAS 考香港8大)但同時用自修生身份只考DSE 中文呢一科(目標只係考  ...

其實唔駛特別為呢點先考慮, 因為首要係要 Degree 畢業

公務員個 CRE 其實唔算好難, 就算你中英可以唔駛考, 點都要考Aptitude Test, 甚至基本法


箴言4:23 - 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。
箴言22:6 - 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不會偏離。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 19-4-29 09:21 |顯示全部帖子



Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-4-29 09:21 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 19-10-20 00:56 編輯

A Level同大學基礎班 邊一個先係入英國大學最穩的踏腳石?http://linkedu.hk/article/%E3%80%90%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E7%8E%8B%E5%9C%8B%E3%80%91a-level%E5%90%8C%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E5%9F%BA%E7%A4%8E%E7%8F%AD-%E9%82%8A%E4%B8%80%E5%80%8B%E5%85%88%E4%BF%82%E5%85%A5%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E5%A4%A7/?fbclid=IwAR3I5zLvE2cGQPQKV53lzb7D-wIq7J2uud363Vrf6g4yFnOyarEBxxr8VEY
最近幾年多了家長問,如果俾仔女讀完中五先送去英國留學,究竟揀傳統高中課程A Level好,還是大學基礎班(Foundation)好?這個問題困擾了很多家長,但每個家庭的情況不一,每個學生都是單獨的個體。所以,很抱歉,這個問題沒有固定的答案,我們必須按照學生的程度,結合家庭的實際情況,來選擇最適合他們的方案。

A Level和 Foundation究竟是什麼?
A Level是英國傳統高中課程,等同香港以前的高級會考(中六、中七)。A Level課程為兩年,一般來說,學生會選讀3-4門A Level科目,之後再根據自己的興趣經英國聯招UCAS報讀心儀的大學及大學學科。由於A Level是英國的高中課程,所以教學大綱並不會考慮國際學生的情況,更側重於對與學術知識的了解及應用。而英國大學錄取標準主要考慮學生A Level的公開考試成績,例如牛津、劍橋大學和倫敦帝國學院等Top 5大學,要求最起碼是全A或A *。

下面我用一張表分別列舉出A-level 和 Foundation的優缺點

想留學英國的學生很多,有些人狂熱追逐自己的名校夢想,有些人希望穩穩陣陣上到一間不錯的大學;有些人還需要時間來找到自己的目標,亦有些人清晰了解自己的發展路向,對某個大學學科情有獨鍾;無論是就讀A Level課程還是大學Foundation,這兩種課程都是香港學生申請英國留學的途徑,沒有哪個課程是高或低一層次。如果學生的基礎教育成績良好,有潛力考入英國Top Five大學的話,就讀A Level會給學生帶來更廣更高的選擇機會;而成績還好,某些科目厲害,或者自我定位準確,也明確知道自己大學想學的學科,Foundation是比較實際的選擇。說到最後,還是還是回到文章開首的一句,沒有是非對錯,學生和家長需要根據自身情況及留學目的做出合理的選擇。

關於大學「非聯招」問題的事實與意見 https://www.hkptu.org/51053
【附表A】 2017/18學年聯招學生比例較低的課程

6. 現時本地八大資助院校取錄的15,000個本地學生之中,聯招生佔八成多,而持有兩個非本地課程考試資格通過「非聯招」生則只佔5%左右,詳見表一。






持有兩個主要非本地課程資格者合計 (C)+(D)



「非聯招」合計 (C)+(D)+(F)+(G)




























Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 19-4-29 09:23 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 19-4-29 09:30 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 19-4-29 09:21
hkpapa852, 我想你幫個忙, 我想知依家 8大 JUPAS 及 Non JUPAS 香港本地生嘅比例 (以教資會公佈 Year 1  1 ...
其實一直只有限制UGC收取 "非本地學生" 既限額, 對本地學生, 無論係以 JUPAS  定 Non-JUPAS 收生, 一直無規定, 只係過往各大學都相對較 克制, 唔會太過份 (不過其實 3大 熱門科目, 一直有30%-60%學額係收 NJ 學生), 整體比例一直維持係 80:20 之內

香港 UGC 學位, 經 JUPAS 收生時要有高透明度, 每年仲要公佈各科目既收生分數統計俾人知.

所以大學如果要抬高學科身價, 最好就係收少D經 JUPAS 入嚟既學生 (位少咗收生分數自然佰高咗, 咁大家只係見到 JUPAS 收生分數高咗就認為難咗, 至於 NJ 收生分數如何, 根本無人知, 因為無官員追問的話係從來唔會公開)


箴言4:23 - 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。
箴言22:6 - 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不會偏離。

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 19-4-29 09:33 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 19-4-29 09:21
hkpapa852, 我想你幫個忙, 我想知依家 8大 JUPAS 及 Non JUPAS 香港本地生嘅比例 (以教資會公佈 Year 1  1 ...
其實妳搵既資料, 係咪我上年係呢度計個D呢?


箴言4:23 - 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。
箴言22:6 - 教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不會偏離。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 19-4-29 09:36 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 小時了了 於 20-10-28 20:02 編輯
hkpapa852 發表於 19-4-29 09:33
其實妳搵既資料, 係咪我上年係呢度計個D呢?

係喎, 你一早已計咗條數

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-4-29 09:57 |顯示全部帖子
小時了了 發表於 19-4-28 23:03
大家及早知道及了解將來考大學嘅方法及要求, 對於大家係升中選校及高中選科方面, 我自己認為係幾重要的.
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